S12OC UK Forum

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S12OC 09-03-2006 01:09

New UK s12 Owners Please Introduce Yourselves
It has been noticed that there are a lot of UK s12 enthuisiasts that have signed up to www.s12oc.com but have not made an introduction.

S12oc has a newbie forum board to help you introduce yourself and get to know a few other like minded owners. We are a friendly club that enjoys a joke aswell as using the forum to help each other out when it matters and arrange club meets and shows.

If you own an s12 and Live in the United Kingdom we would like to hear from you.Especially if you are interested in attending some of our friendly shows......

S12oc admin


David Redfern 09-03-2006 09:59

Its getting older....(1988)
My red Silvia Turbo was bought from a friend (lady) at 33,000 miles fives years ago.Now on 120.000. Works like a dream except for traditional rotting rear door due to spolier. Anybody any ideas before I dare take the step to unbolt and reveal?
David Redfern, Thanet, Kent
[email protected]

Dan 09-03-2006 10:58


Originally Posted by David Redfern
Anybody any ideas before I dare take the step to unbolt and reveal?

Pray? :D I have yet to dare either.

I'm not quite new.. i've had my s12 for almost two years (and been lurking here & sxoc almost as long). It was previously my mum's car :D ..and after loving the car for all the years it was hers i nabbed it first chance i had when she bought her rx-8.

Current mods:
Lovely gunmetal paintjob.
Modified airbox. :o

Coming soon:
T25 turbo - refurbished
Cossie intercooler
Electric fans
New ignition coils (does anyone else do this?)
Custom exhaust (well, it kind of has to be)
Uprated brake pads
Grooved discs
K&N induction kit
KYB shocks all round
Chassis Dynamics lowering springs
Inovit gunmetal 'spirit' 17"x7's. (hopefully)
Walbro fuel pump
Uprated injectors
Dump valve (quiet one?)
New wiper blades :p

I have far too many questions to ask, so im glad you're happy to answer!

- Dan
[email protected] - for email and msn

adzs12 09-03-2006 10:58

Welcome to the site:)

What are your plans once the rear spoiler is removed? There are holes under here so unless your replacing the spoiler with another then these will need filing.

You can try and get your hands on an se rear spoiler which most people are, or search the scrappys for renault 19 16v , peugeout 405 ,and other rear spoilers as these have been tried and tested and look good.

Post some pictures up if you can mate, would be nice to see the s12:)

Andy 06-04-2006 23:21

Hi All
My name is Andy brought my S12 last November Could not get a manual for love or money so ended up with an Auto however this will be converted in the warmer weather.the car is so much fun goes well for an auto gets looks but only because i dont think the young lads know what it is :D

Thats it for now hope to meet up with you all soon


PukkaSilvia 07-04-2006 23:51

i remember when the s12 was rare in our area. now every young modder knows them as there is me,adz,dr_silvia,brad and reece with them. It seems normal to hae 3 parked outside our local boozer. What have we done :rolleyes:

Hope to see you at modified Nationals or jae......

damo666 10-07-2006 00:19

New Boy!!
Hello, my name is Damien and i live in the isle of man, we dont have a speed limit!! any way, ive got 2 s12's, 1's an 85 in a light blue, wiv a few mods! 246bhp at the back wheels,ive just fitted a large front intercooler! and ive moved the air filter in2 the bumper( just 2 get more cold air) the bodys starting 2 look a bit scruffy,its only got 43k on it! so i got an 88 mk2 the other wk, but its an auto, so im hoping 2 change all my good bits off the older 1 on2 the newer s12?? just wondered if any 1 knows if the looms the same? Oh!! does any 1 know were i can get a metal head gasket from?? my s12 got a s13 bottom end, can i use an s13 gasket?? i need a slightly thicker 1 too...

boymostfoul 26-02-2007 20:50

I'm a newbie too...
Hi guys, my name's Tim, friends call me Bo, or the boy...
I own a S12 Silvia...
It's my first Nissan...
Err... she's am '85 which I brought a year ago (love the retro rockets) and after blapping it about for a couple of weeks... I blew the turbo, warped a brake disc and the diff felt like it was grinding... real bad...
I've spent the last 12 months collecting parts for her... mission on it's own, never mind the year previous trying to find the car to begin with...
Black Diamonds Discs (F R32,& S12 R)
R32 Front Hubs and calipers
Red stuff pads
Steel braided Hoses
New Rear swaybar bushes
New brake seal kit (both S12 R, and R32 F)
Momo Stearing wheel
Snap Off Boss
Cobra MonacoII Bucket... blah blah blah...
and i'm a Rotary head... so, i'm leaning towards an RX7 lump... but recently a few have recomended a SR20DET lump... but that's alot of cash...
And last but not least there was a guy around South Ockenden way a few years back... a black S12 with 3 spokes... YOU are guilty for my (now 6 odd years of looking for one!) OBSESSION! !! !!!

