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adzs12 06-03-2006 22:52

i got mine out in the week in hour n a half start to finish:D

s13eater 06-03-2006 23:03

us old uns need to take things more slower, but last for longer:D , anyhoo, i ant done a swap for a couple of years and like you say, its true the more you do the easier it is, you seem to remember things to do in order, when you ant done one for a bit, you seem to dither about a bit wondering what to do next, or maybe that me thinking i don't want to do this, especially when me and stell has to lift it out on the end of a 6ft weight lifting bar:p , i'd forgot about getting the exhaust off, when mines sooo easy to get off.

s13eater 06-03-2006 23:04

anyhoo, where the fecks me pic gone to:confused:

adzs12 06-03-2006 23:18

Shaun what have you done to your signature:trout

s13eater 06-03-2006 23:22


Originally Posted by adzs12
Shaun what have you done to your signature:trout

don't know mate, its gone off of the sxoc as well, perhaps its been sabataged:mad:

adzs12 06-03-2006 23:33

Which image host do you use mate?

PukkaSilvia 06-03-2006 23:34

the image hosts site must be currently down.

s13eater 06-03-2006 23:37

no idea adz, i think jon sorted it me out.:confused:

s13eater 06-03-2006 23:51

i slept with a gal called shell and knocked her bottom end out:D

adzs12 06-03-2006 23:54

:eek: :eek: :eek: Im taking offecnce to this thread:mad: SHAUN what have you been doing with my misses:1la

s13eater 07-03-2006 00:03

i went with a gal called michelle, wunt be yours from this distance adz, if it was your misses adz i'd be in the guiness book of records for having a 200 mile long penis :D , or she would have to be good for me to stump up the petrol money for that distance in my guzzler;)

adzs12 07-03-2006 00:12

Il make some enquiries shaun;) Next time i visit her burger il see if i can smell some northern foreskin smeg:trout

s13eater 07-03-2006 00:14

no cheese around my knob mate, me staffies just cleaned it:D

adzs12 07-03-2006 00:20

Im starting to think this site may appeal to you shaun me old mucker:D


s13eater 07-03-2006 00:25

naah mate, i never go on them, i've got enough on dvd:D

adzs12 07-03-2006 00:30


shaun whats this about boobie swapping at modified nationals? i wouldnt mind hanging my coat on stells pellets;)

adzs12 07-03-2006 00:32

I hears pukkas got first dibs?

s13eater 07-03-2006 00:35

our best bet was richard kimbelys girls puppies, we could have used them for ski jumping,or just for a plain old wit tank.:D

adzs12 07-03-2006 00:39

I think she caught him in a dress and wearing lipstick so made a hasty exit:confused: Either that shaun or you flashed her your meat n 2 veg;)

PukkaSilvia 24-09-2006 19:57

lol only just read this.Didnt realise you checked them. Where they in good nick?

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