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sunny1600 05-01-2011 10:11

Sunny1600 says Hi from the Netherlands with S12 GP
Hi guys

A little bit off copy pasty from another s12 enthusiasts forum.

Im Mark from the Netherlands. Owner of a sunny N14 with GA16DS, which is now stripped.

The car in better days on my favorite place, the Nordschleife in Germany.


Some pics of my sunny
350z gauges with Raid HP poly-ed to my dash
custom made LED converted tail lights.

And because this is an UK forum, some pics from JAE.

Well that was then, I stripped the car like a month ago.

My current ride

A mazda 323 from 1987

And while I was driving my sunny I wanted something faster than those 100bhp.

And now the S12

I had my eye on this GP for some while now. But I couldnt afford it, the price was too high. So at certain moment he dropped his price and I made him an offer. He accepted so I suggested to make a first payment to him, He agreed but then there was some guy from Poland that wanted to buy the car for more money. Agreed to pay his price and make a first payment.
Hadn't heard anything for a couple of days... started tripping out missing the opportunity to buy this car.
Then I just received email from seller that I could make first payment and collect the car.

Me is happy

So soon hopefully I'll be a proud owner of silvia S12 Grand Prix from 1986.

And the best part is that in Holland cars till the end off 1986 will have no road tax

So plans are

- coilovers (saw some BCracing)
- polybush the S12
- brake upgrade
- maybe other rims (like 10J rear)
- rollcage

ow and a guy I know at the dutch nissanclub suggested to make the FJ20 FJ20E+T.
Wouldn't say no against that

Plans? Scare the living sh** out of those beemers on the Nordschleife

Some pics of the car


Hopefully collecting the car this weekend, but it may also be later.

s13eater 05-01-2011 11:02

welcome and nice car mate.

s12sweden 06-02-2011 22:44

hello and welcome , l am so jealous about your S12 GP mate :)

sunny1600 06-02-2011 23:20

Well it looks like i forgot to update here

will fix this shortly

sunny1600 06-02-2011 23:21

Wednesday 02th february 2011

Early rise, at 8 in the morning I was at my mate's place to collect my S12 Grand Prix in Stützengrün (Germany) About 700kmh's from my place.

Tom Tom said it would take about 9hours drive with speed limitation of 90kmh
Crossed through the whole of Germany with Patrol and trailer

At certain point even dumb dumb (tom tom) lost track

After some hours we came in the direction off Dresden.

The road kept getting smaller, but the Nissan Patrol was still going strong
In the end, after alot of time, random shit chat, shitty coffee and strong diesel we arrived in the small town.
Look around and there the S12 stood
Instand "crush" again
Took a quick peak below the car and the seller came with a half liter of beer.
Started the S12 GP for a moment to see how it runs, testdrive was a problem because of the snow. Lots of it.
Snow and RWD is fun, but not for testride.
Looked in and underneath the car, the previous owner had put new pistons and camshafts in it, according to the seller. So that will be checked.

Car stood still for more then 10 years (suspended)

Car on trailer and then we went into their shed with some typical stuff. Beer, naked posters of ladys, frozen beer and torched beer to unfreeze it.
We also did one beer there and then went home for a long way back.

It had became dark, and after the usefull pitstops, we arrived home.
Parked the car, did some S12 test driving and went home with the mazda 323 (my other car).

I was in bed at 4 and was totally broken.

sunny1600 06-02-2011 23:22

Thursday 03th february 2011

Today I stood up early, fixed myself a garage for the S12 and went to see the S12 in daylight

Bad points

- paint especially on the fiberglass widefenders
- Ashtray missing, and the foglights front
- absorber right rear is leaking, needs replacement
- exhaust system is leaking near the hand brake cable
- blower only works on 4, so the blower resistence? needs replacement or solder

Good points

- tires with enough rubber
- almost no rust underneath
- as we could tell its well maintaned
- oil is good
- disks and pads are in very good nick
- radiator looks new





In the garage


sunny1600 06-02-2011 23:23

Yesterday I got the keys of the garage, so I drove the car to the garage.


stu 07-02-2011 00:12

Now that looks awsome!

How many gp models were made? Limited edition?
Do they come in right hand drive aswell?
How rare a find are they?

I love it mate. Great find! I guess its a desirable classic of the future and the price can only go up?
What did you pay for it if you don't mind?

sunny1600 07-02-2011 01:11


Originally Posted by stu (Post 36477)
Now that looks awsome!

How many gp models were made? Limited edition?
Do they come in right hand drive aswell?
How rare a find are they?

I love it mate. Great find! I guess its a desirable classic of the future and the price can only go up?
What did you pay for it if you don't mind?