PukkaSilvia 26-02-2007 22:33

HAHA i believe you must mean Umpkin. He is on this site. He has a mk1 in black with the se monaco spoiler etc. Nice looking car:)

You have a nice spec to your car. When did you do the s13 lsd conversion?
Do you have any pictures of the r32 brake setup on your s12.

It sounds like a gd project. PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!

are you interested in coming to any shows this year?

s12nelly16v 15-06-2007 10:32


Originally Posted by Andy (Post 4121)
Hi All
My name is Andy brought my S12 last November Could not get a manual for love or money so ended up with an Auto however this will be converted in the warmer weather.the car is so much fun goes well for an auto gets looks but only because i dont think the young lads know what it is :D

Thats it for now hope to meet up with you all soon


hi andy, ive got a manual for the SILVIA ! from nissan ! its massive and exspensive !! but worth it ! i think its much cheaper now i've had mine about 8 yrs now, the book , i've had my car about 15 yrs, love her to bits !!! :D

Initial-d12 silvia 15-06-2007 11:24

Wat up from edd
( just learning english so please bare:trout ) Hi every one my name is edd and im the praud owner of RAD MOTORS & LEATHER STYLING here in Ireland, what we do you see is we sale bmw,merc's,audis you get the idea but the cool thing about us is we customize standard cloth seats in to what ever material you want, ups got a bit caried away :o anyway i got my first 1986 nissan silvia from good all ebay for just under £500 it is the cleanest 21 year old car iv seen, its standard but thats the way i wanted it to be ;) , will try to make it down to the show whit my s12 which is geting sprayed today at 12 like that TOYota ae86 from Initial-d white and black. BELIVE IT OR NOT JUST GOT MY PROJECTOR HEADLIGHTS FORM EBAY DELIVERD RIGHT NOW :D COOL!!! Got to check this out so till latter....:D
(will get pic's from the transformation:D)

troggs232 16-06-2007 17:45

im also a newbie
hello everyone, im steve from durham, i have just bought my second s12, my first was around 6 years ago, the misus wanted me to be sensible and buy something with four doors, of course i said no, but she did point out that the spare room was cold and lonely on a night, so i decided to keep my nissan and restore it, and buy something she liked, perfect solution, get to keep the nissan whoohoo, but sadly not, the nissan was kept in a friends barn which was burned to the ground and the nissan was gutted, and so was i, so after searching hard i found another, its an 89 all standard never messed with and only has 89,000 miles on it, full service history and original bill of sale, it had been stood 2 years under trees and the white paint work had changed to tree green, i gave it a good clean up and got the g3 paste on it and i was surprised at just how solid she is, the only rust is on the o/s front wing, very soild underneath, gave her some fresh engine oil and filter and turned her over, fired up but ran very poorly, new plugs cured that, but the manifold gaskets were shot, changed those and now sounds sweet, ok, think ive said enough lol, oh, and the sensible car the wife got me to buy was a mondeo si, i got shot of that last week, and bought her a saab 93, she's happy, and im happy and still get to go to bed with her hahahah, oh, anyone got a good o/s wing for sale? thanks for reading my dribble lol, all the best guys, steve.

PukkaSilvia 16-06-2007 18:30

New s12 owners flooding in. Where do they keep coming from! Welcome to the club and forums. Hopefully you will become a regular:)

s12nelly16v 16-06-2007 22:04

hello people !
Hi my name is Neil , from Newark , Nott's . I've had my Silvia about 17 years ! shame to say most of them in the garage ! like most i went down the wife n kids route so the car went to one side ! ( love the wife n kids to bits !) but its time to get the car back out . My car is rare as i beleive, 2.0 16v , most i've seen have been 1.8 turbo , any feed back on this would be interesting , hope to meet up with some of you soon ! Should be able to come to the shows so spk soon ! Neil :)

Noodle_Soup 28-06-2007 15:43

new here...
Hey guys, My name is Ben, i live in Cornwall and have just bought an s12.:D
Wow how much did that sound like an intro to an AA meeting?lol

dunno if you guys can help,:confused: i am in need of a pair of front wings for my 12.:o as she has been parked in a hedge for the last 18 or so months, she is a little worse for wear and needs a little TLC!:)

any feed back on this would be gratefully received. check you later.

