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carty672 19-05-2008 22:29

smoke at idle
Hi all, new to club and silvia ownership, just a quick question car runs fine no smoke at all when under load or at start up but if youve been driving at normal speeds using the turbo and then leave the car to tickover for about 2mins it will smoke like crazy! until you drive off when it will clear up almost instantly, im thinking turbo seals? any ideas, thanks.

carrottop 19-05-2008 22:55

Hi mate im a mechanic and see this alot when the turbo seals have gone especially in r5's which use the same t2 turbo

PukkaSilvia 19-05-2008 23:23

yep as above turbo seal

SST_Ti 20-05-2008 10:17

My Scimitar SST was doing this (same engine as the S12). A temporary fix that cured it for me was to turn up the idle a little bit (from 750rpm to just under 1000rpm). The turbo was replaced 30k miles ago by the previous owner so I'm loathed to do it again already. :p

carty672 20-05-2008 11:00

Thanks for the quick responses, looks like i better get a rebuild kit! it cant be that hard or can it?

PukkaSilvia 20-05-2008 19:37

diy rebuild kits are not worth the aggro. they rarely work

northerner 20-05-2008 20:37

and you cant balance the shaft. A recon turbo is around £250

s13eater 20-05-2008 21:44

see adzs for details lol.:D

carty672 20-05-2008 22:06

If you know where i can get a recon turbo for £250 please let me know as im getting quotes of 4/500

s13eater 20-05-2008 22:14


Originally Posted by carty672 (Post 26009)
If you know where i can get a recon turbo for £250 please let me know as im getting quotes of 4/500

i only payed £570 for a brand new not recon genuin garret t34.

northerner 21-05-2008 08:03

Turbo repairs Blackpool
Try Jack@Turbo Repairs Blackpool 01253 407464 as long as yours is serviceable he can recon it for about £250 all in inc collection/delivery. He can make up any to your spec and can make a T2 hybrid ie with bigger compressor which I had and makes loads of difference. Good thing about the hybrid is that it fit a standard engine/pipes


PukkaSilvia 21-05-2008 12:48


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 26007)
see adzs for details lol.:D

Yeah. Adz did a spot on job when her did his. Marked everything up and torqued the shaft nut correctly, Even then it only did a few hundred miles. Ebay kits just are not precise enough

carty672 21-05-2008 14:05

found a local place for £300 exchange so will go for that one, getting the turbo out went ok up until one of the metal coolant pipes snapped! will probably get another made locally as cant see nissan having one, thanks for help all

KillyBamp 21-05-2008 17:14

F$%k mine does this too, I just thought it was just the zorst coz its blowing right next to it, bet my seals have gone too.

northerner 21-05-2008 18:34

could of saved yourself £50 with Turbo repairs! :p

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