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PukkaSilvia 11-01-2008 19:43

jae2008 Email
I recieved a little info on jae 2008. I thought i would put it here for all to read so that you all know the situation



For the last few years Claire and I have been running JAE and in that time we have seen it grow whilst still retain the spirit and of what the event is all about. This year it has been quiet of late due to changes for the event. Admittedly we should have notified people earlier but it's not always easy to keep everything up to date and for that I apologise.

After being backed into a corner last year by the showground we decided to look at how we could keep the event alive and make it even better. As a result of some discussions a company came forward to take the show over and run it professionally. For months we have been in discussions with them and recently they have stopped returning our calls despite giving us a verbal assurance and a handshake on taking over the event. Now it seems they may not be as forthcoming as they were in 2007.

JAE WILL TAKE PLACE for 2008 and announcements are due very soon.

As in previous years forms and details of the venue and dates will be with you very soon. In addition we will try and offer better facilities for advanced tickets to make the whole event a much easier affair 'on the day'.

Thank you and most sincerest of apologies for not keeping everyone up to speed with progress.

Thank you

zxocmars 11-01-2008 19:54

well, where the hell was my e-mail?

Damn it.

PukkaSilvia 11-01-2008 19:56

Who are you?:rolleyes:

zxocmars 11-01-2008 20:41

OK here's a breakdown for you.

ZXOCMARS broken down becomes ZXOC + MARS

MARS = ADMIN on www.zxoc.co.uk.

MARS = Organized JAE for ZXOC last year.

Thought they'd have had the decency to mail me too.

30psi 11-01-2008 21:23

Maybe they lost your email address.

Anyway, that email says nothing. Just says business as usual.

s13eater 11-01-2008 21:31

i wonder what they will be fleecing us for this year.:rolleyes:

30psi 11-01-2008 21:34


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 22921)
i wonder what they will be fleecing us for this year.:rolleyes:

Dunno, how much did it work out for you last year?

I won't be going anyway, it really don't appeal to me

s13eater 11-01-2008 21:47

can't remember now mart, but i moaned as usual, then when i payed on the gate, they turned a blind eye to tasha, so i can't complain:o , i go just to get out for the weekend and its usually a good laugh, despite all the bad weather quite a few turned up and rob turbo turned up with his disco mate:cool: , i hope he will be sorting the tunes this year, i do like the weekend at santa pod better, it could do with a few turning up there with the markee.

zxocmars 11-01-2008 22:23

JAE works out as one of the cheapest events of the year.

You can turn up Friday, pay £15 per car, and stay there til Monday.

Santa Pod is probably next best,

Oulton Park is probably the most expensive, can't remember exact figures, but for me and the missus would've been £90 for 2 days plus 1 night camping.

s13eater 11-01-2008 22:28

they did charge £15 per car, but last year they charged me per person in the car, which was expensive with 6 people.:mad:

PukkaSilvia 11-01-2008 23:43

Put some details up of the santapod event your talking about Shaun and we can all see what we can do. :)

s13eater 11-01-2008 23:58


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 22926)
Put some details up of the santapod event your talking about Shaun and we can all see what we can do. :)

it was'nt any perticular event jon, i used to go to a few, probley not everyones cup of tea watching real drag cars, i think most people are into drifting .i'am going to be at a few events this year, there are a couple of jap events i think, jae is ok, but you can camp the weekend at santa pod and watch drag racing and still have a piss up, once you have walked around the show ground you have seen all the stalls full of shite air filters, bought ice creams for about £2 and shit lollies for a quid,if the weather is good you can sit on the bank watching racing and gettin pissed at the pod, at the show ground, you walk around all day getting chaffed bolloxs lol. :)

30psi 12-01-2008 01:27

I'm much more into seeing cars performing at santa pod. I normally go to Big Bang and the Main Event. Not been to a jap show there for a good number of years but I found it pretty boring in comparison to the proper stuff at the Main Event.

The Pod however have re tarmaced an area in the pit for people who want to watch cars drift around traffic cones coz they have noticed how much more money this will bring in. Not my cup of tea, watching drifting is boring once you've seen it a few times. Unless someone has a smack of course.

s13eater 12-01-2008 01:42

i've been to turweston to watch drifting few times, but i can't get into it:confused:

sideways danny 12-01-2008 01:44


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 22927)
it was'nt any perticular event jon, i used to go to a few, probley not everyones cup of tea watching real drag cars, i think most people are into drifting .i'am going to be at a few events this year, there are a couple of jap events i think, jae is ok, but you can camp the weekend at santa pod and watch drag racing and still have a piss up, once you have walked around the show ground you have seen all the stalls full of shite air filters, bought ice creams for about £2 and shit lollies for a quid,if the weather is good you can sit on the bank watching racing and gettin pissed at the pod, at the show ground, you walk around all day getting chaffed bolloxs lol. :)

Been trying to get some people interested in going to Japshow at santa pod in june for a while, Could be a good weekender (and its 5 minutes from my workshop) There's regular drifting at pod these days too, and they're so used to big car shows there it's really well organised nearly every time. Will 100% be at japshow in some form anyway whether others camp or not :)

PukkaSilvia 12-01-2008 12:08

Im also not into watching drifting events really. Once you have seen one you have seen them all. But i would really enjoy sitting in the sun with a pint of stella watching a few hot rods compete against the clock.I wanted to go to Japshow last year but i was working so i couldnt do it. I would be interested in going to it this year If there is not another work event on.

I see motorsport 24/7 all around the world now so i enjoy Jae for being a time to meet up with Friends for a social. Shame the weather has been such a let down the last few years and I dont like Peterborough showground at all though.

s13eater 12-01-2008 12:38

the uk is ok if you have webbed feet.:D

JackieFan 12-01-2008 16:49

Nothing like standing on the line when a top fueler drops the clutch, I sware you loose your vision for a split second.

