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S12OC 22-05-2006 07:49

The event is only a few weeks away.You can pay on the day to get in but its advisable to purchase in advance if you wish to arrive the night before etc,

Please confirm your attendance here.

PukkaSilvia 22-05-2006 07:58

Im there the full weekend :D

s13eater 22-05-2006 10:11

i'am comming for deffo, all paid last month:D

Japster 23-05-2006 23:47


Originally Posted by s13eater
i'am comming for deffo, all paid last month:D

Same here, but the real question is....

...Is Pukka going to actually get to look at any on-track CAR action, as opposed to 100% of the weekend spent hypnotised by the off-track phenomena otherwise known as scantily-clad ladies jiggling their bits on poles?... :p

...Hmm... then again, no-one'll see f*ck all if Shaun and I get in front of the stage first :p - after all that KFC and choc cake, We're a little more rotund than normal and may well block the view for the rest of the perverts (erm... I mean enthusiasts :rolleyes: ).... :D

RichardK 24-05-2006 15:35

Ok I'll come for the weekend.

Where do I get a ticket? Explain in simple language :P

s13eater 24-05-2006 17:02

you will have to get them on the gate now rich;) i hope ya turn up as its another fine example for the stand:D .i know den, i need to lose some weight as it pushing my umbilical hernia out:( and its very painfull, so i'll need lot of vino callapso to numb the pain;)

Japster 24-05-2006 23:14


Originally Posted by RichardK
Ok I'll come for the weekend.

Where do I get a ticket? Explain in simple language :P

OMG! - It's aliiiiive! :D

lol! - How are you doing Richyboy?

You'll have to come oot in the beast soon matey - I think you'll like it... ;)

Glad to see you're up for it too mate - Maybe we'll see that 200sx I beat on the way home again on the way back from this event.... lol!....

Japster 24-05-2006 23:23


Originally Posted by s13eater
you will have to get them on the gate now rich;) i hope ya turn up as its another fine example for the stand:D .i know den, i need to lose some weight as it pushing my umbilical hernia out:( and its very painfull, so i'll need lot of vino callapso to numb the pain;)

I was on about me more mate! - I should be eating far less unhealthy sh*t... :rolleyes:

Didn't realise that Avon event was an all-weekender, with practice sessions on Sat/Sun, and the main event on Monday... :D - Will probably nip down on Sat and Monday, dependent on the weather! - those synchronised Drifting nuttahs will be there too apparently!

s13eater 26-05-2006 12:26

got me tickets this morning:D

PukkaSilvia 27-05-2006 21:24

Yep got mine too :D.

s13eater 27-05-2006 22:54

what times everybody going? and where we all camping ? we need to be all close by for crawling distance.:D

PukkaSilvia 27-05-2006 22:57

Im going up Friday evening. The club stand is in Zone a so will try and get them close together.I dont know what time i will get there yet as i have work friday. Maybe i could reqwest i finish early.

s13eater 28-05-2006 02:00

i best take my police cones and keep some spacers, have we got an allocated space for the s12's.:)

RichardK 28-05-2006 09:47


I can finish work early on Fri so if you let me know what time you're going to get there I'll meet you and help set the stand up.

Do you need me to bring anything? Generator?

Oh balls, I best dig my tent out lol. Most likely coming up on my own this time.

PukkaSilvia 28-05-2006 11:23

Generator would be good Rich. Thanks

I suppose we can use the tv/Playstation like last time then. Its a something etc.

I will be digging the gazebo out tommorow and washing it. Apparently we are in ZONE A which is the untarmaced area :) so it should be good.

Fingers crossed on the weather now

s13eater 28-05-2006 12:31

oh yeah, zone A if only i'd read things first:o

s13eater 28-05-2006 21:47

make sue your generators diesel rich, as it says petrol ones are not allowed:rolleyes: and no glass bottles, good job wine is available in box's:D no load music:( ,no cam corders:( , no fartin, no eating,lol.

