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PukkaSilvia 11-03-2007 16:57

Marqee Fund
As you are aware we have a fund going on for a new dogs bollox marqee as our current gazebo is having trouble when the weather gets bad.

Thanks again to S13eater and Jackiefan. Also Slimreaper just donated a cheque towards the fund too so we have 100 quid already. Im happy to donate whatever is needed also along with claire.

If anyone else wants to help out pm claire as she is looking after the club money in a seperate account.linked to her paypal.

Has anyone cme across a particular model that is suitable. Things to think about are the ground fittings and the diameter and gauge of the framework as our current gazebo bent and twisted in the storm last jae. Its still useable but a pain none the less. It needs to be vinyl not cottom canvas so that it can keep out the rain.:) . Ive seen a lot on ebay but its hard to see the construction,scaling and strength of them. If anyone fancies trawling through ebay aswell it would be great


s13eater 11-03-2007 18:02

:cool: , mate, we deffo need summet strong.

Wagsie 11-03-2007 18:14

Clicky Here and I'm sure I've found just what your looking for

PukkaSilvia 11-03-2007 18:22


Thats great but a little expensive. around 10k!.........Unless someone wants to make a sizable donation

bloodybigtrukkin 18-03-2007 22:45

Dont mean to but in but how is this marquee going to be transported.
To get anything strong enough its going to use a clear span frame with apex roof.
Therefore a 3metre wide tent will have roof beams that are about 2 metres.
Plus pvc panels weigh a hell of a lot if they are of a decent thickness.
The biggest marquee we could carry in a 4 metre transit was a 3 metre by 9 metre and that was probably over the 3.5T weight limit.
As a side note I still have and will freely donate them 8 lighting units and 240V outlet setup if needed as long as the venue offers an electric hookup or if anyones got a portable genny.
As an alternative if anyone is handy at fabricating I still have roof panel that is 3 metres wide by 12 metres long that could be used to make a fair size marquee.

30psi 18-03-2007 23:05

Might help your searches if you use 'marquee' as the correct spelling.

PukkaSilvia 23-03-2007 00:14

is magp** spelt magpie or magpy?

Cheers though lol. Ive been getting 15+ pages of finds on ebay as it is under that spelling so never thought any different.

As for transporting it. No idea. It needs to be transportable. I dont see why it wouldnt be. Were only a small club. It just needs to be waterproof and be a decent gauge on the pipework

eurolightning 15-05-2007 18:24

Hi try talking to ne of those places that sell second hand army stuff they might have something
as for transporting it no real biggy i could sort that out
i will see what i can find out on the army thing

eurolightning 15-05-2007 18:37

hi ok quick look about and i have come across this
but not sure how much you want to spend but this is big and tough :D
there are others like these ones


you can even get our cars in these and take of the sides on the few hot sunny days we get

JackieFan 15-05-2007 18:51

That last one is like a castle!!! Must be a sod to pack away too! Good find's though :) Hate to think how heavy it would get in the wet!

eurolightning 15-05-2007 18:57

Well am sure with all the tec'ed up guys and gals on here with many hours of head scratching we could just about get back in the bag:whip

as for the weight when its wet well i guess we had go and all get a gym member ship and a small hoist :rolleyes:

30psi 15-05-2007 19:02

Hate to be sensible but I can't see how the club funds will pay for any of those when you consider that there are only about 10 fully paid up members.

JackieFan 15-05-2007 19:06

That last one is like a castle!!! Must be a sod to pack away too! Good find's though :) Hate to think how heavy it would get in the wet!

eurolightning 15-05-2007 19:13

I am sure with some saving up and some more donations its not to far out of reach.
But in the mean time how about this then, contact any scout group cubs girl guides what ever you have close as a lot of them already have such items and would rent them out

I had no clue what your spend potential was (i did post don't know what you want to spend) just trying to be help full :(

30psi 15-05-2007 19:19

Eurolighning - Althought those marquee's are the tits, they're just a bit OTT lol. Think you'd be best sticking to ebay looking out for the cheaper end of the market.

I work part time as an officer at a cadet unit, I wouldn't dream of borrowing out a tent/marquee. Its almost guaranteed that they come back either broken or missing a few bits.

Of course these things are easily available to rent but if it is broken or parts lost then you lose the deposit. I looked into it once, and decided upon buying a huge 2nd hand army tent.

PukkaSilvia 15-05-2007 19:33

You Can Buy Us One Of Those If You Like! ;)

JackieFan 15-05-2007 19:49

We could have the whole show under it!

eurolightning 15-05-2007 20:03

Ok guys so there a bit big iam just stuck in the good old :sderfd days

pukka as to your comment here's the deal :D i will swop one for a sorted s12 ;)

eurolightning 15-05-2007 20:06

On that note i also have a disco unit that can be used for any meets :wack

s13eater 15-05-2007 20:20


Originally Posted by 30psi (Post 17498)
Eurolighning - Althought those marquee's are the tits, they're just a bit OTT lol. Think you'd be best sticking to ebay looking out for the cheaper end of the market.

I work part time as an officer at a cadet unit, I wouldn't dream of borrowing out a tent/marquee. Its almost guaranteed that they come back either broken or missing a few bits.

