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mr_turbo 20-11-2007 15:29

where is the ecu situated?

30psi 20-11-2007 16:54

Left hand side of the passenger footwell behind some trim

mr_turbo 20-11-2007 18:36

thank you
theres no trim in my car im surprise i aint seen it

Mersyslide 22-11-2007 19:38

lol thats about the only electrical thing left that you can see in my car, just a small box all by itself in the corner thinking away:p

mr_turbo 23-11-2007 20:06

heresthe pics of my ecu duno if it can help

sideways danny 24-11-2007 04:15

unscrew the smaller board and move it to one side and take a piicture of whats under there :)

mr_turbo 25-11-2007 13:00

lol ok

30psi 25-11-2007 13:35

Thats a mk2 ecu like this one:


mr_turbo 26-11-2007 07:55

yer its the same as that one

mr_turbo 28-11-2007 19:31

heres the other pics




30psi 28-11-2007 20:17

Is the code on the chip G321AEM5?

mr_turbo 28-11-2007 20:45

yes mate

30psi 28-11-2007 20:53

The one I pictured, and have the bin file to is the '4' one, wonder whats revised on yours :confused:

mr_turbo 29-11-2007 15:32

sorry youve confused me what do you mean lol

sideways danny 29-11-2007 18:07


Originally Posted by mr_turbo (Post 22037)
sorry youve confused me what do you mean lol

dont worry, he's over analysing lol

your ECU is chippable :) get some injectors and let me know when you're ready to fit them

mr_turbo 30-11-2007 08:47

ok mate will do :D:D glad you said that was begining to think i had the wrong one! lol

s13eater 01-12-2007 15:43

this is the inside of my ecu.

s13eater 01-12-2007 15:47


sideways danny 02-12-2007 02:39

yeah mine looks like that too ;)

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