RichardK 28-05-2006 23:05

the generator is petrol mate. same one as at JAE. how cana diesel be allowed then cos they are much louder?!

s13eater 28-05-2006 23:18

don't know rich, just quoting what it says in there rules, rules are for breaking though,;)

adzs12 29-05-2006 14:07

Il be there be it friday evening or early saturday morning depending on work:ghey

duncan 30-05-2006 22:02

i hope to be there around 6pm on friday or there bouts. no work on friday as we leaving home at 5.30 am!!!!! dedicated to the last i tell you. if all goes to plan there will be an ae86 and a vectra with me. i bought another s12 last week but my mate won't drive it over:furious we there for the weekend and getting a bit of track action aswell:D

RichardK 31-05-2006 09:39

i'm going to see if my car will go on a trailer. I can get a trailer for the weekend for free and the discovery will only cost me £15 there and back to tow it. all depends if it will go on a trailer tho. That'll give us an extra vehicle to trog around in as well so we can leave the S12's on the stand.

If I go in the discovery I'll bring the generator, otherwise I'll leave it behind as it stinks my car out with petrol fumes.

Who's going on Fri night and what time? I'll be up as early as anyone else...

My number for anyone who wants to contact me is 07921 926 473 but please text me first to let me know who you are as I don't answer to withheld or unknown numbers (incase it's a random ex trying to bug me lol).

Message for Den (aka the late mr evans :p) - try and arrive before the end of the show mate :trout

s13eater 31-05-2006 11:32

i'll be their at about 11.30 rich:)

adzs12 31-05-2006 16:42

By the looks of it now i wont be going as it seems you need to produce your driving licence on the day to use the track etc, and seeing as mine has been lost by the metropolitan police since early january its there f***ing fault i wont be going:furious 90% of me going was to enjoy the track experience and this was gunna be difficult finacially to start with what with the travel cost etc,works been busy so i aint had much time to chase these things up until i had some spare time this afternoon. i can get a certificate sent by dvla for £10 to prove i have a licence but there aint much chance of it arriving by friday so il have to pay £19 for a duplicate licence which wont be here for atleast 2 weeks:ghey

s13eater 31-05-2006 16:59

feckin hell mate, what am i gonna do now adz, i'd got all my bondage gear ready, i thought i was on the promise:( come for the beer mate.

adzs12 31-05-2006 17:05

I know mate i was looking forward to wrestling you to the floor aswell, i would come for the crack but its going to wipe me out of money anyway as i gota lot going on at the moment and alot of outgoings trying to sort my self out so 90% im gunna have to miss this one out:mad:

s13eater 31-05-2006 18:17

sorry to here it adz, i was lookin fowards to catchin a few of your dance moves mate:( ,

adzs12 31-05-2006 19:38

There be plenty more to go to in the future:)

PukkaSilvia 31-05-2006 19:53

Il sort it out for you on the fone with the organisers Adz. Bring your insurance document and that piece of paper from the police when they took your original. That will be sufficient.I will probably know the scrutineers there anyway lol. Have you digged the banner out yet mate?

fao shaun

Weve got a stand matey. Ive just checked the gazebo over and we still have all the bits. Nothing was left behind. If you or someone else have got 8 spare tent pegs it would be great as i think these ones will be too big and the ground wont be deep enough in the stand area to knock them in.

Fao Rich i will be there friday night. Il pm you my mobile number. I havnt had a chance to post you those details so give me a call when your at the gate. I should be there for 9 latest i should think. If theres light i will set up the gazebo. then Have a few beers with you lot.

Numbers attending arent massive as far as i am aware but it should be a good crack.

'only here for the beer'

PukkaSilvia 31-05-2006 20:20

Im going to buy a crate of stella tommorow night for everyone to dig into. Probs grab another crate of bud or something too.

s13eater 31-05-2006 21:10

anyone joint me in a couple of shots of tequila if i buy a bottle ?:D i did have 2 box's of wine, 1 bot of tequila and cans of carlsberg export, but i biught them yesterday:rolleyes:

adzs12 31-05-2006 23:09

Well the guy i spoke to today said "no licence=no track.

