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ste00 21-07-2008 00:27

turbo oil feed specs,
got a company offering to make me up a braided turbo oil feed, i just need the specs, (lenth, dia, bolt sizes at both ends)

going on a mk2 (1986) with a t25 turbo,

anyone know the size so i can get it ordered?

ste00 22-07-2008 13:54


Originally Posted by ste00 (Post 26850)
got a company offering to make me up a braided turbo oil feed, i just need the specs, (lenth, dia, bolt sizes at both ends)

going on a mk2 (1986) with a t25 turbo,

anyone know the size so i can get it ordered?

no one got any ideas? or a old dead feed that we could send them as a template?

badgerboy 22-07-2008 15:35

If you've got a mk2 silvia just use a 200sx oil feed pipe get them on ebay, you need the metal screw in bit from the 200sx block I think.

Just do a search on here and you'll find your info.

ste00 22-07-2008 23:25


Originally Posted by badgerboy (Post 26869)
If you've got a mk2 silvia just use a 200sx oil feed pipe get them on ebay, you need the metal screw in bit from the 200sx block I think.

Just do a search on here and you'll find your info.

i thought on the et the oil feed was on the intake side of the engine near the oil filter,

if its s13 then i can get him to make a decent one cheap :D

badgerboy 23-07-2008 18:35

On the Mk1 it's by the oil filter on Mk2 it's on the turbo side, if you've got an early Mk2 it may have the early block so will need a turbo line made up as can't use a 200sx one.

I paid about £25 to get a decent braided one made up by a local company.


ste00 24-07-2008 11:41

anyone got a pic of were it should be on a mk2 so i can check my block, got 3 blanks on the turbo side that i can see atm...

umpkin 24-07-2008 17:01

if its there it wont be blanked it should have a pipe coming out of it to the turbo, if its mk1, it wont have a hole, the hole on the mk2 is behind the power steering pump.

ste00 25-07-2008 18:07


Originally Posted by umpkin (Post 26895)
if its there it wont be blanked it should have a pipe coming out of it to the turbo, if its mk1, it wont have a hole, the hole on the mk2 is behind the power steering pump.

it would be blanked atm as the last owner blanked it to run without a turbo as the last one ate itself,

they took the turbo apart kept the exaust side on, plated the join between the intake and exaust side, bolted the lot back on and blanked everything off,

i'll have a look behind the pump for it,

Dazmans12 25-07-2008 23:48

Hose Solutions
Try Hose Solutions. Got them to supply all the braided hoses for my T25/28 Turbo for my S13. They where really helpful as I had to have a different connection for the Oil to turbo feed, & longer hose for the water return to block pipe.
I intend on doing my S12 when I get a chance.


northerner 26-07-2008 09:09


Originally Posted by ste00 (Post 26903)
it would be blanked atm as the last owner blanked it to run without a turbo as the last one ate itself,

they took the turbo apart kept the exaust side on, plated the join between the intake and exaust side, bolted the lot back on and blanked everything off,

i'll have a look behind the pump for it,

that rings a bell. My mates B reg Silvia that was scrapped about 3 years ago had a replacement bottom end fitted by nissan when 2 years old. They replaced it with a MKII block which I found out when I replaced the turbo some years later. They blanked he hole with a bolt and some silicone and plumbed it in as the MKI round the back. Maybe yours was done ?

Raz987 04-08-2008 22:51

Does the S13 oil feed screw into the right angle adapter that comes out of the block, or do you remove that and screw it straight into the block?
Or was the right angle adapter only fitted on SS1's??? :o
Cheers, Raz

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