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ChEsTeR 12-12-2006 20:58

GP edition Fenders
Hello. Recently i had acuired a set of all four fenders and sideskirts from a silvia GP. I'm planing on puting them on but id like to make a copy of them for me and my friend just to have a spare set if something hapens. I wonder if any one of u guys would be interested in a set of those. If more people where interested it would make the price of a set much lower. If the order is around 18 sets the price would be something like 300 EUR for whole body kit.
What do u say about that.

s13eater 12-12-2006 22:28

i'd like to see some pics of the kit, i know what it looks like, but i'd like to see the copies, then i might be interested.:D

ChEsTeR 12-12-2006 23:02

First i need to know haw many people would be interested then i can make a copy

s13eater 12-12-2006 23:05

we need to see the quality of your work first mate:) no one will buy, or be interested without pictures of the product mate.

ChEsTeR 12-12-2006 23:19

It is not my work. I will order a firm to do it. I dont have the tools or the experience to perform such a work. This company make fibergalss part for many buyer and i supose it will be an exact copy of what i will give him. Making one copy just to show u what i looks like would cost me quite a lot of money.
Lets asume this will have the quaity that will reach you demands.
When i will see that there are some people interested i will borow the money and make a copy. And send u the pictures what it looks like.

PukkaSilvia 12-12-2006 23:21

Look forward to seeing some pictures. It would be nice to have them available at a good price

ChEsTeR 13-12-2006 00:11

Ok so there is a bit of intrest. I wil tell u tomorow if i can make a copy to show u and when it will be.

FLEXXX 13-12-2006 15:24

i would be intrested in the wide arcgh GP kit if it was in good quality can can you post a pic of your car as i cant seem to see what side skirts it came with

ChEsTeR 13-12-2006 16:30

This is not on my car yet. I have a 1.8T s12 and the sideskirts are from origan GP.
ileke this one http://users.pandora.be/HansDeraedt/...%20800x535.jpg

turbomike 13-12-2006 17:14

300 euros is about £202,any ideas how much the postage costs might be to england?

s13eater 13-12-2006 18:02

i'd deffo be up for the kit, i could mod them side skirts to look like mine.

doski 13-12-2006 18:07

i mite be interested in a set if they were 200 pound and wasnt to much fabrication to make them fit

ChEsTeR 13-12-2006 18:38

It will be an cexact copy of an original nissan GP body kit. The front fenders in GP are copletly from fiberglass. Just swap and paint. The rear one are atachet to the original ones with "rivets" i dont know if it is the right word. I will ask for shiping but i dont think it will be much. The size of the packeg will not be that big and the weight also.

s13eater 13-12-2006 19:20

it would be better if the front mould was taken off of the wing and arch, and make it a 1 piece light weight wing.

rpettafor 13-12-2006 19:35

i will be interested in a set of these

FLEXXX 13-12-2006 21:16

it should be a straight fit by the looks of it but just wondering it will fit on the mk2 as the bumpers are diffrent

ChEsTeR 14-12-2006 11:42

We will soon find out. I have a Mk II.

boosted 14-12-2006 12:51

very nice !!!!

PukkaSilvia 14-12-2006 18:20

I would say it will end up alot more than £200. I wont hold my breath on this one. Good luck with it though. Its a nice idea

ChEsTeR 18-12-2006 17:25

Ok i have cheched for the shiping price and it would be around 50-70 EUR.
The forms for the copys are being made right now and should be ready at the end of the week.

Little update the first copy will be betwen christmas and new year or right after the new year.

Abunai S-12 Drifter 30-12-2006 03:19

I want to see those on a MK2. I like'em. Shipping most likely wouldn't be so great for a guy like me.

s13eater 31-12-2006 18:43

any updates.

ChEsTeR 01-01-2007 15:20

Not for now. the guy that make the copys has some other project to do and i have to wait my turn. It turned out it want be so fast as i predicted.

ChEsTeR 10-01-2007 16:48

Ok the forms for the fenders are ready. But the first pics will be avalible next week. I'm leaving tomorow on the fairs to hanover and be there for a week so u have to be patient for a little while longer.

mr2sc89 14-01-2007 23:04

i want a set of these! pm sent! :)

ChEsTeR 05-02-2007 18:11

Ok Finly there is some progres. On thursday i will have the both right fenders and right sideskirt. On friday i will make some picks and will try it on to se haw it looks. The left side will be a few days later because the forms for the left side are not ready yet.

s13eater 05-02-2007 21:51

lets hire a van and drive over and pick them up lol.;)

ChEsTeR 06-02-2007 12:58

That wouldnt be such a bad idea. A trip to London and back with Reanault Trafic would cost something like 400-450 euro. :D

Conkers 12-02-2007 21:37

I am certainly interested in a set of those arches and skirts, please email me and we can do business.

mike at racing-green dot com



ChEsTeR 13-02-2007 17:09

Ok i have the first pictures of the fenders.
I will have them tomorow at my house so i will be able to make better ones.

124 13-02-2007 17:24

Those look really good. Well done. Would they actually fit a mk2 then?

ChEsTeR 13-02-2007 17:27

The fenders are the same the diferance is in a ruber slat that runs threw the side of the car wich u can remove

s13eater 13-02-2007 17:53

those are an exellent job, well done:cool: .

James H 13-02-2007 19:09

Looking good would be intrested if there is enough people!

Conkers 14-02-2007 23:49

The pictures look great Maciej, I have sent you a mail and look forward to getting mine.

The fronts are obviously a straight swap for the original fenders, but the rears, do they fit over the existing body, or require us to cut out the existing rear quarters, neither is a problem, as our bodyshop will be fitting them, but I am just curious as to how much work will be involved to fit them, to allow us to plan the time accordingly.

Great work..


Pistonfreak 15-02-2007 04:55


F#@kin Awsome

Are you going to distributing these fenders?
Or do we have a contact to go through in Europe?
Can ya let me know how much for a full set of fenders and freight to 2763 NSW Australia


kennyboy 15-02-2007 09:24

Good work mate they look fooking well mint. What sort of dosh you going to ask for them when in production.?????:) :)

ChEsTeR 15-02-2007 13:28

Conkers. U dont have to cut anthing on the rear to put it on. The only diferance is thet the GP version had a bigger flare to fit a rim with bigger ET. So u can cut it a use a baseball bat to wider it a bit. Im planing to leavi it as it is and if the rim will couse some trouble i will use a bat.
About the shiping to Austalia i will let u know next week. I can tell u now that shiping with DHL it will be around 1300 USD. But i also checked for the polish mail and they wanted 50-150 USD for shiping to US so autralia will be around the same.
And for the price for the whole set will be around 300 EUR maybe abit more depends on the exchange rate plus shiping.

FLEXXX 15-02-2007 13:42

nice work mate when will you be able to start production and how will the kit be packed for delivery and how would you want to be paid
and am i correct in thinking that this kit will fit the mk2 silvia

s13eater 15-02-2007 14:15

i would be interested in this kit, any pics of the skirts mate, i think it would not be a daft idea to hire a van and fetch them all at the same time, i would be willing to drive, if i had a co driver willing to share the driving,or i could do all of the driving if i had someone to map read.;) it would save loads on postage, just all chip in for the van hire and diesel.

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