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S12OC 01-05-2006 21:19

Power Graph Thread
After recent discussion this thread is for s12 power graph scans along with brief listed mods if you choose.

s13eater 01-05-2006 21:34

yep i'am a believer when i've seen the graph, as long as it does'nt look like you have made the graph yourself;)

PukkaSilvia 01-05-2006 21:42

Japsters power graphs
Den (Japster) has emailed me his graphs to put up for him. they are below and quite shocking. This sort of output behind a little nissan silvia should be illegal :D. I look forward to hearing it at Modified Nationals :cool:


Japster 01-05-2006 21:50


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Den (Japster) has emailed me his graphs to put up for him. they are below and quite shocking. This sort of output behind a little nissan silvia should be illegal :D. I look forward to hearing it at Modified Nationals :cool:

Cheers Pukka :D - Heh heh!... She's not as loud without the external wastegate tho' :(

I was a *little* wrong it seems (440.3 is listed, but my graph peaks at 442.x) - D'oh!

PS - Went to "www.s12.com" by a mis-type - It's f*cking funny what the link wants for the domain! - tw*ts - They've probably had a few hits, and think it's worth mega-bucks! (I have to disagree with $25,000 though!!) :eek: :trout - They need a good slapping/flaming! :rolleyes:

Had a drive in me mowtah t'other day (it was sunny for a change!) - Still drives nice n' quick :D , but just have to get a new battery, as the old one's f*cked (Can't be helping power - It can't even start the car!) :eek:

s13eater 01-05-2006 21:54

whats the torque, is it 323.8lbs/ft, have i read it right, if so mine did ok with 325lbs/ft:)

Japster 01-05-2006 22:43


Originally Posted by s13eater
whats the torque, is it 323.8lbs/ft, have i read it right, if so mine did ok with 325lbs/ft:)

Yep - Not so torque'y the 16 valve! - Dunno what it was at the fly though mate... (I work it out to possibly*around* 382 with say, an 18% transmission loss (could be more, could be less):confused: )

My old 8-valve that Gripo bought made lotsa torque (though I think it was only 284lbs/ft as it stood - That's a healthy amount more you've got!), so I know they're good engines, but that's an impressive figure you've got mate.

I can't be running much more, though with the new tubbie, it could be even less between us... ;)

s13eater 02-05-2006 00:02

yeah, but i'd luurv your bhp den mate:D ;)

s13eater 02-05-2006 13:32


s13eater 02-05-2006 13:44


PukkaSilvia 02-05-2006 23:52

Big up the 8v. Thats the power that can be had from the 8v people. No excuses open up your tight wallets :D .

Japster 03-05-2006 09:37


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Big up the 8v. Thats the power that can be had from the 8v people. No excuses open up your tight wallets :D .

Too right mate - Well done Shaun mate... :D

Scooby Eater too, methinks?... :D

s13eater 03-05-2006 11:51

cheers matey's:)

rob turbo 03-05-2006 22:49

i see the 442bhp yes, clear as day.

although it states that that is flywheel power, not at the wheels.

(as thors r.r usualy read flywheel power)

cant remember how much these things lose through transmission now...

adzs12 04-05-2006 00:00

Come on lads we all know mine is by far the fastest here and the sexiest:rolleyes:

Japster 04-05-2006 11:05


Originally Posted by adzs12
Come on lads we all know mine is by far the fastest here and the sexiest:rolleyes:

Heh heh... I certainly bow down to your pristine paintwork! :D - Mine's right f*cked... :(

Cheers Rob! - Yep 442 at the fly equates to more at the wheels - most places factor in an 18% transmission loss on older r/wheel cars like the S12...

Haven't got a calculator, but 442.5 *1.18 should give the answer?...

(Just checked - 521.56) - close enough.... :D

adzs12 04-05-2006 14:08


Originally Posted by Japster
Heh heh... I certainly bow down to your pristine paintwork! :D - Mine's right f*cked... :(

Looks pristine mate lol but is a bit miss match nowadays with parts of kit ive put on, respray will be on the cards soon:D

PukkaSilvia 04-05-2006 19:41

That flywheel conversion makes no sence to me whatsoever lol. You cant gain power through your propshaft and diff :confused:

With an 18% power loss through transmission drag you would run a wheel figure of 362.85bhp.

That is still an awesome wheel horsepower figure and flywheel figure though.

Unless the Rolling road operator has got confused and that graph is the wheel figure like on most rolling roads. Ie they worked out that figure to be the wheel figure off the flywheel. the graph states otherwise though

Japster 04-05-2006 21:29


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
That flywheel conversion makes no sence to me whatsoever lol. You cant gain power through your propshaft and diff :confused:

With an 18% power loss through transmission drag you would run a wheel figure of 362.85bhp.

