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caz4244@essex 16-11-2010 19:17

a big meet next year
hi i am trying to see if we could get a big meet next year and try and get 20 s12 thier and maybe a mag
just to show that s12 people are still doing stuff with them
what do you lot think ???

CamInHead 16-11-2010 21:00

I think my car is going to take more than a year :(

s13eater 17-11-2010 09:32

where are you thinking of having it ?

psychoS12 18-11-2010 15:28

If mines running, I'll be up for that. Make it before the MOTs due though!


caz4244@essex 18-11-2010 20:18

See the s12
Have you fixed it yet how is it? When can we see the car how is it now the trackday was great

paulsilv 26-11-2010 21:00

Defo up for that if the DET is in and running.:)

psychoS12 01-12-2010 17:05

Back on the road....

Got it back on the road last weekend - just in time for the snow! Gearbox running OK, and now with two bucket seats in place. Booked a track day at Bedford Autodrome in December - think I'm pushing my luck now!

I'll give you a ring when the weather clears.


paulsilv 05-12-2010 20:47

have you pics of your bucket seats fitted, I have 2 ready to go in:)

psychoS12 09-12-2010 18:43

Bucket seats
None yet - I'll take some over the weekend. They do suffer with the usual problem - OK for normal driving, but can be a bit high when wearing a crash helmet!


nots13 10-12-2010 19:22

I once tried to organise an s12 thrash feature in j-tuner mgazine back in 2006 when I had an s12. we were nearly getting there and then the mag went under!! doh!! the s12 was and still is the best car i've ever owned! proof of this is the average time I keep a car for is under 4 months before I get bored, i kept my s12 for 2 years!! if there is a meet would anybody mind if I came along? I like silvias a lot and you were a very friendly bunch when I met you all at JAE 2006. no s12 on my drive sadly though, I own a twin turbo lexus soarer now.

gripo 11-12-2010 11:22

I will be up for that. Hopefully have mine sorted by then! :)

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