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ScoupeS12 16-04-2008 14:09

Fuel pumps
Will a facelift S13 fuel pump fit the mk2 S12?

Cheers guys

30psi 16-04-2008 15:09

Can be modded to fit, but why?

They don't actually appear to be as reliable as S12 pumps. If you're concerned about your current pump just upgrade to a walbro

ScoupeS12 16-04-2008 17:14

No it died yesterday :( (in the middle of a busy roundabout :P)

And I'm poor 'til payday on friday, but i really need the car to get back and forth to work in the meantime.

There is a 13 in the scrappy by my house, but funnily enough, no S12's

So wondering if I could bash that one in for the meantime so that the car is driveable....how much modding do they need to fit?


PukkaSilvia 16-04-2008 18:12

a few zipties that is all. yes it will fit. It will become apparent once you have it apart. :)

ScoupeS12 16-04-2008 18:14

Absolutely ideal lol. Sounds exactly like the sort of temporary fix i was looking for.

Do i use the S12 pump carrier/casing with the S13 pump in it?

Or just the whole S13 pump?

Because I don't have the S13 one to look at until tomorrow.

Cheers Pukka....legend (and 30psi :))

30psi 16-04-2008 18:37

Where are you based, I have an S12 one removed from the assembly

ScoupeS12 16-04-2008 18:38

Paignton in Devon buddy

That would be ideal

Where are you?

30psi 16-04-2008 18:41

Not local to there, I'm in Essex. You won't get it until Friday at the best, and that's even if I manage to get to a post office tomorrow.

ScoupeS12 16-04-2008 18:42

That would be better than still looking for one. lol

What do you reckon are the chances of you getting it posted tomorrow matey?


PukkaSilvia 16-04-2008 20:24

yes you use the s12 carrier

old-and-rusty 16-04-2008 21:27

I had to fit an s13 pump into my s12 (mk1) and it does fit, but you need to alter the wiring a little too.

But if you are getting one from Martin, then it doesn`t really matter...LOL....:p .


PukkaSilvia 16-04-2008 22:01

yes there is + and - to join up.

30psi 17-04-2008 00:03

Some pisstaker has booked out most of my day so I doubt I can send it tomorrow to be honest

ScoupeS12 17-04-2008 13:12

Hehe....bastards! Ok thats fair enough mate.

I've been thinking about it, and I'm probably better off waiting until friday, when I get paid, and buying a Walbro pump. Because according to the basic tuning guide, it seems like I'm close on maxing the standard one anyways.

So cheers for the offer and the advice guys, much appreciated.


ScoupeS12 17-04-2008 16:37

been speaking to a couple of companies this afternoon about aquiring a walbro, but none of them seem to do them specific to the S12.

So i was wondering if they are model specific, or if any walbro fuel pump will fit in the silvia.


30psi 17-04-2008 16:45

Get an S13 or S14 one.

ScoupeS12 17-04-2008 16:59

Funnily enough one of the blokes I spoke to said an S14 one would do the job.

I'll go for one of those.


30psi 17-04-2008 17:02

Mine's an S14 one in an s12 tank. I think the filter or something is different, but the pump is the same

ScoupeS12 17-04-2008 18:12

Absolutely ideal.

Nice one buddy, I'll get it ordered tomorrow :)

s13eater 17-04-2008 19:20

when i got mine i think they sold me the uprated gtir pump, that was a couple of years ago though.

ScoupeS12 22-04-2008 13:22

Well it still hasn't arrived yet which is a bit of a bummer if im honest.

Because at the moment I am without wheels until it arrives :(

But I guess I'll just keep hoping for the best :)

Take it easy guys

ScoupeS12 22-04-2008 13:22

My bad....hit the stupid button twice

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