What ive read around 50 are made. Thats limited right?
Dont know if they came RHD tbh. Most of them are in Germany.

PukkaSilvia 07-02-2011 12:45

that gp s12 is awesome. wish it was mine

stu 09-02-2011 10:53

Seeing this car has got me scouring the net for one for myself.

I've found one in germany for sale at ?2500 trying to get the company to reply. To my emails is hard tho. Google translate is next on the cards lol
I have also found someone in london that has one, he is from lithuania and moved over here 4 years ago. He had the gp in lithuania tho. I'm waiting for him to repy to see if he still has it...
I want one of these sooooooo bad lol

From what I've seen on the net, when they coe up for sale, they go from between ?1000 and ?3500. Which is awsome considering the body styling and engine upgrade.

sunny1600 09-02-2011 11:00

I have seen GP's till 6.500
Mine was a little over 3500 which I think is a fair price.

Its funny that you want to import a LHD vehicle because most of the Japanese imports here in Holland are RHD because they are only delivered in Japan and the UK (where cars are RHD) or a lot cheaper than the LHD version (like the pulsar GTIR) or more modified.

Let me know how it goes. If you need any help with google translate let me know

stu 09-02-2011 11:34

The lhd dosnt bother me, it will only be a weekend or show time car. Very rarely used...
I've had 4 gtir's ;)
I will keep you informed on how I get on finding one.
Thanks for the offer of help with google translate. I will message you if I nead any.

s12pickup 13-02-2011 10:49

alright mate .nice lookin motor .im currently without s12 ,hopefully getting 1 shortly ,had a pick up b4 but much prefer hatchback .welcome to s12 oc anyway .cheers

PukkaSilvia 15-02-2011 09:40


Originally Posted by stu (Post 36502)
Which is awsome considering the body styling and engine upgrade.

i wouldnt really say it is an engine upgrade to be honest in std form.

No s12 owner gave a monkey about the fj engine until s13eater started his s12. 30psi couldnt sell his fj s12 for ages even at 300 quid :rolleyes:

s12sweden 07-03-2011 12:37


Originally Posted by PukkaSilvia (Post 36484)
that gp s12 is awesome. wish it was mine

yee me to :rolleyes:

s12sweden 07-03-2011 21:45

* What ive read around 50 are made. * S12 GP is so rare. ;)

sunny1600 10-03-2011 23:01

I drove the S12 for the first time for a longer period to get it to the registration office.


sunny1600 10-03-2011 23:02

I have received my registration papers so tomorrow Im planning to go too the carshop to let them make the license plates
Next week Im going to put it for MOT, needs replacement of rear shock absorber. This has been received last thuesday.

Next thing? Drive the S12 on the Nordschleife ASAP!!

Some pics of this evening. A buddy of mine and his brother came to take a look at the GP

Lanyards received

All hail FJ20 :p

s12sweden 11-03-2011 10:34

l will buy * Lanyards received , S12 Silvia.com * then l have money :cool:

s12sweden 11-03-2011 10:37

sunny1600 : Is your Nissan Silvia S12 GP is your dream car ?

sunny1600 11-03-2011 10:43


Originally Posted by s12sweden (Post 36705)
sunny1600 : Is your Nissan Silvia S12 GP is your dream car ?

why you want to buy it :D

s12sweden 13-03-2011 12:43


Originally Posted by sunny1600 (Post 36706)
why you want to buy it :D

Your S12 GP is so expensive for me :D

sunny1600 22-03-2011 12:47

Car has been fixed for MOT.
Rear shocks replaced

This rubber has been replaced (dont know the name)

And its leeking here some at the gearbox

Took it for a wash

Took the car for MOT. Passed and took it for a good wash.
And then some driving. I was driving like 140kmh (like 90 mph) and then BANG! I was like WTF.
Didnt have a jack so I had to wait for a buddy of mine.


Fixed the car and just ordered new tires. Falken ZIEX 912


Maybe a mod can move this topic to member rides?

s12sweden 23-03-2011 23:30

not good , it is happen for anyone

sunny1600 30-03-2011 23:49

New tyres came in this week. Falken ZIEX 912

30/03/2011 Zeitronix AFR + gadgets

The last week I looked around for an AFR (Air Fuel Ratio) gauge. I PM-ed with some guys local that know alot of Nissans.

Finally decided to order some stuff from America. Why? With a wide-band I get a much better idea how my engine is running compared to a lambda-SR20 (narrow band). So I can see if the engine runs lean, too rich or good. The FJ20E has no lambda control and with this AFR the engine is well controlled.

So I bought an AFR with gauge.


