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JackieFan 19-06-2008 18:04

Nylon Subframe bushes
Thought I'd move this out of Richards how too thread before the good information in there get's flooded.

Thinking about getting the old MMR Subframe bushes copied. I saw that Richard used Nylon to get his made up, does anyone know if this stuff with do the job?


Or if anyone can see anything on here that will be better suited let me know.


EDIT - I have realised my stupidity in the title of the thread, no need to point it out

umpkin 19-06-2008 21:03

im so tempted to buy a laith and make these myself and all the other various ones we need on the s12, would deffo be worth it in the long run, tis a pain as my last work had all laiths and stuff to do this, too bad they went under :(

ill ask my boss if he can find a laith and ill go halves with him on it.

worth a shot.

i deffo need a set of bushes whatever we do :)

Raz987 20-06-2008 12:51

I'm sure I posted a reply to this yesterday, was it removed? :confused:

JackieFan 20-06-2008 12:54

I've seen that reply this morning, not sure where it's gone.

Had a PM go missing too :confused:

EDIT - Infact the reply I posted about going to an engineering company which also has gone walkies

JackieFan 20-06-2008 14:02

Just spoke to an Engineering firm got to get hold of some Nylon rod but their labour rate is only £25 per hour. I've got to get one set made up first but once I've done that I'll have a cost per set for you guys. Should work out quite affordable :)

umpkin 20-06-2008 17:28

thanks for doing this, esp as you have a set, you are going out of your way seeing as you dont need them done yourself.

cheers m8.

JackieFan 20-06-2008 17:46

No prob's :)

JackieFan 25-06-2008 08:22

Just a quick update guys, I've ordered a small amount of Nylon 66 for this to test the engineering company out. Just waiting for it to be delivered.

umpkin 25-06-2008 18:58

nice one m8 :D big thumbs up!!!

JackieFan 01-07-2008 09:28

Another update for you, the Nylon turned up this morning, I'll aim to get the first ones turned by Saturday if I can (might have to leave them with the Engineers if they are busy)

Also as far as I can work out these bushes are offset in such a way as to bring the subframe closer to the shell and reduce some of the horrid rear camber. How effective it is though remains to be seen but every little helps I guess :)

JackieFan 23-07-2008 09:26

Just a to let you guys know, I'd left the stuff with the engineering shop but haven't had a chance to go and pick it all up as I've been working away. Should have them back soon though.

I'll keep you posted.

umpkin 23-07-2008 17:59

nice one m8, cheers for doing this.

JackieFan 05-08-2008 18:16

I'll be Picking the first lot of these up on Saturday!

Just out of interest who would want a set? Price will be about £50 a set + Postage

rpettafor 05-08-2008 19:44

id be interested in a set:)

Rally Martin 20-08-2008 16:17

I just did this :p

JackieFan 20-08-2008 17:45

lol, that reminds me. I've not pickeed these up yet because the bloody Machine Shop has been closed at the weekend everytime i've been down there.

JackieFan 29-09-2008 16:18

Woohoo! Finally picked up the bushes!!!

Got two sets so far and can do them for £45 delivered (UK) if anyone is interested

If there is enough interest I can make more.

northerner 29-09-2008 19:18

Pics and does that inc the metal inserts ?1st dibs

ste00 29-09-2008 20:01

i'm interested... pics?

not going to claim dibs cause i can wait till u go into mass production and make millions from selling s12 subframe bushes lol

JackieFan 30-09-2008 17:31

I'll drop some pics on tonight for you guys.

Has anyone got a standard bush spare? (I've not got as far as striping the rear of either cars yet) I think you have to use the centres from the the originals to fit the new ones. If someone can send me a bush then I'll get some centres made if required, will push the price up slightly though

northerner 30-09-2008 20:12

If you can do the centres for the same price then mines defo dibs. its just you can get the Z31 as a kit for just over £50 inc postage

kennyboy 02-10-2008 08:13

Rear bushes
Thats the kit i got quality is fab just waiting to fit them, the fellas over the water reckon you have to trim the top part of the beam bush where it fastens up to the body though.:)

Ronin 10-12-2008 15:55

Just got my car MOT'd and the rear subframe bushes are an advisory, though one has collasped, any more news on these?

JackieFan 11-12-2008 10:16

If I'm honest I've not had time to look into getting the centres reamed out and tubes cut to fit.

I do have a couple of sets still so if you need some I could post them out tomorrow morning?

Just out of interest, why would you need to have the metal sleave at all? I can't see what difference it would make, can anyone shed some light?

Ronin 11-12-2008 16:58

Cheers I'll let you know when I need them as funds are a bit short what with getting the MOT, tax and Christmas at the moment.

umpkin 11-12-2008 18:22

the metal sleave is there to set the distance for the bolt to bolt up to, once the bolt is done up, the bushes will be tight, but not squashed.

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