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zxocmars 13-01-2008 19:37

How do I...
open the bonnet when the cable doesn't work???

MK1 S12

Dr Silvia 13-01-2008 19:43

can you get to the cable end? the simplest way i found was with a pair of pliers if just the nipple has come off..

zxocmars 13-01-2008 19:50


If you mean by the pull lever, the cable still seems to be attached to this, but there is no resistance when pulled.

I'll try to get the cable itself and see if that helps.

umpkin 13-01-2008 23:05

without actually going outside and checking, cant you put your hand up under the bumber behind the grill and open it by hand manually.

PukkaSilvia 13-01-2008 23:11

Have you tried a crow bar?

Dr Silvia 14-01-2008 00:11

ok first check that the outer sleeve hasnt pulled thru its retaining hole, if its still as should be by the release lever then you're going to have to reach round like umpkin said:)

northerner 14-01-2008 10:53

put your hand through the hole under the bumper and bent the cover covering the lock mechanism out of the way. Then get a pair of pliers and pull on the cable!
BTW the mkI and MKII cables/locks are different

old-and-rusty 14-01-2008 23:09

I know on a Mk1 you can actually reach up under the bumper and feel for the bonnet release. If I remember correctly you should be able to push the lever, that the cable is linked, to by hand. Can`t remember with it pushes up or down. But I had to do this when my cable snapped. It is a bit fiddly and you need to be almost double jointed ;) .

zxocmars 14-01-2008 23:28

thanks guys

I'll try this next time I see her.

northerner 15-01-2008 08:47

Hope we haven't given a secret away to a Twoc'er!

old-and-rusty 15-01-2008 12:41


Originally Posted by northerner (Post 23007)
Hope we haven't given a secret away to a Twoc'er!

I thought everyone on here was 100% law abiding...LOL... ;)
Mind you if someone really wants to steal a car, they will do it anyway I guess :( .

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