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alundra 20-04-2007 12:34

Help to choose my starter
Ok, my starter is dead and here in France reconditionner factory are hard to find.

I found a website which sell them, in France, seems two models in S12, mine mk1,5 with mk1 motor.

My question is: is it interesting to fit the most powerfull one (1 vs 1.6)



Oh, i'll take out the starter this week-end? Who've done this, easy?


30psi 20-04-2007 12:54

Mine has the later 1.6kw version.

Whats actually wrong with your starter motor?

alundra 20-04-2007 13:45

"clic" sound, wires connected ok, no dust on it, checked relays in black box near battery, battery charged, no ecu fault code (for neutral position and other possiblities).

It appears after a track day suddenly no sign before this...

ChEsTeR 20-04-2007 13:52

Use something hard and knok a few times iat the back of the starter. If it helps and te car will start u are 100% sure its time to replace it.

30psi 20-04-2007 14:23

Thats an issue with the starter solenoid. It needs rebuilding and cleaning. I used wd40 to lubricate but i heard its better to use graphite.

ChEsTeR 20-04-2007 14:49

But alundra says tht selenoid works. The click sound. It may be that the brush the things that brings voltage to the commutator locked.

adzs12 20-04-2007 14:50

Just change it for a different one its a 15 minute job tops.

30psi 20-04-2007 14:56

Even though its clicking it isnt travelling the full distance due to the gunge inside the cylinder.

Mine clicked, i cleaned it and it worked.

Wocketfast 20-04-2007 17:18

30PSI speaks the truth.

Mine started clicking on the recent bank holiday friday.
* took it off - found it an arse to get to, could probably do it a bit easier now I have located the two bolts.
* took it apart (dont take the c clip of the main shaft like i did :furious )
* put it back together after cleaning with WD40 and then luubing with a tiny amount of copper grease.
* works fine now :D

cost of new starter saved = £120 or if you go to Halfords £283!

30psi 20-04-2007 18:37


Originally Posted by alundra (Post 16790)
Who've done this, easy?

Not incredibly difficult but here's a few pointers:

Disconnect the battery
Remove the bracket on the side of the inlet manifold
Remove both wires, ones a plug and the other is held by a 10 or 12mm nut.
Get a 14mm spanner preferably a rachet spanner
Remove the 2 bolts holding it to the gearbox
Remove the cylinder on the side of the starter, this is the solenoid. Its held by 2 long thin bolts. Be careful with the clip but chances are it will spring out.
Clean up the solenoid, refit and enjoy a new starter motor.

Probably looking at 1-2 hours to do it

northerner 21-04-2007 10:45

or get one for an S13 like others have done which are lighter!

30psi 21-04-2007 11:20

Still hurts when you drop them on your feet though lol.

All the time I've been in France I've never seen a single S-chassis car so can only imagine getting parts is near on impossible.

alundra 21-04-2007 15:47


With your advices, remove the starter was easy, thanks!

Some pics:




I saw some new/reconditioned starter, in France, but:

-they have a "cover" on gear area: http://www.altdiscount.com/affichear...mmat=0&moteur=

According too me this fit: http://www.altdiscount.com/affichear...mmat=0&moteur=

I found this site too: http://www.woodauto.com/Unit.aspx?Ma...I&Ref=S114322A

alundra 22-04-2007 15:22

Can a 1 kilowatt model fit on mine? What is the cover on th e gear, like a cap?

30psi 22-04-2007 18:20

Just clean the solenoid

alundra 25-04-2007 19:58

Ok, some news...

It seems it isn't the starter, test mine and an another.
I tested many relays (specialy gray relay near battery, controlled for ignition right?).
battery charged and tested

Ok, let me explain my troubles:

2 wires fits on the starter: one black/yellow little size ordered by ignition, one black/red normal size which go to the battery.

When the plugs are on the starter (metal shield of starter on a ground of the car), when i join together the 2 wires said upper, by an external wire, starter work perfectly (gear exit and turn), but when i turn the key only nothing appear.

I know that my english isn't good, but in my mind it's the black/yellow wire that is in fault because the continuity of the "normal" wire exist, no doubt about it.

The solution i expect to install a start button relay (how many Amperes?) to command the ignition.

Do you have any hint or help about my starter trouble?


30psi 26-04-2007 00:17

Yeah sounds like the starter signal wire at the back of the igntion barrel is at fault.

I would trace it back to there before thinking about adding a button

alundra 26-04-2007 01:13

According to the diagram where is this wire pass?

Cheers. ;)

alundra 26-04-2007 22:49

Ok is this pic correct i'd like to fix this tomorrow:



umpkin 27-04-2007 00:27

i had exactly the prob you have, i was on holiday and i turned the key, nothing, i temp wired a switch from the batt through switch to starter, was fine, and then after about 1 and half weeks it worked again, this was about 6 year ago, and has never had a prob since, so i cant solve your prob, but i can say, temp wire a switch in for now while you test the rest.

s13eater 27-04-2007 00:46

i had the same problem, but fell to sleep thinking about doing it lol.

alundra 29-04-2007 14:00

Ok finally first temp with switch, completly a success!

It's so cool to drive our car, i forget it!

It seems that behind the fuse box exists a ignition relay i can clearly heard it.

So i think there are 2 relays related for ignition near battery and near fuse box.

Thanks to all, again ;)

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