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Claire 25-01-2007 22:42

Jae 2007
6 Months until JAE, so we better start planning!!! :p

Everyone will know by now that the JAE dates are 20-22 July. Even though it is still really early I think we should start up a list of people that are going to attend. Jon will receive the booking forms this week along with the map of the showground. As soon as I receive the map I will post it on here so we can all choose a location for the club stand.

Unfortunately after last years hurricane we will have to buy another marquee / gazebo, so any donations would be much appreciated because the good ones are not cheap. :ghey

Sorry for last years BBQ incident, opening up the box and discovering there was no tray for the coal. I promise this year we will actually have a proper BBQ and it will be big enough for all your sausages :o ;)

Hope you can all attend this year, and we will try our hardest to make sure it is the best event yet for the club. :D

List starts now....

Jon (Claire Passenger)

adzs12 26-01-2007 01:51

Me and shell will be there this year:)

JackieFan 26-01-2007 09:01

Count me in! and I'm fairly sure I can speak for Slimreeper too and he'd like to be there.

How can we make donations to the Bereaved Gazebo Widows Fund? :)

Claire 26-01-2007 09:41

Ok, so far the following people will be attending:

Pukka (Claire passenger)
Adz (Shell passenger)
Slimreeper (who is this?? :confused: )

Here are the top 3 marquess/gazebos :) Let me know which one you prefer.




Once we have all decided which one to buy, if you would like to donate some money you can either send a cheque, send a small donation via paypal or we can collect money at JAE. Dont feel that you have to contribute but Jon & I will have to pay £25 for the club stand, £140 approx for a gazebo and £40 for a new BBQ, and some food & beer for the weekend :eek: Let me know if you have any thoughts on this. :D


JackieFan 26-01-2007 09:59


Originally Posted by Claire
Ok, so far the following people will be attending:

Pukka (Claire passenger)
Adz (Shell passenger)
Slimreeper (who is this?? :confused: )

Lol, he is defined by his beard and three foot hair doo!

Other than that he's a fellow Petrolhead and S12 owner, he only joined this month.

Claire 26-01-2007 12:48


Originally Posted by JackieFan
Other than that he's a fellow Petrolhead and S12 owner, he only joined this month.

:cool: its great when new people turn up to the events :)

rpettafor 26-01-2007 20:29

ill get myself along this year, gutted i missed last years

slimreaper 26-01-2007 20:55


Originally Posted by JackieFan
Lol, he is defined by his beard and three foot hair doo!

Yep, count me in along with the beard and the doo :rolleyes:

Beany-s12 26-01-2007 21:15

where excactly is it? if i can stop breakin mine i'll be there with it!

slimreaper 26-01-2007 21:55

its at the East of England Show Ground, Peterborough check out www.japcarclub.com/jae/info.html for details

Beany-s12 26-01-2007 22:40

nice 1 that ain't too far!

rob turbo 28-01-2007 23:41

im there. + our lass. (new one). + mabt another mate wants to join in.

deffo x2

will bring beer & food as part of club donation.

s13eater 11-02-2007 23:09

i'll send a £30 cheque first thing in the morning, to get the ball rolling, come on folks, dib in, its all for our benifit, we could do with a generator and small fridge or freezer bringing, for food and beer.in fact, cheque's just bin wrote.come on you feckers.;)

James H 12-02-2007 18:18

Will have to see how my s12 tidy & tune up is going (as i have only just got her) but should hopefully make it in the s12, but if not will being going up in my nx (so will prob be in with the 100nx stand) but ethier way will def be seeing you lot.


slimreaper 14-02-2007 18:05

Can you pm who to make the cheque payable to and an address to send it to. Also if we wanna take a genny leave that with me, i can probably "borrow" one from work;) along with some flood lighting if we want it.

