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S12OC 21-01-2006 11:57

Jae 2006 displayed s12oc email
Japanese Auto Extravaganza (JAE) 2006 is confirmed!

Last year we had over 3500 club cars and 2006 promises to be even bigger with more clubs registered already.

For 2006 JAE will be staying at the new, bigger venue, The East of England Showground. But for 2006 we now have even more to do with more activities for clubs, more activities for enthusiasts and better facilities.

JAE 2006 will take place from Friday 21 July 2006 to Sunday 23 July 2006

Last year we proved the new, secured venue is large enough to hold ALL car clubs/traders and have a designated camping areas. We know we did not get everything right and so have made some changes for this years event. Now there will be separate, smaller trade areas, dedicated autojumble, even more camping space, a fun fair, fireworks, film show, disco and a heck of a lot more! But we will still have the relaxed, friendly atmosphere, chilling out by barbecues and generally having a fun time messing about with all things Japanese and wheeled!

It's official! JAE is the largest Japanese Car Show anywhere in the world!

Detailed information about this year's event will go out in February. But, if you want some more information use the dedicated JAE forum at www.japcarclub.com/jae this website will also be updated regularly to keep you abreast of information and developments for 2006.

If you would like more information please contact Claire Williams and we will be happy to assist. Details are as follows:

Claire Williams
Office: 08700 109705

rob turbo 24-01-2006 23:18

i take it we have a stand there....:trout

PukkaSilvia 25-01-2006 21:10

not yet but we will have as im awaiting booking forms through the post. ;)

s13eater 28-01-2006 00:35

we need a bloody big heater, just in case its feckin freezin like last year, just run a electric blower off of a generator into the gezebo.

PukkaSilvia 08-02-2006 10:38

1 Attachment(s)
Booking forms arrived this morning

Claire 22-04-2006 18:28

Now that the Modified Nationals stand has been booked, we would also like to book a plot for the club at JAE. Please could every1 give us an idea of who will be attending. All I need is names this time so I know what size plot to book. :)

Ticket prices for club members are £20.00 per vehicle this includes camping! This is also for a car full (4 people) not per person. This is paid on the day of your arrival at the show. Under 14s get in free.

If anyone has suggestions of where they would like the club stand to be, or if you would like it to be near another club stand please let us know as soon as possible.Thanks


s13eater 22-04-2006 22:06

i should be there, is there any chance of last years plot, or is that to small for this year ? or was it to far away from everthing for everyone ? as long as i can make it back to the tent on all fours i don't mind:D .

Claire 23-04-2006 15:26

The layout has changed this year because they had complaints from clubs that they felt isolated. So we may not be able to get the plot we had last year. Im hoping we can pursuade more people to come along this year so we may need a bigger plot.

Can I add you to the list then?:D

Does anyone else wanna go??

duncan 23-04-2006 17:59

i'll be there. good laugh with everyone last time.:D is the drift arena only for d1 drivers or can anyone have a go?:confused:

Japster 26-04-2006 13:50


Originally Posted by duncan
i'll be there. good laugh with everyone last time.:D is the drift arena only for d1 drivers or can anyone have a go?:confused:

Yep - Count me in too :D

How far is tihs (roughly) from Brum?

I'd have a go at drifting, but I also need to get my studs sorted out (New all round before I even think about it, given W*nkmania's stuck wheels on all four corners, and I've had problems with stressed ones since! (It's off-topic, but can anyone suggest good, strong replacements? - I want something that should be safe at 160+ mph... :D )



s13eater 26-04-2006 21:48

109 miles den, mines 84 miles, still liked billing better, i know it don't matter to you young uns, but a bit of scenery and something for the little uns to do was better, the crack at nite was good, enjoyed it, but it was more relaxing at billing;) its a pity that it had to be moved to a barron and feature less landscape, myself den, ken and that gay kimble have had a few good times at billing;) only kiddin rich:D surrounded by 8 /ft high spiked fence's compared to lakes and tree's would be better, spose the more cars the more money they can earn so its just like battery hens, the more they can pack in the better for them, lining their filthy pockets,with my fake tenners:D anyway, thats a mild moan for me:trout

PukkaSilvia 26-04-2006 22:01


Originally Posted by s13eater
myself and that gay kimble have had a few good times at billing;)anyway, thats a mild moan for me:trout


Yeah i preferred Jae at Billing than at Peterborough. But il still go to it rather than not at all.Billing was much more social in the way they set all the club stands and shops. I actually had my black s12 at the billing event and that was where i met you,silviagod,den,ken finn all for the first time. I had to take my blue s12 to peterborough as my mk1 was off the road at the last JAE :(

Apparently they are setting up the jae this year with everything more close together etc so fingers crossed :)

s13eater 08-05-2006 09:50

yep you can count me in:D it will be good to see den this year:) , its a pity bob jones has dissappeared off of the planet, i reckon he's gonna turn up on year and put us all to shame;)

RichardK 14-06-2006 18:02

I'll be there :D

rob turbo 17-06-2006 00:13

im at JAE this year... is ther a draft list for the people attending.....

looking forward to it.

hope i can get the car ready in time..!!! :eek:

RichardK 17-06-2006 07:43


s13eater 18-06-2006 18:17


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia

Yeah i preferred the men at Billing than at Peterborough. But il still have a go at rich k's ass when i see him rather than not at all. :)

your welcome to him mate.

PukkaSilvia 18-06-2006 18:47

you wouldnt touch the sides anyway.I ruined him and left him lying in a pile of rubbish at the last event

s13eater 18-06-2006 19:34


RichardK 19-06-2006 09:22


s13eater 19-06-2006 12:46

rich, have you been butt fucked,call PI help line on 0800 085 1715:D

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