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PukkaSilvia 27-10-2005 14:01

S12OC STAND @ Modified Nationals 2006
Ive just had the details of this event through the Post from the Organisers and it sounds Awesome

2006 Modified Nationals will be on JUNE 3RD-4TH at Rockingham Motor Racing Circuit.

We can have a camping area, Club stand for as many cars as we like but the best bit is the track events that come with it.

If you enjoyed Jae2005 then this will be your thing as it has everything Jae had and more. There will be a nascar style Banked oval track (Only one of its kind in the country) that you can take your s12 on :D 0-60 drag strip and a 1/8th mile strip. They will also be doing a DB drag that will be amusing too for anyone with big DB sound systems :p

We need at least Five cars to book our stand which knowing you guys shouldnt be a problem. If you are interested Put your names down.

Due to all the paid/Donating members we already have(thanks guys!) we already have all our bits and pieces for the stand ie Gazebo,bbq,Banner etc. This should be a great event and i myself cant wait to take my mk1 round the track as well as getting completely pissed again in the Evening with you lot.:D

nissan_turbs 27-10-2005 15:44

Ill be there. Was planning on going to this anyway :D

adzs12 28-10-2005 00:06

:D This sounds awesome and i also cant wait!!

FLEXXX 28-10-2005 10:40

count me in hopefully will have a job soon so will start work on the s12
adz dont forget the remote this time mate lol

adzs12 28-10-2005 12:21

Lol well we can always buy another tv mate:D

FLEXXX 28-10-2005 14:30


Originally Posted by adzs12
Lol well we can always buy another tv mate:D

definately anytime mate lol lol

for all of you who missed out adz had forgot the remote for the tv so we had to go and get a universal remote but it was not possible find a compatible one so we opted for the clear solution buy a new tv JOB DONE :D :cool:

PukkaSilvia 28-10-2005 18:38

You can pay individually for what ever motorsport thing you wish to do or can buy a package deal which is what i recons the best.

for 50 quid you get a 15 minute session on the full track circuit,then a 15 minute session on the other Banked oval circuit and 3 0-60 timed runs and 1/8 mile drag.and DB drag if you have Ice. Sounds like a packed weekend to me with loads of things to do.

Or you can do it individually if your not interested in all parts

Claire 29-10-2005 18:36

Sounds like a great event. :) I will be there. Apparently the evening entertainment has been really good in the past :p

speedfreak 31-10-2005 19:56

I will be there with my lot from Midlands-showcarz so will have to pop over for a bevvie or several!!

PukkaSilvia 01-11-2005 12:53

Sounds good Liam :iwudd

PukkaSilvia 10-12-2005 10:16

So far we have

Dr Silvia
Richard K

Add your name to the list please.

trotter87 10-12-2005 10:19

sounds great i would love to be there, just need to try and get time off work for it, will keep you updated :D

gaz 10-12-2005 14:51

Modified Nationals 2006
Yeah ill be there mate for another knees up!:D

RichardK 10-12-2005 15:04

ohhh yes i will be there alright :D

count me in in in in

generator an all ;)

oh and ill be providing internet access for all us sad barstuards LOL

s13eater 10-12-2005 15:42

i'll be there,i see you need at least 5, good job you did not need 8, or we would have been in the poo:D

RichardK 10-12-2005 18:01

nice one Shaun :D

PukkaSilvia 10-12-2005 18:09


Originally Posted by gaz
Yeah ill be there mate for another knees up!:D

:D Cool, Nice one buddy

Seems like we shall have another good one then.....

s13eater 21-01-2006 19:17

i'am looking fowards to this and maybe i'll joint you lot in some of the events, such as , getting pissed, tripping over, making a fool of myself(as usual) and the fine art of a large erection:D my tent:trout ,oh and maybe some on track action.

duncan 22-01-2006 21:10

ye can count me in for that one too. mind if olivia brings the s13 along? my mate might go if he still has his ae86 too. taking orders for guiness now....:D

FLEXXX 24-01-2006 15:06

i might be there but doubt it that i will be in a s12 unless if come into a windfall of cash

ramzb 24-01-2006 18:46

I'll be there providing Silvia's finished. Did someone mention guiness :D

PukkaSilvia 22-02-2006 22:04


The above address has everything you need to know about the S12OC AT MODIFIED NATIONALS.

We will have a stand there for you to put your car up. If you want track time you will want to Purchase an advance ticket to guarentee your day. I am personally going fo the full track ticket where you get the lot for £50, You will need to bring a helmet to do the circuit eventsA motorbike helmet is fine. I have one to lend if someone needs one when im not on the track myself, Dont sweat in it too much though please :rolleyes:
The number or booking form can be found on the webpage above

TICKET and infomation HOTLINE 08713 10 12 00

I will pay for our club plot from the club funds. I am already in the process getting an area similar size to the JAE plot we had,Maybe slightly larger. All you need to do is turn up and pay your entrance Or save yourself £10 and pay in advance.

The club will be there for the full weekend :D

Any questions regarding the club feel free to contact me

s13eater 28-02-2006 07:49

is it the same price for children jon.:confused:

PukkaSilvia 28-02-2006 23:23


Originally Posted by s13eater
is it the same price for children jon.:confused:

I also couldnt find any detials on this whatsover so i contacted the organisers and got this response....


