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Andy 12-05-2006 19:56

Ex Se-spilters/spoilers Discussion
Wait out

PukkaSilvia 12-05-2006 21:28


s13eater 12-05-2006 21:33

who is the guy who originally made the spoilers ? and are you located in essex ?

Andy 12-05-2006 23:00


Originally Posted by s13eater
who is the guy who originally made the spoilers ? and are you located in essex ?

North Essex

PukkaSilvia 13-05-2006 18:09

Did you work for SE nissan?

Andy 13-05-2006 20:34


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Did you work for SE nissan?

No, I'm in the tyre game !!!

s13eater 13-05-2006 20:38

we give in, whats the full story behind the moulds ?, or is it top secret ?:D who is it who is going to be doing the moulds ?

turbomike 13-05-2006 23:44

pete rosenberg himself:trout :D

PukkaSilvia 14-05-2006 17:37

What a legend

peter rosenburg 14-05-2006 18:06


I would like to make it known to you that these moulds are copyrighted.

I do not expect to hear of any unauthorised reproductions of any SE products.

Please see http://www.patent.gov.uk/copy/ for more details

Japster 14-05-2006 21:14


Originally Posted by peter rosenburg

I would like to make it known to you that these moulds are copyrighted.

I do not expect to hear of any unauthorised reproductions of any SE products.

Please see http://www.patent.gov.uk/copy/ for more details

Peter? - Did you forget to spell your name right? Hmmmm.... :rolleyes:

Something smells :trout ...

Plus - I doubt the real Peter w*nkenBERG wouldn't exactly post inflammatory responses in a forum where people he's ripped off literally want to rip his head off and sh*t down his neck (not to mention a few who would like a) their cars, or b) their money, back)

So you're either a) a bullsh*tting troll looking to wind people up, or b) a (possibly :p ) sexually confused car (de)tuner with a sudden attack of stupidity, and a hypocritical idea of what's morally and lawfully wrong or right, given their (lack of) business ethics... :nod

Any other input people?

(Oh, and if you ARE who you say you are, then don't worry - You won't *hear* of any "unauthorised reproductions of any SE products." - Least not from anyone here. lol! :D - we're all nice law-abiding peeps... :p )

PS - Where do you live, and where can we contact you, should we hear of any SE copyright infractions? - We're happy to help, as is Shaun I'd imagine? (Right Shaun? :D ) - Post it here and we'll do our best...

... to let everyone know... lol! :D

s13eater 14-05-2006 21:25

hmmm,yes japster, i was wondering where my paddle clutch disappeared to, seeing as i payed for one and got a clutch that slipped at 231bhp,:rolleyes: , maybe bob jones would want to know where his forged pistons went and why he did not get the mig wired block that he payed for, and the porting jobs that are no more than a quick polish.:mad: anyway p!ss off pete ya gret bumholer.lol.

Japster 14-05-2006 21:32


Originally Posted by s13eater
hmmm,yes japster, i was wondering where my paddle clutch disappeared to, seeing as i payed for one and got a clutch that slipped at 231bhp,:rolleyes: , maybe bob jones would want to know where his forged pistons went and why he did not get the mig wired block that he payed for, and the porting jobs that are no more than a quick polish.:mad: anyway p!ss off pete ya gret bumholer.

Lol! - Anyone else want to add summat? :D

Andy 14-05-2006 22:17

(S)pecial (E)dition Nissan Spoilers
Hi to all
I dont know whats going on! I do have the moulds,something will be sorted to all those interested


s13eater 14-05-2006 22:25

yes i'am still interested:D

nissan_turbs 14-05-2006 22:34

Nice try cock nose. Moulds for a spoiler wouldnt come under the grounds of copyright protection.

Also even if it was patented, it would no longer belong to you if SE is in liquidation.

s13eater 14-05-2006 23:01

i'am not sure, but i was told b4 for some reason you can't copyright fibreglass:confused:

s13eater 14-05-2006 23:06

i've got an idea:) , send 30psi down to maldon golf club where petes father plays golf and ask him where petes disappeared to,if he don't tell him, stick a sandwedge up his sphincter:D .

nissan_turbs 14-05-2006 23:33

Copyright covers; arts, literay, dramatic, published, recorded and broadcasted materials aswell as intellectual properties.

It does not cover moulds for spoilers, or any product for that matter. That would have to be patented. Even if by some chance Mr Spitefull had patented his wonderfull invention, if SE has gone into liquidation/bankruptcy the assests (patents) would be owned by the bank untill they are sold to repay his debts.

If the company never went bankrupt, then you are free to sue for your missing parts.

Dr Silvia 14-05-2006 23:41

just had a thought... as i see it the spoiler could not have been patented as it uses other peoples components (nissan, and bmw i was told) to make it... either way 'mr rosenburg' will not be returning

30psi 14-05-2006 23:50

I would just like to add at this point that the peter rosenburg post was fictional as i know the person that put it up. He's been viewing this forum for ages under that name. Pukkasilvia mentioned it some time ago.


I undertook alot of research some time ago into SE.

SE Nissan Ltd, Silvia Engineering Ltd or SE Nisstek Ltd never filed accounts with Companies House.

