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banana-man666 13-04-2008 21:49

I have accquired myself a manual MK2 in white and as I was stripping it today for an engine rebuild I came across something I found rather odd.

On the exhaust side of the head just above the manifold was another 4 spark plugs that were not connected to the distributor.
After consulting the book I found that the only engine to use 8 plugs was the CA20.

It it a normal thing to put this head on a CA18? or would it have to have the CA20 block?

This has rather confused me cos it has the turbo plate on the rocker top and a T2 strapped to the side, the turbo is also a brand spanker.

Cant get the engine out till tueday to have a closer look at it but it has struck me as rather odd.


s13eater 13-04-2008 21:58

pinxtonpete has an 1809cc with 8 spark head.

umpkin 13-04-2008 22:00

no, the CA18et from europe had 8 sparks for emission reasons, there is a guy in france that has one (Alundra) as far as im aware we didnt have it on the uk spec s12.

banana-man666 13-04-2008 22:02

I was looking in the nissan service jobbie

Its not running on all 8 plugs though as it has an 18et dizzy fitted

PukkaSilvia 13-04-2008 22:10

i had an 8 plug head on one of my s12s. Mine was replaced by nissan in the late 80;s Its probably all they could get in on order. As previously said. It was done for emmissions in other countries.
The reliant engines may of had them as std as well????

Its not a ca20. Its just an immigrant ca18et

banana-man666 13-04-2008 22:50

So is it better to run it on all 8 plugs or can I do it with just the 4 and be ok?

PukkaSilvia 13-04-2008 22:51

its fine on 4 plugs.

banana-man666 13-04-2008 22:53

Thats ok then at least I dont have to start searching round for a stanza/some other oddball distributor

CNHSS1 13-04-2008 23:19

all export scimitars had them, but because reliant kept going bust often the UK cars got them too if theyd run out of 4 sparkers lol. when the finally went bust properley, one of the dealers bought all the crated engines and boxes in the bankruptcy sale, some were 4 and some were 8 plug. i bought a couple 'back in the day' one of which wasa twin spark motor. no difference in power, just to try and clean up the ETs ropey missions

CNHSS1 14-04-2008 08:49

all scimitar 8 plug ETs were CA18s not 20s too

umpkin 14-04-2008 18:12

i also think the dizzy is the same, is just the dizzy cap that is different.

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