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kylepiggy 03-02-2008 10:47

runnig probs
just fitted dump valve 3" exhaust Screamer dump pipe all runs ok in 1st and 2nd but when in full throttle in 3rd 4th or 5th when turbo wants to come in at 3000rpm the car just pisses about missing and spluttering. i did fit an induction kit aswell cant think what it is. i am goin to fit bcpr7es see if that helps but does feel like a fueling problem. dr silvia hooked up the safc2 for me and that is telling me that my AFM is reacing 100% but in the lower gears it reaches full capacity and still runs fine. any bosy had this problem

bigtim 03-02-2008 16:41


30psi 03-02-2008 17:47

What are the settings on the SAFC and what injectors are you using? Does sound like overfueling to me.

If you're S13 injectors put the settings for each rpm to '-27%' and go from there

Dr Silvia 03-02-2008 18:38

methinks plugs or an air leak

martin you need some rest mate=p doing thatll kill his engine!!

PukkaSilvia 03-02-2008 18:42


Originally Posted by 30psi (Post 23695)
If you're running standard injectors put the settings for each rpm to '-27%' and go from there

Dont do the above. Its a mistype

Martin actually means if your running s13 injectors run them at -27%

Sounds like plugs to me too

30psi 03-02-2008 19:04

Lol yeh 'durrr'

Dr Silvia 03-02-2008 20:27

just been told the afm is reading 99% at 3000rpm, methinks theres an air leak somwhere that or the afm is kippered

30psi 03-02-2008 20:44

So its reading full voltage at 3000rpm?

Sounds like a possible wiring issue to me.

Dr Silvia 03-02-2008 22:50

i doubt that personally having done it myself:p

this is supported by the fact it was functioning as normal previously:cool:

30psi 03-02-2008 23:03

Sure it was working previously but whats to say the wiring hasn't gone faulty?

Just strike's me odd that its showing a full 5v at the SAFC. Not really known the AFM's to bugger up like that.

Dr Silvia 03-02-2008 23:11

neither have i tbh but its still possible.

having overseen the intercooler installation i do think it is rather likely as bodgeries were made, i tested each solder joint i made on the safc before i insulated them, its wortha wiggle if nothing else if obvious yes, but have some confidence in me dammit:D

30psi 03-02-2008 23:13

Whats to say there isn't something gone adrift with the settings with the rpm %'s?

Dr Silvia 03-02-2008 23:22

true things could have been tampered with, might be going to have a butchers tomorrow after work and the truth will out!!:)

PukkaSilvia 03-02-2008 23:39

take a picture of the afm for me Ant. It shouldnt be physically different to an s12 one like you mentioned earlier. I wonder if he has got an oddity

30psi 03-02-2008 23:42

Oh right, what AFM has he used?

kylepiggy 04-02-2008 09:40

just found my leak it was on the charge pipe from the turbo to the intercooler in pipe. me and ant had to bodge a little lol to get it in so having a single pipe made up today see if this helps if not back to square 1. i will keep you guys updated and when all the fu**ing around has finished i will post up the pics of all the mods

30psi 04-02-2008 10:11

Cool, at least you've solved it. Must have been a big bastard leak.

Best get some good piping in there, its annoying when they completely pop off

Dr Silvia 04-02-2008 18:37

we used a total of 3 different hoses and a franken-clip on the section kyle's talking about:D kinda why i had my suspicions.

the afm in question me and pukka believe to be a late s13 afm, as it has no "co adjustment screw" also it appears to be slightly larger. this would tie in with the introduction of the lambda sensor on lateer models [of s13]

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