That is still an awesome wheel horsepower figure and flywheel figure though.

Unless the Rolling road operator has got confused and that graph is the wheel figure like on most rolling roads. Ie they worked out that figure to be the wheel figure off the flywheel. the graph states otherwise though

sh*t! - Sorry Rob/Pukka - That's a good point - I'll check, but it was Thor themselves (Peter and Lyndon) who worked out it had just made 520bhp (Same when it made 419 on the last graph - Lyndon had pointed out that the figure was from the wheels - then told me that that equated to just shy of 490bhp at the Flywheel) - It may be the "fly" heading is wrong - Forgot about that, but I'll check with the guys - It was a hub dyno though, if that makes a difference on why the heading says Flywheel?

The calculation was me adding the 18% back (I see the confusion given that heading), but I'm 100% certain that although the top heading does indeed say "Flywheel", the figure was measured from the hubs, as it's where the measuring equipment was attached! - Hence they had a known figure at the wheels, then added the loss back in to get the verbally quoted Flywheel figure...

Hope that helps - I'll double check with Thor tomorrow, as my rep's at stake :eek: , but I already know the answer... ;)

Come to think of it, I reckon the true test will be to take Pukka (as he's a kosher unbiased kind of guy :D ) out in the ol' beast, drop the clutch, and get some proper feedback regarding how many horses he reckons she has! :p

PukkaSilvia 04-05-2006 23:03

It would make sence for the heading to be wrong but give them a call anyway.. By all means take me out in it.Ive been in shauns at jae last year and it was rather hectic so you should go out in that too. The thing sounded like a motorbike on boost :p .... :D Either that or a few of us can get out on the track at Rockingham at the same time and have a friendly boot round with each other:cool:

s13eater 04-05-2006 23:21

to be honest jon, i was not happy with the performance at JAE last year, the throttle body switch was feckin everything up:o , so you will have to go for another in mine as well, mines off of the road from yesterday, its havin the cam timing and a better flowing I/C with bigger pipes fitted, i would like a water/methanol injection sorted, i will be looking into fitting my own system, which will be a lot cheaper.feck 17psi like last time jon, lets try 26psi:D

Japster 05-05-2006 13:55


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
It would make sence for the heading to be wrong but give them a call anyway.. By all means take me out in it.Ive been in shauns at jae last year and it was rather hectic so you should go out in that too. The thing sounded like a motorbike on boost :p .... :D Either that or a few of us can get out on the track at Rockingham at the same time and have a friendly boot round with each other:cool:

Yep - Will def. have to go out in Shaun's mowtah! - Real shame I don't have that external wastegate - May have to ask Simon if he can fit another... :D

I've rang Thor up, but Pete and Lyndon are out road-testing - Will ring in an hour or so... :)

As for Rockingham, the woman rang me back asking for engine size - Halfway through the conversation it clicked that she was gonna stick me on a track session with 1600-1800cc cars - I thought it wise to mention the BHP...

After double-checking that she'd heard right, she said that she'd check with the organiser about re-classifying me... :D (Didn't want 15 minutes of trying to overtake what were probably going to be MUCH slower cars
(XR3i's, RS Turbo's etc... ) :D :p

Japster 05-05-2006 14:03


Originally Posted by Japster
Heh heh... I certainly bow down to your pristine paintwork! :D - Mine's right f*cked... :(

Cheers Rob! - Yep 442 at the fly equates to more at the wheels - most places factor in an 18% transmission loss on older r/wheel cars like the S12...

Haven't got a calculator, but 442.5 *1.18 should give the answer?...

(Just checked - 521.56) - close enough.... :D

Yep - My f*ckup on the way round - That should have been 442.5 at the wheels equates to 521.56 at the fly - Still yet to confirm that Thor's heading was wrong!

s13eater 05-05-2006 22:26

but it would have been funny slaughtering them underpowerd moters:D , surely you can have an external wastegate fitted, mines only a t 3/4oe, but got an external wastegate, i wun't be without one now, the noise exites me :D ,den, that silvia when you took me out was a beast;)

Japster 05-05-2006 23:08


Originally Posted by s13eater
but it would have been funny slaughtering them underpowerd moters:D , surely you can have an external wastegate fitted, mines only a t 3/4oe, but got an external wastegate, i wun't be without one now, the noise exites me :D ,den, that silvia when you took me out was a beast;)

Heh heh - I loved the noise too - Way glad you still remember the trip mate! :D - we'll do it again matey - I didn't order those bloody calipers though - Will do so tomorrow if I can - D'oh! (Got my replacement studs from Nissan though! :) )

Good news! - I checked with Thor, and Lyndon said that the heading IS incorrect for my graphs, and that the figure for the flywheel should be calculated by using a multiplier, which they don't use for most setups.

