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Beany-s12 29-03-2007 21:14

engine rebuild
i was gonna do a det conversion but time money and a serious lack of motivation means it's gonna have to wait till next year!
so new plan is to rebuild 1 of my et lumps! should have det pistons and rods comin next week and already got the following; s13 throttle body, s13 injectors, k&n cone filter, ally fmic, t25, lightened balanced flywheel, s13 exede organic clutch. will be getting walbro 255.
so any1 know other easy and low budget bits i should try and get hold of?
would like a ported head, cam and vernier but funds don't allow!

Beany-s12 29-03-2007 21:53

sh1t i knew i forgot something! its currently running a standard sized exhaust pipe with the centre box removed and a stainless rear box off an s13, would this b good enough for wot i'll b running or will i really really need to go bigger and if so how much!

PukkaSilvia 29-03-2007 22:15

The exhaust will restrict you but it will work for the time being. The standard centre and especially rear silencer are the biggest restrictions. Changine them will help a great deal alone. Go to 2 1/2" straight through with that setup Or anything upto 3" if you want to allow for future mods. Make one out of universal pipe and an overaxle bend from demontweeks for cheap enough :)

Other worthwhile mods are an electric fan. Grab one from the scrappy if on a budget. A piggyback ecu for the s13 injectors will be needed.
Other than that you've pretty much got it planned out very well. Glad to see your not neglecting the fuel pump :cool:

the piper cam doesnt really give you much power for money spent so i wouldnt really be too concerned/botherd about doing that unless your planning on using a t28rs or t3 etc

northerner 30-03-2007 09:44

Whilst your bottom end is in bits, take your rods/pistons crank and flywheel to ' Burton power ' and have them lightened/balanced. I priced it up ages ago and it was only about 140. They can also hone your block or bore it to suit!

CNHSS1 30-03-2007 09:59

also might be worth seeing if the crankcase girdle from the DET will fit straight on to stiffen the block. take teh longer bearing cap bolts too

Beany-s12 30-03-2007 19:19

cheers for the info chaps! i've already got a silvia engineering twin kenlow set up but forgot to mention it! haven't really got money for lightened and balanced bottom end coz gettin engine gaskets, rings and shells is gonna use most of wot i've got! i was under the impression that the s13 injectors would just run off the standard ecu! wot sort of piggy back system is needed or could i get away with an uprated pressure reg for a while until sorted?

adzs12 31-03-2007 01:41

Safc will do the job for you, can pick them up cheap enoough now of ebay and sxoc.

Beany-s12 31-03-2007 01:43

might sound stupid but wot is a safc and is it much work?:confused:

northerner 31-03-2007 06:40

Its an electronic gismo that you wire in to certain point before the ECU which allows you to change things like fueling etc.


Beany-s12 04-04-2007 21:49

right i've been lookin in to it and unless i find a really cheap safc it looks like it'll have to wait till after the rebuild! will i be able to use the s13 injectors without it or should i stick to the standard 1's until it's run in coz ideally i want to get it rebuilt and run in ready to use for jae then hopefully something will come up in the mean time!

umpkin 04-04-2007 22:28

what power are you expecting?? 30psi had 240 ish BHP on standard fueling i think. except walbro pump

Beany-s12 04-04-2007 23:33

not really too fussed bout power although around the 200 mark would be nice! more interested in reliability tbh

Beany-s12 07-06-2007 22:36

i might be able to get my hands on a t34 roller bearing turbo off a focus rs thats already been fabricated onto an et manifold!
apparently i'll need to "modify" the chassis and engine mount, but i'm thinkin this size turbo wouldn't be very benificial with the basic setup i'm aiming for! i was thinking something more like a t28 off a pulsar or similar might be better!
any input on this would be appreciated

30psi 07-06-2007 22:39

I'd be looking for a T25G from an SR20 S13 or a T28 from an S14. The pulsar turbos have a laggier turbo and you would feel the effect of this.

Beany-s12 07-06-2007 22:43

thats a no to the t34 then:D i'm guessin the t25g is hard to find? wot's the difference between that and a normal t25?

30psi 07-06-2007 22:55

Its basically a larger T25, but not quite a T28.

My mate has one on his SR20 and its a very good responsive turbo.

The T34 is a bit over the top for the power you're aiming for. Although being a ball bearing unit would mean it would be pretty good for lag considering. Do you know anything about the specs of this turbo? Although its T34, it doesnt always mean its large internally. See if you can find the a/r ratios and wheel trim sizes of this turbo.

Beany-s12 07-06-2007 23:11

not to sure of spec but aparently its not a big 1, just think it sounds great bein able to tell people its got a t34 on my little 1.8 lol! will try and find out spec tomorrow and post it up for u to c wot u think! it belongs to a mate of mine that used at mountune and now works at field motorsport so could be made from anything really

Beany-s12 15-06-2007 20:43

well the t34 is sold! he has got a standard focus rs turbo still though! checked on one of the focus sites and says its a garret gt25(60)sg and good for 200-330 bhp! it bolts straight onto the standard manifold too but engine mount needs moving! any1 know wot sort of boost this could run?

30psi 15-06-2007 21:22

See if you can find the proper spec of that turbo. But that sounds a little more useable

Beany-s12 15-06-2007 21:53

well i've looked on the garret site and can't find this exact unit! any ideas of where else to look without registering with all the focus clubs?

mr_turbo 16-06-2007 01:21

ive been making up my new manifold with a t28 from a pulser not too diffacult jst a bit of fart arsing about and gettin an actuator bracket made up ill let u knw how it feels wen its on

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