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nedge2k 22-09-2009 22:58

Service Manual PDF Download
UPDATE 2020:

Dr. Silvia's UK 1984 Mk1 Silvia Manual + Full Wiring Diagram (278MB):


backup (thanks umpkin):


1986 200SX Service Manual (72MB):




30psi 22-09-2009 23:51

Is it the UK or US manual?

nedge2k 22-09-2009 23:57

US (200sx) and it's '86 not '85 (was thinking of my paper one) :P

Actually, says '86 on front cover but says published in '85 so...

30psi 23-09-2009 00:01

There' a fair few differences with that one though. What file size is the UK one? Can't be hosted anywhere or thrown about as a torrent?

Dr Silvia 23-09-2009 13:04

Already looked at torrenting my scan but i dont have available bandwidth from a torrent enabled machine unless you're happy with something like 10K/s for 4 hours a day seed rate. If someone wants to fund some real bandwidth then please get in touch.

30psi 23-09-2009 13:43

How long would it take you to upload it via ftp to my fasthost account do you think?

umpkin 23-09-2009 18:09

i have a zipped copy that i can host on my pc with 40k upload, but can only do this on a minimal 1 or 2 people, as that will be direct from my pc, i cant host it for a mass constant download, lol.

i can upload it in bout 2 hrs 278meg

30psi 23-09-2009 18:22

Can I grab it direct from your machine then, or will it need to be hosted to a website first?

I can pass you my ftp details if ya want to do that way

umpkin 23-09-2009 18:36

ive pmed you a link.


umpkin 23-09-2009 18:38

ive allowed 50k my max is 60k, so i can still browse :P

30psi 23-09-2009 18:39

Yeah currently seeing 50k.

1hr, 41 mins remaining.

I'm probably going out, but I'll upload it once I come back late tonight

umpkin 23-09-2009 18:53

im going off here for a bit anyways, so ill unlimit it when not in use.

30psi 23-09-2009 18:54

Ok cool cheers fella

nedge2k 23-09-2009 21:43

can you send me the link too? will stick it on my site with the other one then :)

30psi 23-09-2009 23:46

Here it is

http://yourcarphotos.co.uk/S12/Nissan Silvia (S12).zip

Should pull about 400kb/s

30psi 24-09-2009 00:16

Oh by the way kudos to Doctor Silvia for being patient and scanning this in. Nice quality, especially on the wiring diagram

umpkin 24-09-2009 17:47

seconded to that, just need a better pc to open it without the 10 mins hang while it loads, lol. :D

Dr Silvia 24-09-2009 20:58

you should of tried the epic 24 hour run that my pc at the time took to compile that, it crashed out the first 2 attempts:rolleyes:

thanks btw:cool:

nedge2k 24-09-2009 21:34

Nice1 Dr. S. and 30psi, have added to OP and mirrored on my site :)

umpkin 05-11-2020 21:25


hopfully this works lol, dr silvia version.

nedge2k 05-11-2020 22:52

awesome, cheers dude!

PukkaSilvia 28-11-2020 21:16

Fantastic :)

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