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b5bytsilvia 15-12-2008 14:21

Car starts,then dies. ?
Hi all..

Right I bought the car the other day, not to far from newark, drove it back to leicester.

half way through my journey the car really lost power, even struggled to go up a hill, had to drop the gear to 2nd, and foot to the floor to get up it, (it wouldnt rev over 3k if I remember correctly)

Anyway plodded along home doing no more than 55mph, (because it wudnt go anymore)

Got home, and a freind who was following me said, It was chucking sparks or flames out the back (she was confused) And I could smell the fuel.

Went back to it about 30mins later, it drove for about 2miles then really died, completly bogged down on power.
It came to a halt.

Next day I called the RAC out to have a look for me as it was raining rather much!

after about 20mins he said everything seems fine but you need a new rotar arm.

Today I have fitted a new rotar arm, but its still the same, starts and dies, you cant rev it at all to keep it alive.

Iv just ordered a new dizzy cap wich should arrive at 4pm today.

The things that I will be checking next will be :

Fuel pressure regulator
water temp sensor
air flow meter (by disconecting it)

Any Ideas ?

Regards and apoliges for the long discription


s12-newbie 15-12-2008 14:28

i had simulr probs & it was a boost pressure leak front the turbo outlet to intake (throtle-bodie) pipe, sorted its easy to fix, check all your boost hoses before other stuff!

i do hope your not getting the same problom as me as it sounds very simular!
my s12 wont start now but it turns over! but i suffered the same bad running probs at roughly the same rev range as you describe 1st

b5bytsilvia 15-12-2008 14:29

Hi mate

I will be checking the pipes, Do you have any idea where the water temp sensor is located ?



s12-newbie 15-12-2008 14:53

yep, its just infront of the intake manifold & has a yellow conector on it!

if i was near the car i'd take a pic,

b5bytsilvia 15-12-2008 14:59

Il have a butcherz when I go back to it, (its 2miles down the road from me)

Hopefully Il get this sorted soon,!

s12-newbie 15-12-2008 15:18

same here my car is about the samedistance away at a relitives lol :D i do hope you have better luck than me

b5bytsilvia 15-12-2008 15:26


Mines just sitting out on a random road in the village.

Well I will try the dizzy cap, then water temp sensor after that, Il be a tad bit lost. does it help that whilst driving it back I noticed the engine temp sensor was always in the lower quater? (meaning very cold)



ChEsTeR 15-12-2008 15:30

Disconet the MAF and it thould start. Checke if the timeing is right and the ignition.

s12-newbie 15-12-2008 16:11

my temp on the gague sits in the lower quarter too! my temp sensor wasent working & now its fixed i was suprised at how cold the car runs, according the the guague

s13eater 15-12-2008 16:33

i can't see the water temp sensor making it run that bad, i had a fuel reg reading 65psi, that buggered it up within about 3 miles, also the afm can make it tickover good and missfire when reved or tickover shit and run good when reved.

b5bytsilvia 15-12-2008 19:49


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 28371)
i can't see the water temp sensor making it run that bad, i had a fuel reg reading 65psi, that buggered it up within about 3 miles, also the afm can make it tickover good and missfire when reved or tickover shit and run good when reved.

In that case its neither of them then...

Was to dark by the time I got there so I couldnt do anything.:ghey

b5bytsilvia 16-12-2008 14:35

Oh i forgot to mention, when the car does start for those few seconds it shakes like mad..

does this narrrow it down ?

s13eater 16-12-2008 16:59

timings no miles out is it ?

doski 16-12-2008 19:01

take the plugs out and clean them and put them back in again, and try starting her again. Plugs could be so coated in shit that they cant get clear.

im have had that prob in the past and also having it now with running my det motor in, as i have bigger injectors in and they naturally over fuel and as i cant rev over 4000 i can get them to clear when they foul up so have to take them out and clean and refit and it runs sound

b5bytsilvia 16-12-2008 19:23

Ok, Well Il be towing the car back my way tmorw, So I can check everything, just went past the car, seems someone has let the tyre down or slashed it :furious

btw, service parts, wheres best to get them from ?

Thanks for all your input people!


b5bytsilvia 20-12-2008 10:50

Can anyone direct me to the fuel regulator with a picture ?

Im still stuck ! :confused:

PukkaSilvia 24-12-2008 13:08

has the orange boost hose popped off the turbo that joins to the crossover pipe to the inlet manifold? or split...

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