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PukkaSilvia 06-03-2006 20:40

Pole dancing@Modified Nationals
As you know from the events section quite a few of us are going to the all weekend show at Rockingham.

My question is.... Whos coming into the pole dancing bar/club onsite on the Sat evening :rolleyes: And whos missus has banned them with a slap?

i was thinking we could also have a big laugh too if we get Nissan Turbs pissed again and egg him up on the pole :1la

adzs12 06-03-2006 20:42

Hmmmm this topic is questionable and probably best left avoided until they see theres some chipmunks in the room next door with there choppers swinging about:eek:

s13eater 07-03-2006 00:10

don't worry matey's, your women will be safe in my tent, i'am bringing a scaffoding pole to hold the middle up, so when your all enjoying the young titties, i'll be getting your women drunk and have them dancing around my slimey pole:D

PukkaSilvia 07-03-2006 00:22

Il ave you :trout

adzs12 07-03-2006 00:34

Pmsl..... but shaun whilst our young ladies are teasing your chopper thats way past its sell by date, stell will be getting double teamed in the wrongun by s12oc admin:D

PukkaSilvia 07-03-2006 00:35

Toooooo Right. Rich may be gay though.im unsure

ONION 07-03-2006 00:58

im up for tickling some fanny

s13eater 07-03-2006 01:05

yeah but my well out of date chopper is as stiff as a starched collar, 5 kids later and my cock still rocks;) stella would laugh and say give me a real man, don't forget girls, i've 19 stone to knock it in with,once in my life i could have said,i'am young and hansome, not, i'am young.:D ;)

adzs12 07-03-2006 01:10

You sure your still able to perform though mate?

No good having 19 stone to knock it in with if your all out after 5 minutues, and ya knackers are sagging down like this:1la


ONION 07-03-2006 01:16

thats a tache n a half

s13eater 07-03-2006 02:13

no mate i'll assure you, 5 mins and i'am only just getting started, don't forget i'am on testosterone injections from the doctors, so when its there its there to stay,some times till the next morning:) , i'am 37 mate not 87,all my tackle is working fine, being 19 stone is no hinderence, as i maybe a bit overweight, but i can still knock out over 65 press up in 60 seconds, not as good as 86 in 60 seconds like i could do when i was younger, but i'am a lot heavier now,and i'am damn sure i could not still do a 1 arm pull up at my weight, but this does not mean that i could'nt do some damage to a pink orafice.:D

adzs12 07-03-2006 02:20

LOL shall we all chip in for some horse style thongs to do our own pole dancing...:1la


nissan_turbs 07-03-2006 09:54

haha you would never get me that drunk. Well actually, 4 hours sleep, 8 hours drive, beer, very little sleep, and more beer may do it:trout

Just dont let Gaz near it:D

Claire 07-03-2006 14:28

I think you have forgotten that there are some ladies signed up to this site. Yeah we may be quiet but we read every post. ;)
But I must say it was a good read.

Adam, where do you find all these wierd pictures? :ghey

Anyway 'Pukka' I just thought I would let you know that I dont mind you watching a load of women swinging around poles, because in the tent next door there will be loads of fit men swinging there bits about. :D
So hopefully Nissan Turbs wont get too drunk and walk into the wrong tent.

I am really looking forward to Modifed Nationals. I hope everyone attends this year, no excuses. The best thing is that Chell and I have had numerous discussions and we have plans to make the salon bigger and better this year! :) :cool:

ONION 07-03-2006 18:28

you dancing then? lol

Claire 07-03-2006 19:08

yeah, after a drink or 2 I probably will.
Are you coming to modified nationals??

s13eater 07-03-2006 19:14

oops:o forgot about you ladies:D

adzs12 08-03-2006 01:30


Originally Posted by Claire
yeah, after a drink or 2 I probably will.

Will you be donning a horse thong too:1la

gripo 08-03-2006 10:34

I used to be a podium dancer in my university days. payed well:cool:

Claire 09-03-2006 19:51

I may pop to Ann Summers and buy about 10 animal thongs and get you all drunk until your delirious. Then make you all wear animal thongs, you can decide between yourselves which one you want to wear.





BradS12 15-03-2006 00:07

LOL! :eek: They are some funky designs :1la :ghey

May just have to attend this meet :cool:

Claire 16-03-2006 18:00

Brad you should come along. We need as many silvias as possible on the stand. :)

BradS12 20-03-2006 01:02

yea think i will try to tag along.. we'll have to see. Dont wanna be taking ma car to shows and stuff till its looking presentable. its nearly there, however it needs a few touch ups before i have loadsa peeps seeing it, and viewing it on behalf of the 'silvia massive' :1la :cool:

heh well all ill is ill try ma best:D

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