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JackieFan 18-01-2008 13:04

FJ Fibreglass replica bonnets
Thinking about getting some of these made up, need to know if its worth doing first.

Let me know if you'd be interested here first, once I've got an idea on numbers (if any) I can work out an estimated price.

30psi 18-01-2008 14:03

Its 2 piece, so just get the centre piece made.

s13eater 18-01-2008 14:10

i want a full fiberglass bonnet to reduce the weight.

rpettafor 18-01-2008 14:27

i would be interested, price depending:)

JackieFan 18-01-2008 14:41


Originally Posted by 30psi (Post 23125)
Its 2 piece, so just get the centre piece made.

Want one for the Dat?

30psi 18-01-2008 14:56

Lol na...

I've grown out of this phase, as I had one on my red car for a bit about 2-3 years back


paulsilv 18-01-2008 22:35

Would be interested price depending, original bonnet weighs a ton.

JackieFan 19-01-2008 08:48

So (depending on price) we have...


James H 19-01-2008 19:32

Count me in if price is good.

Oscar 20-01-2008 16:39

and me if price is agreable!

JackieFan 21-01-2008 10:24

List so far...

James H

Let's keep this going for another couple of days, it's looking good so far. Probably need a couple more to get the price down.

If you want to add you name, copy the list and tack you name on the bottom.

Mersyslide 21-01-2008 12:11

Do we have any idea on price?

JackieFan 21-01-2008 13:00

Not yet, I need to know how many we'd want to be making first. Once I have that then I'll work out a price. if everyone is happy we can go ahead with it, if not..... well..... we won't :)

I won't be making a profit so I can't afford for it to cost me anything to make them.

Mersyslide 21-01-2008 20:29

Where abouts would i have to pick it up from?

JackieFan 25-01-2008 09:37

Delivery can be arranged to suit but Hemel Hempstead is the most likey place for those who want to save shipping costs.

Anymore for anymore, I'll start looking into getting prices at the weekend, so if you're interested then nows the time :D

Mersyslide 25-01-2008 10:20

Delicery would be a defo for me count me in.

kylepiggy 25-01-2008 11:08

quite interested price depending

JackieFan 25-01-2008 11:49

James H

I'm hoping thats enough to bring the cost down to make this worth while.

I'll get back to you when I have a price, if there are anymore then just keep adding yourselves to the list.

rpettafor 25-01-2008 12:37


Originally Posted by JackieFan (Post 23398)
James H

I'm hoping thats enough to bring the cost down to make this worth while.

I'll get back to you when I have a price, if there are anymore then just keep adding yourselves to the list.

would it be an idea to work out the costs for a few amounts of bonnets, ie 5, 10 etc then u could post up the costs n we could badger more into goin for em:D

JackieFan 25-01-2008 13:25

Well if I put a price up for 10 units @£150 (hypothetical price here guys) and only 7 people want them that would mean that I'd need to up the price by £65 ish quid to cover the costs. Then of the seven that said they were 100% there maybe people that wouldn't pay £215 for the same item.

So I'll get prices to see how much it is to make the ones for the people that are interested and if it's to to much then I just can't afford to do it at the moment.

ste00 25-01-2008 15:27

slightly off topic but what about some fiberglass wings?

s13eater 25-01-2008 16:08

i would ask for payment up front dan, or a deposit at least.;)

JackieFan 25-01-2008 16:50


Originally Posted by ste00 (Post 23403)
slightly off topic but what about some fiberglass wings?

Lets see how the Bonnet turns out first, running before walking and all that ;)

Oscar 25-01-2008 17:43

well i should be good from when i get paid next month, how about a fiber glass tailgate :D lol

s13eater 25-01-2008 17:46


Originally Posted by Oscar (Post 23416)
well i should be good from when i get paid next month, how about a fiber glass tailgate :D lol

the tail gate weighs feck all mate, its the glass that weighs a feckin ton.

Mersyslide 25-01-2008 18:20

I like the sounds of the fibreglass wings, whole cars stripped out so I think ill be needing some weight taking off the front as well, I dont wana be to tailhappy if ya catch my Drift!!! :p

JackieFan 25-01-2008 18:29

Come on guys, stay on topic, we'll start another thread for other panels after the BONNET one is done ;)

s13eater 25-01-2008 18:44

yeah, one thing at a time.;)

ste00 25-01-2008 18:56


Originally Posted by Mersyslide (Post 23419)
I like the sounds of the fibreglass wings, whole cars stripped out so I think ill be needing some weight taking off the front as well, I dont wana be to tailhappy if ya catch my Drift!!! :p

personally i was just thinking of my huge rust issues lol

Oscar 25-01-2008 18:59

same here. but back to topic

Mersyslide 25-01-2008 19:05

Oh yer staying on topic just thought its a good idea whoever mentioned it for the future.

JackieFan 05-02-2008 15:53

As an Update guys I've not found anyone who is willing to even respond to me let alone give me a quote!! :(

I'm still asking around and I'll let you know if there is any news.

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