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Andy 23-05-2006 20:58

Cam/Adjustable pully
Hi to all,
I'm in the process of rebuilding my engine done the main/big-end bearings,new rings etc, i'v took a risk and ported my own head to gasket size and polished it up.:D
Does piper still make a Racing/fast road cam? and if so what do they cost?
What does the adjustable pully do in ref to power? and where do i get one from?.


s13eater 23-05-2006 21:21

yeah they still do the cam, not sure on the price, cnhss1 did have some ajustable pullies for sale.

Andy 23-05-2006 21:27

what was that last bit i'm no good at short hand/text

s13eater 23-05-2006 21:35

do you mean cnhss1, if so thats craig's name on here, he has a scimmitar ss1 with the ca18et engine in.

Andy 23-05-2006 22:01

thanks for that

30psi 24-05-2006 00:15

Theres no benefit to the vernier pulley unless its dialed in properly

PukkaSilvia 24-05-2006 00:18


Originally Posted by 30psi
Theres no benefit to the vernier pulley unless its dialed in properly

lol :D

It may be shiny for the magpies

30psi 24-05-2006 00:23

well thats just crap

Dr Silvia 24-05-2006 02:26

LOL:rolleyes: :D

s13eater 01-06-2006 18:47

and on another note, i doubt piper actualy developed the cam on the RR, its only a regrind, so what state of tune was the engine in when it was decided that by advancing by 2 degrees would give max benefit, tbh the car needs to be run on the RR, then mess about with the cam timing to see what suits it best.

30psi 02-06-2006 00:11

Its a wider duration cam by 14 deg's and as a result the full lift occurs 2 deg's out when used on the standard pulley. Its not been advanced as such.

By adjusting the timing normally a small improvement or loss will be noticed in either midrange or top end power.

If it was twin cam you have a lot more options coz you can adjust the valve overlap.

CNHSS1 05-06-2006 12:34

[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a2...1/01070007.jpg[/IMG]i can still get them made, usually in batches of six. They were £72 inc having your original pulley machined. I have a couple of peeps interested in them, so if you want one put your name down.

CNHSS1 06-06-2006 17:42

picture added

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