This has become a Zeitronix, more precisely the ZT-2 with plenty of adjustment / reading possibilities.
The plans are to place an EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature) gauge to be connected. This is something my S12 doesn't have yet. If you are going to tune it better to have a wideband and EGT sensor, this is the way you see what really happens. If you only have a wideband, you see only if the engine runs rich or lean. What you see is how hot or cold the exhaust and that is important, especially in turbo area. Keeping in mind the future plans, being a turbo on the FJ20, this is a logical choice.

I also have been thinking of a Apexi SAFC II. Skipped this plan quickly because the SAFC does not work on the current engine. This is because the FJ20E has no 0-5 volt throttle sensor. There is only open or closed and there are no intermediate steps. The Apexi has been referred to the fridge. Not as long as into the freezer for the project should not be that long.

What are the plans?

[b] [i] short term [/ i] [/ b]
Compression test and spark plugs replaced (The Nissan S12 workshop manual book
BPRS7ES BPRS6ES or-11-11).
Check the fuel pump and fuel pressure.

[b] [i] Slightly less short term [/ i] [/ b]
If the Zeitronix stuff arrives have that built in.

What do we monitor?
- Oil temperature
- Exhaust gas temperature
- Fuel pressure
- Water temperature

And what have we finally bought?
? Zeitronix Zt-2 + LCD Display Bundle in Black
? Fluid Temperature Sensor (1/8th NPT) 2x
? 2x 1/8th NPT Bung
? Exhaust Gas Temperature Probe
? Pressure Sensor (150 PSI / 10 Bar)
? Oxygen Sensor Bung
? Zeitronix Decal


s12sweden 31-03-2011 22:53

* Zeitronix AFR + gadgets * excellent buy you have done

ScoupeS12 01-04-2011 18:30

I'm not really familiar with the Zeitronix gear!? Is it generally hailed as good stuff? It seems to be all good from reading the description.

sunny1600 01-04-2011 18:42

Neither am I but I have been informed by 2 members of our Dutch nissanclub that do know what they are doing. It should give a good insight on how my engine is running and its a good device to "tune" the car.

ScoupeS12 02-04-2011 18:21

Cool. When it's fitted post up and let us all know what it's like to fit and if what it's like when it's working. Any ideas when it's going in?

sunny1600 02-04-2011 19:44


Originally Posted by ScoupeS12 (Post 36915)
Cool. When it's fitted post up and let us all know what it's like to fit and if what it's like when it's working. Any ideas when it's going in?

Will do.

Im hoping this month, but al depending on when the item arrives and the other guy has time to built it in.

sunny1600 13-04-2011 23:44

The ZT-2 has arrived. New tyres have been put on the rims (Falken ZIEX 912) and I have bought some new spark plugs.
I am looking for some new discs and pads. Probably hawk pads and OE replacement discs. Thanks for the links Nils (Spec)

The car has been taxated today, so this way its good insured in case something happens to it.
I took the car for a drive afterwards and Its handling better and better. The rear shocks (right one was leeking), front ball joints and tyres have been replaced.

I have also found a document from 1995 where the car has done 177.xxx KMs. So the last 15 years the car has been driven less than 10.000km.

The PU bushes I have ordered are on the way. Coilovers next year so plans are there.

Some pics


s12sweden 19-04-2011 23:36

is your tail light from your S12 GP is called : JDM tail light ? have l right ? too about that ?

sunny1600 19-04-2011 23:37

Car is Euro spec mate.

Euro spec MK1. These are the standard taillights.

s12sweden 19-04-2011 23:45

ok l see

sunny1600 27-04-2011 13:01

Monday 27-04-2011

Had a busy weekend, with on monday some time to fix the car.

The FJ20 engine made a strange rattle. I was a bit worried because the common chain rattle is just during start up for a few seconds on a cold engine. In my case it was also during revving like 2000RPM and when starting the engine when it was warm. Decided to replace the chain tensioner for the mazda chain tensioner 395312500A

It was a bit of a puzzle but we managed to replace the tensioner with the modded mazda one.

Some pics

How the FJ20 sounded

and sorted

After that we planned to built in the ZT-2. It is partly done, due to time problems but here is some of it
The rest of it will be build in shortly.

A buddy of mine is going to make a nice cover of poly so the ZT-2 will be on the spot the radio used to be and the radio can be mounted lower.

Afterwards I did a photoshoot with a buddy of mine.

And yesterday I went to the premiere of fast and furious 5. Paul Walker and The Rock come to the movie and did a little speech for us. Cool

Thats all for now folks! To be continued

s12sweden 30-04-2011 14:07

sunny1600 : Do you know any more too have Nissan Silvia S12 in Netherlands ?

sunny1600 30-04-2011 21:45

Yes some.

s12sweden 01-05-2011 14:14

ok , five or ten S12 owners some you know ?

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