Claire 14-02-2007 20:05

Firstly thanks to Shaun and family for donating £30 to the gazebo fund :D

Slimreaper (real name?)...I have sent you a PM ;) It would be great if you could bring the genny and flood lighting to JAE. The flood lighting would really make the club stand stand out at night, and be good for evening partys.
Will you be able to get all this stuff in your car?? As we have had problems in the past :)

Look forward to meeting you at JAE. :D

JackieFan 15-02-2007 11:00

Can I paypal you some cash? Send me the addy if I can (I'll add a bit more for the charges)

Slimreapers real name can only be spoken by Chiwawa's (as he is their king), however most people call him Aaron... If you want to get his attention just lob stuff at him till he makes eye contact.

s13eater 15-02-2007 14:41

:cool: , its looking hopeful for this year, i wonder if rich could cram a fridge into his freshly painted machine.:D

Claire 15-02-2007 21:39


Originally Posted by JackieFan
... If you want to get his attention just lob stuff at him till he makes eye contact.

That seems a bit cruel... but if thats what you do then I might just join in ;) There are always plenty of cold soggy burgers left over at JAE :rolleyes: (I remember picking them up off the ground after last years hurricane)

It would be great if Rich could cram a fridge in his car, but if not then we will have to bring loads of cool boxes/bags.:ghey

slimreaper 15-02-2007 22:29


Originally Posted by JackieFan
Slimreapers real name can only be spoken by Chiwawa's (as he is their king), however most people call him Aaron... If you want to get his attention just lob stuff at him till he makes eye contact.

:rolleyes: i really hope you die a slow painful death, you CRX owning, Corsa driving tosser

Anyway, i've got the genny and lightings covered, no probs. Getting it there won't be a problem because i'm buying an omega estate as a work horse, as soon as i've flogged my s14, so jackiefan can drive that and i'll drive the s12 up. Sorted!:cool:

JackieFan 16-02-2007 09:40


Originally Posted by slimreaper
:rolleyes: i really hope you die a slow painful death, you CRX owning, Corsa driving tosser

Anyway, i've got the genny and lightings covered, no probs. Getting it there won't be a problem because i'm buying an omega estate as a work horse, as soon as i've flogged my s14, so jackiefan can drive that and i'll drive the s12 up. Sorted!:cool:

Sounds like a plan to me..... not the Death part though :rolleyes: ....Bloody sailors!


I'll paypal some money to you this morning, maybe we should have one of those Blue Peter left shoe appeal style thermomeater thingys so everyone knows how far we are from our dream gazebo (and how much they still need to donate!) :D

RichardK 16-02-2007 11:37

I shall be attending obviously lol

Not sure what I can do about a fridge but I'll have a think!

Claire 18-02-2007 17:05


Originally Posted by JackieFan
I'll paypal some money to you this morning

Thank you to Jackie Fan for donating £35 towards the gazebo fund :) we now have £65. There is still plenty of time if anyone else wants to donate money. :D

Thanks to Slimreaper for organizing the genny and floodlighting. :cool:

Flexx are you coming to JAE this year??

Here is the list so far:

Pukka (Claire passenger)
Adz (Shell passenger)
Richard K
James H (not confirmed)
Rob turbo (x2 passengers)
Beany-s12 (not confirmed)

s13eater 18-02-2007 17:37

can we get rob turbo's disco booked this year;) .

Beany-s12 18-02-2007 18:16

with a bit of luck i should tryin to do a det conversion in the next couple of weeks so if all goes well i'll def be there! if i get stressed i might set fire to it, in which case i very much doubt it'll make it!
who and where do we send money to?

Claire 18-02-2007 19:46


Originally Posted by Beany-s12
with a bit of luck i should tryin to do a det conversion in the next couple of weeks so if all goes well i'll def be there! if i get stressed i might set fire to it, in which case i very much doubt it'll make it!
who and where do we send money to?

Really hope you can make it to JAE :) You still have loads of time to get the conversion sorted.

