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alundra 06-02-2008 16:18

My compression test
After a fresh rebuild (Nissan head gasket, head verified for skimming or not), my car smoke some white one throught exhaust.
So i check the compressions (motor on heat):


In order to fix if the turbo leaks some water in the exhaust, the water line which feed the turbo return to intake manifoild.

Still smoke, at idle, at middle throttle.
I notice some smoke -grey- in exhaust gasket area (head/exhaust manifoild? or manifoild/turbo?)

No shaft play at left-right a few front-rear about my stock T2.

What do think about?
P.S: i'll order sooner some nissan exhaust gaskets, any better one?

CNHSS1 06-02-2008 16:31

how much running in time/miles has the engine had since the rebuild?
when i built my current engine with pistons and re-bore etc, it did smoke a little to start with whilst it bedded in. also there was some oil to be burnt off that i used to lubricate all the internal parts when re-assembling the engine.

it soon settled down and stopped smoking as the rings etc bedded in :)

alundra 06-02-2008 17:16

Less than 5kms

northerner 06-02-2008 20:14

might be moisture in the exhaust

PukkaSilvia 06-02-2008 20:56

Why did you rebuild it?

alundra 06-02-2008 21:14

Thanks guys for your attention.
Head gasket blew after a track session.

PukkaSilvia 06-02-2008 21:19

Where did it blow?

Is the smoke oil or water. Put some tissue over the tailpipe and then check the residue

alundra 06-02-2008 21:21

Between 3rd and 4th cylinder exhaust side, in the thickness of the headgasket.

s13eater 06-02-2008 21:22

mine went on number 3 cylinder, but i think the head was'nt true.

umpkin 06-02-2008 21:48

both enigines ive had have blow 3rd to 4th must be a weakness, also on my thread martin said that No.3 is the hottest of the cylinders, so more prone to detonation, rather than blowing hole in piston, it prolly eats away at the headgasket instead.

alundra 06-02-2008 22:05

So, how do you guys run on >200bhp, any "cooling advice"?

Yes turbo area create an hot spot between 3rd and 4th cylinder.

s13eater 06-02-2008 22:12

but when i got hold of a good head from the silviagod and had it sorted at AMT engines , it never blew again, it had the mig wired bock and ran 32psi with no probs.

alundra 06-02-2008 22:14


mig wired bock
mig is welding right? Any pics? ;)

PukkaSilvia 06-02-2008 22:14

yes 3 is the hottest
You need to drive it a bit more incase it is just fluids in the exhaust. If not i would say its fuct :p

Check that residue out and determine if it is definately water or oil. If it doesnt clear and you say the turbo is fine then that head is going to have to come back off.
180 degrees out
You should fit a 13 row oil cooler if you want to use it on the track, Also foam fill the fuel tank or never let it go below 1/4 of a tank

alundra 06-02-2008 22:50

I forgot to say fitted some exhaust band on manifold.
Ok guys, i'll check and tell you.
I thought that stock oil cooler was enough and don't run under 1/2 tank.
Take care of your car ;)

30psi 07-02-2008 01:02


Originally Posted by umpkin (Post 23796)
martin said that No.3 is the hottest of the cylinders, so more prone to detonation, rather than blowing hole in piston, it prolly eats away at the headgasket instead.

Yeah I've noticed on the ET and DET that number 3 gets buggered the most, not sure if its heat, difference in compression or fueling or whatever that causes this if I'm honest

30psi 07-02-2008 01:09


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 23800)
yes 3 is the hottest as it is 1-3-4-2 firing order

Why will 3 run any hotter due to the firing order?

PukkaSilvia 07-02-2008 19:29

Sorry i cant teach you anything as it doesnt make any sence.mwahaha I was using the quick reply as a notepad template and did not delete all the text.

Nearly all headgaskets on the et engine either go between cylinder 3&4 or they go on the water ways as they have gone rotten.3 and 4 exhaust ports and manifold sections definately get the worst of the heat and possibly backpressure turbulance from the turbo.

I holed a piston on the et once and that was number 3

Only other reasons could be that the coolant is at its highest temperature at the further end of the block. its all speculation.

Im sure that an air to oil cooler is the way to go.

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