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Dr Silvia 04-03-2006 13:52

S12 Manual
Yes its true rather than just talk bout it ive gone and done it.

Im just past the halfway mark scanning the manual in, and expect to be finished sometime next week before slingin it all on cd in pdf format..

Price will be a £5 er, who's interested???

umpkin 04-03-2006 14:48

me!!!!!!!! :D you take paypal for fast easy transaction :o

datdrift 04-03-2006 14:51

yep:) i'll take one.

PukkaSilvia 04-03-2006 14:54

Yep il also take one

Dr Silvia 04-03-2006 15:03

Yup i'll be takin paypal as long as my car get fixed relatively easily then should be all finished and ready for putting on cd by the end of this week coming:cool:

Micke 04-03-2006 16:05

Why dont support the community and put it up for free? Is it just the Original manual that follows the car from when its new? If its that one i could also get my up on the web. Buts its in Swedish so maby not that interesting :(

alundra 04-03-2006 17:00

5£ in nothing believe me:
-you will save money for sure if you repare yourself your car
-scan more than 2 hundreds pages it's a hard job
-he contribues for our community to purpose this
-if it was for mk2 1987-1988 I'll give him more ? for sure!

Micke 04-03-2006 17:13


Originally Posted by alundra
5£ in nothing believe me:
-you will save money for sure if you repare yourself your car
-scan more than 2 hundreds pages it's a hard job
-he contribues for our community to purpose this
-if it was for mk2 1987-1988 I'll give him more € for sure!

Of course if its the BIG repair maunal then its totaly worth it! I tought it was the one you get with the car! My mistake! Good job! I my self have to get hold of one ex of it to!

Dr Silvia 04-03-2006 17:14

The £5 will cover my expence of buying a scanner and that i have destroyed a perfectly good manual in order to scan it all in along with the cost of the cd. Anyone who thinks me unfair should scan in a Yellow Pages for free as this is a near equivilent . I hope it will come of use to you guys and that i dont find that buyers copy the cd and sell them themself on ebay making jest of my hard work.

Ronin 04-03-2006 18:16

I'll take one when your done please.

NIZMAINIAC 04-03-2006 18:18

fair play , if you've spent time and money on doing it, why not try and make some back:)

adzs12 04-03-2006 18:40

Il take one asap aswell mate:D Top man for doing it;)

nissan_turbs 05-03-2006 13:58

Anyone that rips of your cd will get a slap from me :trout

Ill defo have one mate, top work.

FLEXXX 05-03-2006 17:25

il take one too just let me know when its ready and il post the funds through cheers mate

Dr Silvia 06-03-2006 17:53

okies tomorrow im gonna try an get it finished in one last go, thanks for your support peeps:) , guess i should start looking for the supplements now:D

GWtaylor 06-03-2006 19:24

I'll have one as well even though i don't have an s12 yet but it will make me more determand to get one. Just give the word when there ready mate


Dr Silvia 08-03-2006 17:56

No problem:) I have just finished scanning.. now i must arrange the pages prooperly and import them into adobe and index them.. Wont be long now peeps:cool:

Dr Silvia 09-03-2006 21:58

OK come an get 'em:D see the for sale section for the full low down

LX01UK 18-04-2006 16:12

Is it delivered on cd or via email? - Do you take cheques, or prefer penpal?

I'll take one please, Alex.

umpkin 18-04-2006 16:56

he sends them via CD royal mail, i paid via paypal, see for sale section for more details.

http://www.nissansilvia.co.uk/vbb/showthread.php?t=446 << here.

Dr Silvia 18-04-2006 16:57

cheers m8:)

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