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sideways_s12 30-08-2013 22:03

Anybody Around?
Forum seems a little slow. Hows everyone doing? Any big projects going on? Anyway thought I'd kick up some convo and see what the deal is...

caz4244@essex 31-08-2013 08:06

Where you moving to in the uk
It is slow in here thier is only 70 ish s12 in the country

Ned 31-08-2013 09:20

I check on here pretty much every day. Not many S12's left now :(

caz4244@essex 31-08-2013 09:50

Sad but true and it seem that not many are on the road or going to meets or shows
I have 2 one track bad boy and a 40k g plate modified coilovers all round 5 stud con
But not on the road money is going on new house but hooe next year to have her on wuth a fresh coat of paint

What's everyone else stories
The sxoc is very busy

I have lots of spares to sell then I can get the s12 on yhe riad quicker

Ned 31-08-2013 10:21

what spares you got?

caz4244@essex 31-08-2013 11:13

Loads mate I am in essex let me know whats bits

ae86-s12 31-08-2013 21:25

hi there, I have a d reg s12 that im drifting sort of a on going project as I'm using it. may have to keep you in mind if need any spares. I saw three s12 at japfest this year but yeah not something you see every day.

caz4244@essex 31-08-2013 21:30

Thats great news and nice work ive got a few drift guys that buy of ne went it goes wrong lol

sideways_s12 01-09-2013 02:49

I will be there in about 6 months time gotta sort some stuff out here and save some money so when we come over I can have some fun lol. I want to see everything and go everywhere and also want to buy a car as soon as we get there hopefully I can find an s12 to play with...

sideways_s12 01-09-2013 02:50

How is the drift scene there? Actually how is car scene in general? we have weekly meets here at a local restaurant where we kinda hang out in the parking lot and talk cars and other B.S.

ae86-s12 01-09-2013 08:29


Originally Posted by caz4244@essex (Post 39861)
Thats great news and nice work ive got a few drift guys that buy of ne went it goes wrong lol

Cool, your 2 s12s sound good aswell. great job finding two of them.

ae86-s12 01-09-2013 08:36


Originally Posted by sideways_s12 (Post 39865)
How is the drift scene there? Actually how is car scene in general? we have weekly meets here at a local restaurant where we kinda hang out in the parking lot and talk cars and other B.S.

I think the drift scene over here is quite big really, we have the British drift championship and other smaller championships that run through the year and tracks and other places that hold drift days, trouble is a lot of places are having trouble holding drift days cause people complain about the noise. As for the car scene there is a lot of shows through the year, I can't really say about weekly meets.

sideways_s12 01-09-2013 23:15


Originally Posted by ae86-s12 (Post 39870)
I think the drift scene over here is quite big really, we have the British drift championship and other smaller championships that run through the year and tracks and other places that hold drift days, trouble is a lot of places are having trouble holding drift days cause people complain about the noise. As for the car scene there is a lot of shows through the year, I can't really say about weekly meets.

Ahh ok. I would love to get into the drift scene and maybe the drag scene if there is one it gives something to do and keeps me out of trouble lol (trouble tends to find me if I don't keep busy.) I am really looking forward to moving there. How's the workforce there? Are there good jobs?

s13eater 02-09-2013 14:06

we have a few drag racing venues mate, eg: santa pod, avon park and york.:)

sideways_s12 03-09-2013 03:18

thanks what about work?

caz4244@essex 03-09-2013 07:31

What do you do and where are you moving to

sideways_s12 04-09-2013 02:59

I've done armed security for 7 years but right now I am currently selling cars. But I am willing to do anything. Not sure on location lol I would have to ask my wife.

Hood rat 05-09-2013 23:02

Hi guys, I live in north Norfolk and have a 86 mk1 with 47k on the clock it's my daily. I work on it almost every day at the mo, just putting a different front lip on at the mo loads of fab work involved going to make skirts and a wangan wing next. When I start a job on it the car has to be drivable the next day I'm getting there, just little bits so far including Jdm greddy boost guage, custom exhaust, custom front lip, 4 panel wink mirror, hks ssqv and I've just bought a blue recaro to go with my blue interior haha. I really want to lower it but I haven't got much spare cash at the mo springs would be great if anyone has some for sale. If not I might save up and get some coilovers. Sideways_s12 I was in Vegas 2 weeks ago was going to message you about your suspension you had for sale and bring it back with me

sideways_s12 07-09-2013 04:10

lol you should of messaged me I would of sold them to you lol oh well if I still have them when I come over you can have them

sideways_s12 07-09-2013 04:13


Originally Posted by caz4244@essex (Post 39880)
What do you do and where are you moving to

we will be moving to either norfolk or suffolk area the wife hasn't decided yet.

caz4244@essex 07-09-2013 08:29

Suffolk is closer to me as for work I think both are the same what do you do for work as in trade wise

sideways_s12 08-09-2013 22:52

I dont really have a trade. but I've done armed security over here and I currently sell cars but I'm willing to do anything.

tim murphy 09-09-2013 18:05

hi car game hard over here to many new cars 2 in one year so second hands are cheap . cheers :eek::

sideways_s12 13-09-2013 02:47

Nice! Good to know! lol

PukkaSilvia 26-09-2013 20:34

one day i might get another..........

Ned 27-09-2013 14:09

good luck finding one. When I came back I had to buy a shit non runner and get it back to a good spec.

sideways_s12 29-09-2013 03:01

I figured as much and If I don't decide to sell mine then that's what I'll have to do as well.

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