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Zman 04-02-2006 01:51

exaust flames
I'm almost ashamed of posting this, don't want to be seen as rice boy or anything.

Here it goes.

I want to wire in a spark plug in the exaust pipe, to my defense this is done on my "to have fun with" car.

So far I have understood that I need to wire in a coil. This is not a problem. The problem is that if the coil is connected it will give a spark when first connected and that's it.

So I need some kind of automatic switch that opens and closes the cirucuit.
Has anyone tryed connecting something like this before?

adzs12 04-02-2006 02:56

Lol rice boy?? I have a flamer kit but its on a s12 not a chaved up nova so dont worry man. I bought mine from ebay for £60.

Zman 04-02-2006 03:23

Do you have any vids of it?

PukkaSilvia 04-02-2006 14:32

it works a treat :cool:

adzs12 04-02-2006 16:01



30psi 04-02-2006 16:25

Just use a normal s12 coil in the boot. Wire it up so that when you switch it on it basically reverts the wires going to the current coil to the one in the boot.

The advantage of that is that you get completely neat fuel down the exhaust.

umpkin 04-02-2006 16:35

or wire it to a variable vacum switch, so when you change gear it comes on automatically at say -10 on the std silvia gauge, the gauge max is -7, and mine idles at 6, so on over run (i.e change gear) it activates and then deactivates when back on tickover. i dontknow if its possible, but i cant see any reason why not tbh.

/me looks towards martin for this, as he always seems to be quite clued up on the stuff.

30psi 04-02-2006 18:02

Could prob find something to do this.

However when the throttle is let off its activates the TPS switch which stops the ECU injecting fuel. I've found that with my mates S12 was to rev it up on idle, keep it floored, then switch the coils over and maybe pump the gas.

adzs12 04-02-2006 19:19

I was toying with the idea of a switch to the coil so it cuts the main spark and puts neat fuel down the exhaust but i think the look of the flame is shite although big. I think the flamer kit is fine and produces big yet nice yellow/ orange flames:D

Its a pain in the arse when you have to dip the clutch rev the tits out of it flick the switch and pump the throttle just to get a blue flame that sounds like a bunsen burner and in my experience in another s12 of using this method its a pain in the arse:ghey

Normal flamer kit, flick ya switch and back of the throttle:D BOOM:D

Here is the kit i have: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FLAMER-KIT-TUR...QQcmdZViewItem

s13eater 04-02-2006 22:49

don't be:ghey chavs you lot, get an aftermarket ecu and get who ever is mapping it to drop a bit more fuel in up top as you let of the throttle, mine spits flames and bangs on the limiter nearly every gearchange.:D

PukkaSilvia 04-02-2006 22:56

Yeah Adz you ghey chav :ghey :trout ;)


adzs12 04-02-2006 23:54

I seem to remember you wanting one yourself:trout And Mine does pop flames on its own accord i just like to have it there for show use:ghey

s13eater 05-02-2006 11:04

adz, you will be askin to borrow richard k's lipstick soon.lol:D

FLEXXX 06-02-2006 13:54

my orange s12 spits out fire naturaully when pushed :D

adzs12 06-02-2006 15:07

HELLO is anyone listening here mine spits flames as good as the next mans but i wanted to enhance it by fitting a flamer kit so naff off the lot a ya:trout :D

FLEXXX 06-02-2006 16:03

:p ive backed off

adzs12 06-02-2006 18:13

lol :1la

rob turbo 06-02-2006 22:38

im struggling to get flames out of mine... (i do not have a flamer kit installed)even with the mighty s13 lump pushin big ponies, need help please, from start to finish.. :(

adzs12 06-02-2006 22:43

Sounds like you have a very healthy fuel map. get on ebay son;) £50 now:D You all want one really:trout

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