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reliant-reviver 22-04-2007 23:17

What clutch?
Hi guys,
the clutch in my SS1 is complaining ever more and whilst it is laid up for the next month or two i think it's due replacement. Now the question is which clutch to go for? The car is light weekend and occasional track use, so it doesn't have to be lived with every day, i just want something that can cope with the power (170ish, say 185 bhp tops)

:) Thoughts, links and anything to help please???

s13eater 22-04-2007 23:23

luk 200sx clutch mate, mine started slipping after 3 year and when i put 32psi in out of a t34, over 320bhp.;)

reliant-reviver 22-04-2007 23:25

The engine is of course a CA18ET, assuming said clutch will still fit?

s13eater 22-04-2007 23:31

yeah mate, mine was a ca18et, they are a straight fit.

reliant-reviver 23-04-2007 08:22

This look fair deal?

wacomuk 23-04-2007 17:41


Originally Posted by reliant-reviver (Post 16844)

my mate has just bought this clutch for his simmi sabre SST. everything fitted a treat. not had it running yet so can report on how good it is but even a standard 200sx clutch is stronger than a standard ca18et clutch

PukkaSilvia 24-04-2007 23:28

exedy or luk s13 clutch is definatly what you want. it will last you years and years and it does not cost too much. s13 clutches are a common upgrade for s12 owners:)

sideways danny 26-04-2007 02:13


Originally Posted by reliant-reviver (Post 16844)

avoid at all costs, worse than standard :(

Jashwood 26-04-2007 11:00


Originally Posted by sideways danny (Post 16915)
avoid at all costs, worse than standard :(

Why is that than dude??? :p :o

reliant-reviver 03-07-2007 23:29

Sorry to be asking again but will this fit?

PukkaSilvia 04-07-2007 00:03

no im afraind not. that is for the 2 litre sr engine

This one will fit.


reliant-reviver 04-07-2007 09:52

Thanks for that, I was going to go for the Exedy anyway but spotted that cheaper, better clutch kit.

reliant-reviver 14-07-2007 15:06

Harumph! Just went to try the pressure plate up against the flywheel and it is too large! I thought you all said the 200sx clutch would fit :(

reliant-reviver 14-07-2007 16:00

I'm starting to think that I have been sent the wrong clutch as there is no listings of any sort on the box and it doesn't fit on the spare CA18ET engine I have at the back of my shed either.

The friction plate on the new clutch is 24cm whereas the original off the car is 22.5cm
The pressure plate is physically larger and none of the bolt holes line up.


sideways danny 14-07-2007 19:51

that's for an SR20 :)

reliant-reviver 14-07-2007 20:35

So it's "justclutch"es screw up then?
Looking around on ebay again, there are other who list silvia clutches and they have 2, a pre '90 clutch and one for '90-'94, the later one looks similar to the one I have been sent.

s13eater 14-07-2007 21:07


Originally Posted by sideways danny (Post 18918)
that's for an SR20 :)

yeah it is, the local motor factors got me that one as well:rolleyes: , it was a young know it all, who wun't listen.

sideways danny 15-07-2007 02:30


Originally Posted by reliant-reviver (Post 18920)
So it's "justclutch"es screw up then?
Looking around on ebay again, there are other who list silvia clutches and they have 2, a pre '90 clutch and one for '90-'94, the later one looks similar to the one I have been sent.

give ebay clutches a wide birth and just buy an LUK or Exedy s13 clutch from a motor factor, lifes too short to waste on saving a few quid for the sake of 2 days extra work

smoker 23-07-2007 19:11

Ordered an ADL blueprint 200SX clutch today for the silvia, does anyone know if these are ok ??

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