Thor therefore normally leave it set to 1.0 (i.e. the same amount - What it *should* be for my Silvia is 1.18 (i.e. 18% transmission loss (it's the figure that reads 1.0 on the graph, and is called TCF - It's to do with the transmission loss calculation, to put the extra horses BACK into the equation, as Thor measure power from the wheels.)

Hopefully that clears it up! - So, as I say, I deffo had at LEAST 520BHP when the graph was printed... :D

( Incidentally, Lyndon mentioned that he's ordered himself a Hyper-bearing turbo for his Supra, which he says starts making boost from as little as 1,000rpm! :eek: gimmee sum o' dat! :D )

s13eater 05-05-2006 23:18

andy at AMT engines did a head for paul whiffins supra that produces over 800lbs/ft and near on 1000bhp and thats with a little tubby.:D

Japster 05-05-2006 23:24


Originally Posted by s13eater
andy at AMT engines did a head for paul whiffins supra that produces over 800lbs/ft and near on 1000bhp and thats with a little tubby.:D

Heh heh.... Little tubby, whacking great engine! (CC-wise... :D ) - I think we can be proud of what our little 1800's are running in comparison... :p (If we had an extra 1200cc (or possibly even more - i.e. 1500-1600cc extra, depending on that Supra's possibly increased capacity?) - Then I daresay it'd give us the ability to push a similar amount of horses - i.e. Just saying that per CC, I think that I'm running near as much BHP... :D

adzs12 16-12-2006 01:13

Soon as my car is mapped fully and everythings settled il be doing a power run so il put my graph up asap:)

wacomuk 16-12-2006 10:57

179.0 bhp 1st run. with some fannying about 2nd run 199.8bhp
175.8 lb 1st run 205.1 2nd run

this was my old silvia (RIP)

standard t2 running 1bar
1 bar actuator
Volvo 740 IC and water rad front mounted
k&n air filter
custom made SS exhaust (1box)
walbro fuel pump
timing set to 15DBTC (on dyno)
plug gaps made smaller, got an extra 5bhp
i had a timing kick back system @12 psi it took the timing to 10DBTC the guy at the dyno told me to get rid of it, so I did the next day
after the run i set my timing to 17DBTC it gave more low down power, i never got any detonation

s13eater 31-12-2006 18:39

where you had that, folded up in ya back pocket,lol.

rpettafor 19-02-2007 11:41

i ran mine on saturday, i got 185.9bhp at the flywheel and 185 ft/lb torque, but is running lean at the top, so i am thinking that i need to get some bigger injectors and/or a better fuel pump - ill get the graphs up later, but for now heres an action shot -


30psi 19-02-2007 12:49

Whats the spec?

sideways danny 19-02-2007 13:05

as I said to you at the time, I think your injectors are maxed and you need 370s. Where are you based?


Originally Posted by rpettafor
i ran mine on saturday, i got 185.9bhp at the flywheel and 185 ft/lb torque, but is running lean at the top, so i am thinking that i need to get some bigger injectors and/or a better fuel pump - ill get the graphs up later, but for now heres an action shot -


rpettafor 19-02-2007 13:07


Originally Posted by 30psi
Whats the spec?

its got a t3 turbo, a cossie intercooler, external wastegate, stainless steel exhaust, bov, greddy profec b spec 2 and cone filter.

rpettafor 19-02-2007 13:07


Originally Posted by sideways danny
as I said to you at the time, I think your injectors are maxed and you need 370s. Where are you based?

near reading

adzs12 19-02-2007 14:20

Injectors maxed at 185bhp you what?

s13eater 19-02-2007 14:43

thats down a bit, we had it at 197bhp on a dyno dtnamics set up.then again, thats the point i always make, you really can't compare bhp, unless your on the same rollers and more or less the same time and day.

30psi 19-02-2007 14:45

Maybe he was running 2psi less boost?

What was the leanest afr Rob, do you know?

rpettafor 19-02-2007 15:26


Originally Posted by 30psi
Maybe he was running 2psi less boost?

What was the leanest afr Rob, do you know?

not really, ill get them scans up when I get home

sideways danny 19-02-2007 16:26


Originally Posted by adzs12
Injectors maxed at 185bhp you what?

top end of the standard fuel map runs the standard injectors at 136%. You'd be surprised realistically on a genuine dyno and not one that's been tweaked for ego massaging, how much less some equipment is good for than you'd think. the fuel really leaned off and was around 14:1 (IIRC) at the top on Robs run. My car on the same dyno was not performing well because I couldn't get the RB20 AFM to work (think I have a wiring issue) so my std AFM was maxed and held me back to 301.7bhp. I think a simple re-scaled for bigger injectors chip would see about 200-210 on robs car, the fueling strangled it

30psi 19-02-2007 16:36

Did it detonate at the top end with the fueling like that?

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