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old-and-rusty 30-07-2007 22:12

The Monday controversial thread
I`m bored tonight, so I thought I`d ask the million dollar question :D
If your "better half" gave the ultimatum, "the s12 has to go or I do".

Would you :-

A). Say "yes my darling, love of my life, I will sell it tomorrow".:ghey

B). Say "don`t let the door smack you on the arse on the way out, the car stays". :furious

C). Transfer the registration document over in to his/her name, so that they feel too guilty to get rid of your pride and joy. :p

D). Hide the car round at your mate`s garage and only drive it when the other half is visiting their parents. :(

E). Buy your partner an s12 of their own, so that you can bitch at them for being under the bonnet at 10 pm at night. ;)

F). Accidentally run over him/her with a monster truck and bury them in the foundations of the new air conditioned garage that you are having built for your s12. :shoot

I told you I was bored :p :p :p

Wocketfast 30-07-2007 23:10


Originally Posted by old-and-rusty (Post 19391)
C). Transfer the registration document over in to his/her name, so that they feel too guilty to get rid of your pride and joy. :p

Not that she'd ask that question anyway [;)]

PukkaSilvia 30-07-2007 23:15


B). Say "don`t let the door smack you on the arse on the way out, the car stays".
il do what i like with my life. Im the boss, piss off!

slimreaper 30-07-2007 23:18


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 19393)
il do what i like with my life. Im the boss, piss off!

Shut it, your opinion does not count on such subjects you toyota TRAITOR!!!:D ;)

PukkaSilvia 30-07-2007 23:22

suck my balls you bearded twat:p ;)

JackieFan 31-07-2007 08:49


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 19395)
suck my balls you bearded twat:p ;)



Originally Posted by Old And Rusty
Say "yes my darling, love of my life, I will sell it tomorrow".

Then feed her horse tranquilizers till she forgets that she even asked.... and possibly even what her own name is.

rpettafor 31-07-2007 10:23

other half?!:D

JackieFan 31-07-2007 10:38


Originally Posted by rpettafor (Post 19401)
other half?!:D

In your case it would be a case of choosing between your MKI and the Jägermeister you nearly drowned in at JAE ;)

rpettafor 31-07-2007 11:08


Originally Posted by JackieFan (Post 19404)
In your case it would be a case of choosing between your MKI and the Jägermeister you nearly drowned in at JAE ;)

oooh that is a toughie!:D I'm sure miss jäger would never give me that ultimatum!

JackieFan 31-07-2007 11:21

You are indeed a lucky man :cool:

old-and-rusty 31-07-2007 11:24

Well I can see that you`re all hardened s12 nutters ;) .

It would have to be B). for me too, unless my missus is reading this, then it would be A).:ghey .


rpettafor 31-07-2007 12:59


Originally Posted by JackieFan (Post 19406)
You are indeed a lucky man :cool:

Yes I am:D

PukkaSilvia 31-07-2007 20:05

dont think you will be saying that when you have arm pump rob

rob turbo 31-07-2007 21:27

ditch the bint, keep the car.!

either one will give you greif in the end. + you may pull another laydee in it..!


rpettafor 31-07-2007 23:39


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 19413)
dont think you will be saying that when you have arm pump rob

You may be right, but for now it is working for me:D ;)

old-and-rusty 01-08-2007 10:11

ditch the bint, keep the car.!

either one will give you greif in the end. + you may pull another laydee in it..!


Love it :cool:
It would end up costing me money though. She`d probably take half of everything in the divorce settlement :eek: .

Dr Silvia 03-08-2007 00:32

one of my ex's did ask me that, i left with the car that night!

current missus wouldnt dare... she drives a volvo:o

sideways danny 03-08-2007 02:33

I kept her s12 when she fucked off

s13eater 03-08-2007 03:24


Originally Posted by sideways danny (Post 19441)
I kept her s12 when she fucked off

is that silvia lou ? me and our lass spoke to her at jae, nice lass.:)

old-and-rusty 03-08-2007 12:21


Originally Posted by Dr Silvia (Post 19440)
one of my ex's did ask me that, i left with the car that night!

current missus wouldnt dare... she drives a volvo:o

As long as it`s the new C70 T5. ;)

The old Volvo`s made superb autograss racers, not very quick, but built like a tank if you had a smash:D .

sideways danny 06-08-2007 03:13


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 19442)
is that silvia lou ? me and our lass spoke to her at jae, nice lass.:)

yeah, I'm nearly off the anti-depressants and tranqs now

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