Even if they did, they never went into liquidation. He closed up shop due to pressure from the council to move premises. He prob thought he couldn't deal with the hassle of the business anymore and decided to seize trade. IF he was running through a LTD company he could easily sell the assets to himself along with any intellectual property.

I'm sure there isn't any intellectual property for any of his products (even his top secret camshaft or igntion retard system) so no need to worry about selling bits of fibreglass.

Nisstek in Swansea - Can't remember who pointed that out but I bet my bollox (yes both!) that aint Pete Rosenburg. I'm not even going to try to find out coz I can't be arsed. I came across this name a few times when I was trying to find more about my mate Pete.

Dr Silvia 14-05-2006 23:58


Originally Posted by 30psi
I would just like to add at this point that the peter rosenburg post was fictional as i know the person that put it up. He's been viewing this forum for ages under that name. Pukkasilvia mentioned it some time ago.

I know:D jon traced his IP ages ago, we were waiting for him to try an start something :trout

turbomike 15-05-2006 08:41

nisstek swansea i heard was run by a ex nissan manager and they aint car tuners

30psi 15-05-2006 10:10


This news is a bit old to be honest - September 2003 300zx forum link

I have also information on Peter Rosenberg (thats actually the spelling on the records) ie address etc.

nissan_turbs 15-05-2006 10:49


SE Nissan Ltd, Silvia Engineering Ltd or SE Nisstek Ltd never filed accounts with Companies House.

Even if they did, they never went into liquidation. He closed up shop due to pressure from the council to move premises. He prob thought he couldn't deal with the hassle of the business anymore and decided to seize trade. IF he was running through a LTD company he could easily sell the assets to himself along with any intellectual property.
That dosent make sense. Do you mean they were never registerd with Companies House? Or that each time the accounting year came to an end the company ceased trading and re-opend?

If they never went into liquidation surley all the peoples cars he ran off with could be recoverd?

30psi 15-05-2006 10:52

I don't think he ran off with peoples cars. When he seized trade he finished off the outstanding work.

He setup the companies over the years. No accounts were filed. Companies House will strike the companies off if they're not used ie no accounts submitted.

The invoices I have showed SE Nissan Ltd which never had any accounts filed.

adzs12 15-05-2006 11:07

Does anyone really care coz i dont:rolleyes:

Its not him on here and we have the moulds so rock on tommy:1la

Japster 15-05-2006 12:20


Originally Posted by adzs12
Does anyone really care coz i dont:rolleyes:

Its not him on here and we have the moulds so rock on tommy:1la

Lol! - hear hear... :D

Glad to see everyone's opinion of P.R. is the same as mine... ;)

s13eater 15-05-2006 15:55

p r. RIP:D

kennyboy 17-05-2006 21:32

The Rosenburgster
I reckon he became an up hill rowing champion, i remeber seeing him at billing one year with shaun and we ran towards him as he was sat in his skybus with shaun shouting
" pete ya big Fxxcking Poof come back here". ha ha wot you say shaun,

Denn you are now the king of rants mate that was class. ha ha ha :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Japster 21-05-2006 11:06


Originally Posted by kennyboy
I reckon he became an up hill rowing champion, i remeber seeing him at billing one year with shaun and we ran towards him as he was sat in his skybus with shaun shouting
" pete ya big Fxxcking Poof come back here". ha ha wot you say shaun,

Denn you are now the king of rants mate that was class. ha ha ha :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Hiya Ken mate! :D

Yep - I'm pretty vocal on the subject, having p*ssed the better part of 10-15k (I forget exactly how much - was a long time ago, and the trauma helps blur the memory) away to help pay for his "gardening" antics, transport (presumably on the other bus), and with the lifting of heavy items (namely shirts?).... :ghey :p

I'm sure that Shaun will put finger to keyboard, and take his crown back very shortly though! :D

PS - I've no problems with anyone else - Strt or Gy, but that tw*t gives you so many reasons to hate him! (10-15 thousand, in my case!) :mad:

Andy 23-05-2006 19:33

3 Attachment(s)
Hi to all

Mk 1 Splitter £135 + P&P
Mk 2 """""""""""""""""""""""""
Standard Rear Spoiler £65 +P&P
High Rear Spoiler Soon

They are good quality come on summers coming time to get them silvia's looking top notch.:D


The front splitter in the pic is the MK 2 & the one in the rear is the MK1

PukkaSilvia 23-05-2006 20:07

To be fair the confusion on prices before wasnt your fault Prices are much more realistic and they look good. :cool:

s13eater 23-05-2006 20:08

they look good quality,;)

Andy 23-05-2006 20:44

There good if no one wants them ill put the mk2 straight on my car.

the high level one is made just waiting to get a tailgate as he needs this to build the spoiler up.:D

(can make to order)

bigtim 23-05-2006 23:28

sorry to be a dumbass but is the mark 1 the one with the higher bits that go up the wing arches,with a lot more to em:)
first pic the one at the right

Andy 24-05-2006 07:28

Yes your right
The higher of the two is the Mk1

bigtim 24-05-2006 18:04

were are you located and how much would p+p be to send sumat of that size,spose there not heavy but awkward.

s13eater 24-05-2006 18:22

he's a good 4 hours from us tim, if he's situated near where SE nissan where.

bigtim 24-05-2006 19:22

bet there not cheap to send which could be a shitter:(

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