As i said though there will be plenty of others:)

PukkaSilvia 01-06-2006 00:03


Originally Posted by adzs12
As i said though there will be plenty of others:)

Well i doubt that as i wont be organising anything if 3/4 of people who say there coming pull out. Its a waste of my time. There can only be a couple of events a year as people just dont make the effort for any more. And even now it seems a couple is one to many.

Im just dismayed here.forgive me lol. Its not a personal dig at you. There are a lot of other people who put there names down in the primary list before it was organised and then have pulled out 2.

Il have to see if Dr Silvia wants that free full weekend ticket that i was going to give to you.

RichardK 01-06-2006 10:33

Ok now I have a problem.

I took the S12 out last night and found I was struggling to get up a hill with the clutch slipping.

No problem - hire as trailer as I was thinking about anyway.

Tried it on a trailer - won't go on, it catches long before it's even a third of the way on.

The trailer place have another trailer which it may go on as it's lower and has hydraulic lift too. That's not due back in till Friday afternoon tho.

Sorted I thought. I'll get it on the trailer and arrive at the show early evening.

Drove back to the caravan site last night in the Discovery. All was well. Stood talking to a fit bird outside the site then all of a sudden I couldn't see her for an incredible bellowing of smoke from my exhaust.

Opened the bonnet to find the entire engine covered in water and anti-freeze.

The engine had over heated (f*cking Rover!!) and taken the.... wait for it.... HEAD GASKET.... with it.

That's me screwed. I'm asking around if I can borrow a tow vehicle for the weekend. My dad said no to using his Range Rover (as expected). So I'll keep looking.

Also, this is going to cost me a load to put right. Great.

I'll do my best to get there with the car somehow guys. Just pre-warning you that it may be totally impossible :( :( :(

adzs12 01-06-2006 14:05

Well i just had another dose of shit too, bank have sent me a nice threatening letter with a bill of £200 which im having to pay today to avoid court proceedings:ghey Shit happens which cant be helped sometimes.

Also been down to autoglass 3 times to get my windscreen changed and had an appoitment today at 1pm and wouldnt you know the only technician they have has gone awol !!!! What a load of shite, bet they still charge me the full £350 when they eventually pull there finger out there arses and do the job.

Dr Silvia 01-06-2006 14:13

Ya, i'm coming with silvia or not:( as the case may be, i think im gonna be pedestrianised personally but ya cant have everything..

Rich, someone once told me dead clutches could be temporarily revived by putting sawdust in the bellhousing... if you fancy being experimental let us know how it turns out:D

Japster 01-06-2006 23:04


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Well i doubt that as i wont be organising anything if 3/4 of people who say there coming pull out. Its a waste of my time. There can only be a couple of events a year as people just dont make the effort for any more. And even now it seems a couple is one to many.

Im just dismayed here.forgive me lol. Its not a personal dig at you. There are a lot of other people who put there names down in the primary list before it was organised and then have pulled out 2.

Il have to see if Dr Silvia wants that free full weekend ticket that i was going to give to you.

Hey Pukka - I appreciate the effort, and I'm really looking forward to the event (and I'm sure most people here are) - I guess it's unlucky - I've only JUST managed to arrange to get my new clutch in tomorrow, and will be bedding enough miles in ready for the event, but it could have gone the other way! (Though I'd have still come down, slipping clutch or not I guess!)

We should have a good crack whatever happens mate... :D

PS - Got my mates coming down too, and Loony, and my bro'... - So there's some numbers I guess... :D

adzs12 02-06-2006 00:28

As most of you know i love this club and all that happens in it, but this once is just bad timing for me so i hope im forgiven by my fellow s12 bumholes;)

30psi 02-06-2006 10:42

You're a disgrace Adam!

You've let down the whole international S12 community!:trout

RichardK 02-06-2006 15:01

See you all there this evening!

Clutch seems to be behaving at the moment so may not even need to change it at the event!


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