I'm well up for going to the Pod, be nice to see how/if it's changed much sinse I last went.

Oscar 13-01-2008 11:46

il be going to a couple of shows this year, not as many as last year tho, but jae will prolly be one of them, and japshow

rpettafor 13-01-2008 17:04

i'd def be up for going to santa pod, never seen top fuelers, so would be good.

i wasnt overly impressed with the 'attractions' at JAE, but i did get a little drunk and it was a good social, so would be up for it again if only for that

Beany-s12 13-01-2008 18:36


Originally Posted by rpettafor (Post 22960)
but i did get a little drunk and it was a good social, so would be up for it again if only for that

don't be silly! none of us were drinkin last year:illboy

rob turbo 22-01-2008 20:56

so is the club doing JAE this year then... if so, what are the numbers... im going anyways.. always good to socialize & drink..!!:D

s13eater 22-01-2008 21:04


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 23278)
so is the club doing JAE this year then... if so, what are the numbers... im going anyways.. always good to socialize & drink..!!:D

good man, is your disco man coming this year ? hope so, can never remember his name, then again i'am usually blotto:D , well not half as bad as many folk, ie: rpettafor lol:D , but, i'll be there,even if the fj aint in, i'll just bring the s12 to make the numbers up.;) , hope the feckin wheather int bad, i won't have tasha to hold the tent down this year, she will be on her basic training in the army.

PukkaSilvia 22-01-2008 21:34

well i dont know about you but i think we should call jae a day as the last 2 years have been a bit boring.Peterborough just doesnt have the right feel to it. I will go if you all want to but what i suggest is, that we go to Japshow the weekend before.

It is a 2 day event this Year and camping is available. Saturday is the test day and sunday the show day. on the saturday it is £20 for unlimited runs:)

Have a look at the link below


s13eater 22-01-2008 21:47

i'll go, but jae is what you make it, the wheather did not help, but i think we had a lot of people turn up to say, if you don't want to go jon, we need to use the markee;) we will remember you, and your not taking the markee to start a new club with martin and all the other (don't know which club we are in misfits ) with crudy old square jap box's owners club, ( cosjboc);)

30psi 22-01-2008 21:50

Its ok Jon isn't trying to start another club with me :ghey

I thought you lot liked JAE :confused: I never got in to it, there isn't enough motorsport going on. Has Kimble put last years photo's on yet ;)

Oh and since when were S12's designed with anything else other than a ruler?

s13eater 22-01-2008 22:16

he min't be mart, you never know :sex ,kimble has'nt put owt on, or posted my new s12 safari:mad: , the rulers ran out when datsun had to buy thousands to draw the squarebird:D s12's are actually very aerodynamic, co eff of about 0.34 the sunny zx is better at about 0.32.whats the brickbirds drag factor ? without the takeaway on the roof.;)

s13eater 22-01-2008 22:19

i knew you would have to reply lol.

30psi 22-01-2008 22:20

You better keep your lights off if you want to keep it aerodynamic ;) , but the S12's still designed with a ruler too.

s13eater 22-01-2008 22:25


Originally Posted by 30psi (Post 23297)
You better keep your lights off if you want to keep it aerodynamic ;) , but the S12's still designed with a ruler too.

lol, i'am not safe out at night, so i'll be ok:D , the only ruler it was designed by was the king of speed;)

PukkaSilvia 22-01-2008 23:33

i said il go to jae if you all want too. What more can i say Shaun.

claires just pointed out its a month and a week b4 not a week so il go too both.

s13eater 22-01-2008 23:38


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 23307)
i said il go to jae if you all want too. What more can i say Shaun.

claires just pointed out its a month and a week b4 not a week so il go too both.

i was joking as usual, but you southern twats don't seem to get us northern bastids sense of humuor;) probly summet to do with drinking different tea.:D

PukkaSilvia 22-01-2008 23:39

we have more flouride in our tap water here so were all fuct

s13eater 22-01-2008 23:43

my teeth are ok, but i've heard to much fluoride can make ya seedless like a jaffa. only time will tell.;)

PukkaSilvia 23-01-2008 00:04

I dont think fluoride is in the water to save our teeth.

Anyway back on topic. Does anyone fancy japshow at the pod as a 2 day event

JackieFan 23-01-2008 10:17

I do :)

Car won't be ready but I'm always up for socialising with you orrible lot ;)

badboy 23-01-2008 19:34

i,ll be there for the weekend with my car as long as its running by then, its a good weekend of racing and some of the pro boys should be running 7s this year, lets get up there and show people you dont need a 20 grand subaru to go fast :)

duncan 24-01-2008 21:24

i might be up for it. have extra days holidays to use up plus we will probably be in japan while jae is on. anyone know when the 24hr race is on in le mans by the way?

s13eater 24-01-2008 21:35


Originally Posted by duncan (Post 23385)
i might be up for it. have extra days holidays to use up plus we will probably be in japan while jae is on. anyone know when the 24hr race is on in le mans by the way?

:( bugger, no jae for duncan, rpettafor knows about le man,i'd like to go this year, i've always wanted to go to watch the group c racers, if i get my transit i'll be there for the weekend.;)its around the 15th of june.

rob turbo 29-01-2008 00:34

hoping to bring my mate...DAVE DEE the dj man :sderfd

along with me to the fest.. i'll go, i enjoyed it.. lots of jap metal there to give me the 'fix'.. i think the S12's should feature there as a group.. there aint many left on the uk roads & the car is a fine piece of kit so we MUST stand & be proud of our cars.:shoot

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