PukkaSilvia 29-06-2007 23:52

hi welcome to s12oc.Keep an eye on the classifieds for s12s being broken and put a wanted ad up in classifieds. :)

kenneth 17-07-2007 20:28

hi everybody my nane is kenneth i have had my two silvias for five years first one is 1985 fj model and the other is a standard 1989 turbo as doner car for the 1985 as i am doing full rebuild of fj .

aladins78 05-08-2007 18:43

Hi all, i'm gavin another new addition to the s12 way of life, actually i also just aquired a nice sunny b12 1.8zx too (for free), had vectra gsi for last 7 years, getting married in a few weeks, and decided to sell and buy something fun and rear wheel drive again, and have some money left over.... well that was the plan, had it 3 weeks.... after 3 days had head off due to exhaust manifold blowing and 1 bolt totally buggered, and found needed a rebuild. still now i know its all ok internally... but after just 200 miles, its in bits again... due to a blown turbo, and faulty crank oil seal... still keeps me poor, so my better half can spend it all.. :D sorry for long post.
Keep all the good info flowing guys, newbies like me would be lost without places like this.
Cheers Gav

old-and-rusty 05-08-2007 19:28

Hi Gav,
Sounds like fairly common problems. You have the car running for a few days, then off the road for a week ;) .
The joys of s12 motoring :D .

PukkaSilvia 06-08-2007 20:28

welcome to s12oc :)

323ian 13-08-2007 19:18

Hello everyone over here!!

I am the proud owner of a S12 and live in Norfolk.

I have gone halfs up on this with a friend as it just became far to expensive for me to keep using my R33 GTR Skyline on trackdays and i do love the odd trackday!! I am also hoping to get this car to the level where it can handle a bit of drifting.

I have quite a vast knowledge of all things to do with the Skyline so if anyone needs any help with the engine etc then give me a shout.

I hope you guys can point me in the right direction with this car as i know absolutely nothing about it but would like to build it into a good track car, it is running the CA18ET.

First things first where can i find some decent suspension for the car?

NikWilson 16-08-2007 21:16

I am the other owner with Ian as per the post above - Hi to you all!

My last Jap car was an R34 GTR v-spec Skyline with 500bhp and am now running a Clio V6 phase 2 with 300bhp.

The S12 is going to become a bit of a track car/drift car.

It seems a shame in some ways, since the car was 1 owner from new in June 1987. The interior is a peach with just a couple of small marks on the pax side door card.

Nice cars these, I always wanted one. Back in 1987, I lived in Germany and these were the cars to have! Kind of old school and just more interesting than the S13/14/15.

I am by trade originally an engineer and now have pleanty of experience with Turbo's etc and Jap engineering!

Nik W

s13eater 16-08-2007 21:23

hi :welcome ,love the v6 clio, is it the rear engined one?

NikWilson 16-08-2007 22:49


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 19766)
hi :welcome ,love the v6 clio, is it the rear engined one?

Yes it is, it has a 3L V6 engine in the back. Its the phase 2, so it handles well and is not a widow maker like the phase 1. Standard it is 255bhp, but with mods is up to 300bhp

Nik W

steves12 30-09-2007 16:00

hey people just joined the site. Live up in the north west an got a red 87 s12 turbo. think i've seen some of you before at Jae a couple of years ago! Seem to remember the light blue beastie. i'll post up a pick of mine at JAE !!

zxocmars 30-09-2007 16:40


Originally Posted by steves12 (Post 20777)
hey people just joined the site. Live up in the north west an got a red 87 s12 turbo. think i've seen some of you before at Jae a couple of years ago! Seem to remember the light blue beastie. i'll post up a pick of mine at JAE !!

Hi, just signed up myself.

Also from the North West,

Pics of my S12 in the photo thread. :)

steves12 30-09-2007 22:33

posted a pic of mine up now too. where bouts in the NW are you ?

ryjay 01-10-2007 00:22

hi peoples,:) posted a couple of times already but thought i should introduce myself! recently bought a 1988 S12 after owning a DC5 Integra type R and a skyline GTR(for sale):( ,but i've always loved these cars so decided to take the plunge! i'm based in north east scotland.
i'm a painter to trade so i'm fully re-storing this little gem that i aqquired for not alot of pennies, with a little hint of JDM drift in there so hope to get some pics up soon!

zxocmars 01-10-2007 14:00


Originally Posted by steves12 (Post 20791)
posted a pic of mine up now too. where bouts in the NW are you ?