Of course these things are easily available to rent but if it is broken or parts lost then you lose the deposit. I looked into it once, and decided upon buying a huge 2nd hand army tent.

is that the (ca18det) unit mart lol.;)

30psi 15-05-2007 23:46

Lol yeh

PukkaSilvia 12-07-2007 20:54

The new marquee has arrived today. It is so heavy!!!!! It looks very strong so far. the material is heavy duty and the framework is twice as thick in diameter as the last one. I will test build it this weekend to make sure we have all the bits and take a picture of it next to my s12 so that you can visage its size

Thanks to Shaun and Stella,Jackiefan,Beany-s12 and the person who donated via paypal the other day . There username was not included only there real name which i dont know if they want announced public as yet. Also big thankyou to claire for organising all this and for also going halfs on the remaining £ needed to pay for it with me .

If any of the donating members require to borrow the marquee at anytime for other reasons then that is fine:)

s13eater 12-07-2007 21:16

yeah, well done eveyone:) ,thanx claire, for sorting everything;) , i'am looking forwards to the weekend out, i've not been anywhere this year, due to the fj project.

PukkaSilvia 13-07-2007 17:31

It was no deliberate mistery. Thanks to Wocketfast(jon) for his donation to the fund:)

JackieFan 14-07-2007 09:41

Thanks Claire and Pukka. Really looking forward to next weekend now!...... If I can sort the bloody diff out in time! :confused:

s13eater 14-07-2007 10:17


Originally Posted by JackieFan (Post 18892)
Thanks Claire and Pukka. Really looking forward to next weekend now!...... If I can sort the bloody diff out in time! :confused:

have you sorted the shafts out yet ?

JackieFan 14-07-2007 10:36

Nah, That's my problem! I think the MKI shaft I've got has a slightly different output shaft on it to the MKII which could be why I couldn't see the SE way of modding the S12 shaft to fit the S13 vLSD, my main problem is that the car is 60 miles from my house at the moment (at Arrons) and I don't want to risk driving it back. I'll find a way though. Unless someone has a Standard diff, ready built that I can borrow till after JAE?

30psi 14-07-2007 10:42

SE never did the LSD on the S12.

Just make sure that the passenger one is like the S13 shaft. Put them together it will become apparant what you need to do.

s13eater 14-07-2007 10:42


Originally Posted by JackieFan (Post 18905)
Nah, That's my problem! I think the MKI shaft I've got has a slightly different output shaft on it to the MKII which could be why I couldn't see the SE way of modding the S12 shaft to fit the S13 vLSD, my main problem is that the car is 60 miles from my house at the moment (at Arrons) and I don't want to risk driving it back. I'll find a way though. Unless someone has a Standard diff, ready built that I can borrow till after JAE?

i have a std diff you can borrow.you can mod the mk1 shafts to fit, i did.if you do borrow the diff, i'll show you how to go on with the shafts.

JackieFan 14-07-2007 10:55


Originally Posted by 30psi (Post 18906)
SE never did the LSD on the S12.

Just make sure that the passenger one is like the S13 shaft. Put them together it will become apparant what you need to do.

Oops, My Bad


Originally Posted by S13eater
i have a std diff you can borrow.you can mod the mk1 shafts to fit, i did.if you do borrow the diff, i'll show you how to go on with the shafts.

Are you around tomorrow? I've got to swing by Hemel to get the bits to sort this out and I'm out with the Missus for the afternoon today!

EDIT - Take this thread to the Jackie/Reeper project page, Sorry to Claire and Jon for the hijack :o

s13eater 14-07-2007 11:12


Originally Posted by JackieFan (Post 18908)
Oops, My Bad

Are you around tomorrow? I've got to swing by Hemel to get the bits to sort this out and I'm out with the Missus for the afternoon today!

EDIT - Take this thread to the Jackie/Reeper project page, Sorry to Claire and Jon for the hijack :o

i'am always in mr fan,i'll pm you my mobile number.

Claire 15-07-2007 13:06

Here's the new marquee. I couldnt be bothered to attach all the side panels because the fabric weighs a tonne, and we had to take the marquee straight down again. :D


s13eater 15-07-2007 18:02

it must have been hard for you moving out jon, with all those sheep in the next field ;) lol :D , nice set up.:)

sirmarky 15-07-2007 18:52

nice size that , looks great :)

PukkaSilvia 24-07-2007 00:09

Thanks also to Duncan and Olivia for there donation to the marquee at Jae this year also.
the club really has got together on this one and its great. it didnt have to come out of my pocket:D ;)

i think the marquee was a success, it stould up really really well this weekend gone and gave us all plenty of room. It should do s12oc well for many years to come.

thanks everyone

Beany-s12 24-07-2007 00:43

was a top marquee!
even the earwigs liked it:D :D

JackieFan 24-07-2007 10:29

WIGS!!!!!! :furious

duncan 24-07-2007 20:23

ha ha:D they only little wiggy's mate they probably more afraid of you than you of them:D there was a shit load of them though. even they knew s12oc is the place to be.
they probably pissed on the smell of beer off the rest of us:D
glad we could help out jon

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