You have a PM :D

s13eater 24-02-2007 20:02

8 s12's up to now then, lets get some more down there.:)

Beany-s12 25-02-2007 03:41

the twat who i was supposed to be the s13 from has been a total messer so looks like may be rebuilding 1 of my 8 valve lumps to turn up in a none smoker:furious
get paid next week so will get check sent for gazebo fund then as the rest of my money is still waiting for me to pick up bits from wacomuk and petrol! i hate being poor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FLEXXX 25-02-2007 03:41

i will try and make it as i might be in canada for my mates wedding and secondly if my s12 is ready if not i will come in my loppy pug 306 TURBO (diesel) lol pm me address so i can send a contribution to the club of £20 and tell adz not to forget the remote for the TV lol if his bringing it this year :D

rob turbo 06-04-2007 22:05

the disco will be on MR The Blue S12 Legend..!

got a new head unit in this year & a few other bits... ;)

not a big list of confirmed people so far, could do with a good turnout this year.


anyone going on the dyno this year... get some big power fig's for the club, show the other boys the S12 is a power to be noticed.!

s13eater 06-04-2007 22:19


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 16586)
the disco will be on MR The Blue S12 Legend..!

got a new head unit in this year & a few other bits... ;)

not a big list of confirmed people so far, could do with a good turnout this year.


anyone going on the dyno this year... get some big power fig's for the club, show the other boys the S12 is a power to be noticed.!

we will be ok if japster turns up and gets it on the dyno, but the other big power s12 was an 8 valve, but that has been sold for spares now, maybe pukka could kick some power out he has a 16v, don't really know anyone else with big power with an s12, anyway no disco on me rob,don't even know if i'll be there tbh.;)

rob turbo 08-04-2007 02:30

we need some big power S12's to show..!!! we have this mod site,! lets lay down the BHP figures shall we.! im striving to make the most I can. im wanting to push the S12 to new limits.! get us recognised n all..

we have the looks, the niche in the jap culture, lets get some turbocharged monsters let loose + deliver some goods.!!


rob turbo 08-04-2007 23:09

how come you not turning up shaun...??

s13eater 09-04-2007 14:00


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 16629)
how come you not turning up shaun...??

well, i'll try me best, but i've got a lot on later in the year, plus money is in short supply:( .

Magoo 09-04-2007 20:15

I will definately be there, just need to plumb the T5 intercooler, sort an exhaust and fit the lowered springs.

Count me out of holding the gazebo this year my tent nearly blew away instead.

PukkaSilvia 16-04-2007 12:22

I may go on a dyno if it looks like its safe and the operator is respectable. Not expecting big power as ive set her up mildly to keep parts costs down. 260-310HP ....

Still havnt found a suitable gazebo. The one we have now can be used if were desperate. It works fine. Just no good in hard rainfall.

If someone here has a hgv and jae allow us we can have the company motorsport motorhome/car transporter with 10 car awning around it from my work. Its huge :D. But bare in mind the 100 quid we have in funds will probs be blown on the diesel to do the round trip. its 600hp....

Anyone found a particular gazebo?

Shaun will be coming to jae..

JackieFan 16-04-2007 12:37

Class 1 I take it? My missus has her Class 2 :wack

PukkaSilvia 16-04-2007 12:46

I dont know anything about hgv licences. I will probably do mine next winter. Its a fixed wheeler rather than one that pivots behind the cab. You may of seen it when you came to my work a while back:)

JackieFan 16-04-2007 13:30

I think I did, If it's not Articulated then my Missus could drive it! It would certainly make S12oc stand out!! On a serious note though I'll have a hunt about for a Gazebo this afternoon and see what I can find :)

s13eater 19-04-2007 14:12

feckin hell, has anyone seen the prices of jae this year ?it says in banzai mag ,£15 each plus £10 for a tent, or 2 adults and 2 kids £40 plus £10 tent, fuck knows how much it will be with 4 kids, usually kids under 16 go in free.says on the site £40 for a family ticket and don't state only 2 kids and 2 adults for £40,

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