Runcorn, Cheshire. :D

Oscar 01-10-2007 14:22

cant remember ever filling this bit in.........
the names oscar, 24, used to have a s12, but had to scrap it last month :( from chesterfield, living just down the road from s13eater
currently own a lancia dedra shortly to have fitted a nice intergrale lump in it :D
and on the search for another s12 as its the most fun car ive ever had :)
more fun than a c43 amg merc, gt starlet, 328i, primera gt, and corsa turbo anyway!

vespajames 06-12-2007 01:59

I've had my 85 auto copper S12 since 93. Great to see these cars are getting the attention they deserve. Have done the head gasket in 94 and turbo in 03.
Stored the car since then - started it regularly - no problem - best car for starting i've ever had -now the engine's knocking.
So I'm now looking at my options and time constraints. This motor is way too
cool and gorgeous to go to the breakers. I'd rather use it as a doss house than let that happen. But then it could be turned into something unbelievable
by you experts. Your thoughts appreciated. At the moment I'm leaning towards breaking it myself, but tomorrow....

old-and-rusty 06-12-2007 13:41

NOOOOO Don`t break it up !!!!!!
Although I am a bit biased ;) .
It would be a shame to see another s12 go to the scrappers.
You know you want to get her running again, really :D .

Candellan 06-08-2008 05:19

Hi from OZ. Long time registered, first time poster. I've been with AUS12 for ages and finally came over to check out how things are going in the UK.

I have one of the few CA20DET's using a CA20 block (still with the original rods) and a CA18DET head. Turbo is from a Lancer EVO III. S13 front suspension, etc.

royarnold 02-12-2008 01:11

hi there i might be new to the owners club but i`ve owned three s12`s including the one i have now! theres just something about these cars that i love my latest one is my best by far bought as a totally standard example and now sporting various goodies including a one off body kit (minus rear spoiler) and a host of engine mods hopefully it should be back on the road just after christmas i will up load some before build and during build photos when i get time let me know what you think

Skid Skid 15-12-2009 21:56

hi just another retro s12 lover!!!!!
hi its wol
bought my s12 back in july and sore good things for it after i had the box rebuilt so took it off the road to do;
stripped car all bar engine /box
painted the under side/arches white
painted all exhurst mount /sheilds silver
painted all front arms and rear sub frame yellow
painted both anti bars and rear shock carriers red
and rear wish bones black

super pro to all front arms drop links and roll bars
mmr to rear sub frame ,wishbones,diff mount and steering rack

front gaz coilovers with eccentric top mounts
rear gaz adjustable shocks spings still seprate but stiffer and 50mm lower

all ridged lines replaced with new copper
custom 6 line braided hose kit and 1 line for clutch
f/r s12 calipers fully re-con
f/r s12 discs drilled n groved

wheels tyres;
front 15" 7j xxr 6 spoke in red ,195 50 15 prada spec 2
rear 15" 8j xxr 6 spoke in red with 3" dish , 205 50 15 cheap
wide arches and 2" hub spacers all round

striped out painted white , alloy chequer plate front floor mats, passenger alloy foot rest , dash remove painted black/red refitted,fly off hand brake,quick shift ,pair of momo bucket seats on custom runners,yellow 4 point harnesses, momo drift deep dish steering wheel

front mount intercooler ,greddy boost controler,piper-x monster air filter,welded diff

pics to follow !!!!!!!

a company called concepatua tuning have been really good and after using my brake and clutch lines now sell two kits a 6 line brake kit not 4 like other people :confused: and a clutch kit as well as doing uprated f/r droplinks and super pro bushes hope for some feed back soon
ps hope to tag along to a few meets in the coming year merry x-mas to you all !!!!!!!!!!!:)

TomMurphy 12-07-2010 22:13

Does an S110 count?
Hello everyone,

Have been poached form the FJ20 forum by S13eater. Rather a tenuous link via using the same engines in our cars.
I'm a GpB rally enthusiast and currently have a 240RS under restoration and a scruffy but very potent Datsun Silvia (s110 hatchback circa 1981). Keen to establish if anyone has any unusual cars of that ilk. Also if S13eater or anyone else can point in the right direction regarding L18 engine main bearings I'd be grateful.
Tom Murphy

s13eater 12-07-2010 23:02

hi matey, good to see you here, as i said before, try engine power at coventry, they got me alc l18 bearings for my fj20, you just need to open up the oil feeds on them and you have a better size clearence as well, i got 2 sets for the price of 1 set from nissan,£118 for 2 sets, you got to get some pics up on here matey.:)

TomMurphy 13-07-2010 01:56

How to upload photos

Its not obvious how you upload photos and I think my HTML is disabled. Any suggestions?

Dante_s12 29-09-2010 14:29

Hello to everyone.

The new user/member here. First of all, introduce myself:
Name: Michael
Full age: 22
Location: Riga, LV
Owner of S12: since 04.2010
Current status of car: In the construction process

Greg Kiss 19-05-2013 22:17

Hello Everyone!
I just bought my S12 mk2 from 88/89 with 15k in the clock.she`s a ca18et just as my first love was 15 years ago,back in the country.does anyone knows about possible factory remap or different ECU units?my first one was unmodified as far as i knew at the time,but with the max rev at7800,and got an extra kick at around 4500/full turboboost around3000/,never find anything like that since...
cheers Greg

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