Originally Posted by ModifedNationals
Hi Jon

The rules on children are that children 14 or over pay adult price and under 14's go free (max 2 kids with one adult)...Hope this helps.
Regards Mark

s13eater 01-03-2006 17:33

thanks mateys, i should be there then i was getting worried, having 4 kids would have made it an expensive weekend, but they will all be under 14 then.:) what the latest for ordering tickets to pay in advance ?

Claire 14-03-2006 15:02

Jon and I have been discussing the best way that you can pay for your tickets which allows us to easily keep track of who?s going. This is what we have come up with....How about everyone sends us the cheques that are made payable to 'Modified Nationals' then we can post them off in batches. This way we know exactly whos going and who has said they would like to go but have not paid. :D

I have contacted Modified Nationals and they can except cheques as long as your full name and address is written on the back. I am just checking with the organisers of the event who to make the cheque payable to.

This is what the organisers of Modified Nationals said about club stand location...


To make sure of a good position you need to book in your first 5 cars that way you will be allocated your club stand. You can then add to this booking up until the closing date. We work on a first come, first served basis working from the trade area out. The earlier you book your first 5 the nearer the trade area you will be. With over 100 clubs expected we have to work things that way to make it fair for those booking early.
So it is really important that we start paying for our tickets asap. It would be good to have the club stand near all the trade stands, events and beer tents etc. :D

Day tickets cost: Advance £12.50. At the gate: £15.00
Weekend Tickets: Advance £30.00. At the gate: £40.00

Please can you say now if you would prefer to just pay over the phone with your debit/credit card. :)

RichardK 14-03-2006 15:28


Originally Posted by s13eater
what the latest for ordering tickets to pay in advance ?

Yep that's what I was wondering too.

I'll ask the Mrs if she and the kids want to come too :)

PukkaSilvia 17-03-2006 22:12


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
TICKET and infomation HOTLINE 08713 10 12 00

call the ticket hotline for further infomation Or Claire is willing to sort tickets out for any of you as a group in her last post bu this will need t be within the next month as this will secure a good location.

PukkaSilvia 30-03-2006 22:53

updated List
So far we have

Dr Silvia
Richard K

Its getting closer to the date so i would like everyones names here in order to help me organise the stand setup.Thanks

FLEXXX 31-03-2006 11:27

im so sorry lads but i will not be able to make it to this event hopefully will try and catch you lotat the next event sorry again :(

PukkaSilvia 31-03-2006 19:56

:( ok mate

Dr Silvia
Richard K

PukkaSilvia 09-04-2006 20:13

Right who has paid there fees via post or phone booking giving the s12oc stand as there club name and who is sending payment to claire. theres alot of names but no-one has done anything. i have to include the first 5 members on the club form in order to keep the place If there are not 5 of you before the 5th of may then im stuck here. i can not afford to pay upfront out of my own pocket.

Claire posted this a month ago with no responce. If we dont get this sorted soon we will be the furthest away from the entertainment and trade stands or worse we wont even have a stand there at all.

s13eater 10-04-2006 22:07

i'am sorry to say, i really can't see me being able to go, i've got to raise 1800 quid by the 3rd of august, so monies tight,i'am taking a couple of months holiday in the south of france and maybe checkin out somewhere to live;)

rpettafor 11-04-2006 16:36

hi, im definately up for this, ill sort out funds as soon as i can get to a chequebook
my mates going with his fto and the fto owners club, n im gonna see if my mate who has a gto can make it

adzs12 13-04-2006 18:56


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Right who has paid there fees via post or phone booking giving the s12oc stand as there club name and who is sending payment to claire. theres alot of names but no-one has done anything. i have to include the first 5 members on the club form in order to keep the place If there are not 5 of you before the 5th of may then im stuck here. i can not afford to pay upfront out of my own pocket.

Claire posted this a month ago with no responce. If we dont get this sorted soon we will be the furthest away from the entertainment and trade stands or worse we wont even have a stand there at all.

We have been told before that not enough events etc happen within the club yet here is a perfect chance for us all to have a good weekend and no one is responding????

As jon said these payments need to be made by the deadline or none of us will be going:ghey

duncan 16-04-2006 20:13

i have my tickets got direct from the show web site. is there an extra charge to keep the club plot? we have two if not three cars comin this time. let me know what the story is with it but we'll definitely be there:)

PukkaSilvia 16-04-2006 23:57

OK thanks. To confirm the plot i needed to give the names of 5 paid people,dont ask me why.i think its silly. Il send you a pm now as i could use you as a name on the form along with a few of us. I am really looking forward to this event. Rockingham looks amazing

PukkaSilvia 17-04-2006 21:32

Thanks Duncan. The stand can now be confirmed with the 5 name deposit

PukkaSilvia 22-04-2006 11:05

Ive just had an email from Japster (den)and he will be attending Modified Nationals as well and taking it round the track.:D

s13eater 22-04-2006 13:24

i'am all booked in, just orderd my tickets;) have we got a stand yet ?

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