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s13eater 27-05-2006 19:47

Bob Jones He's Alive !!
good grief a took a long shot tonight and rang bob's old number, he was there, is car's been sitting there in piecesfor 2 years, he said it was funny because he was thinking if i'd still got my car the other day, i think i've kick started him into getting it back on the road, he's asked me to send him a link to the site, so i'll do that now.:D a legend going to waste:( .

Japster 27-05-2006 21:01


Originally Posted by s13eater
good grief a took a long shot tonight and rang bob's old number, he was there, is car's been sitting there in piecesfor 2 years, he said it was funny because he was thinking if i'd still got my car the other day, i think i've kick started him into getting it back on the road, he's asked me to send him a link to the site, so i'll do that now.:D a legend going to waste:( .

Good Stuff - If you nip on here Bob - Good to see ya again mate!... :D

s13eater 27-05-2006 21:11

good look for the weekend den, how much boost ya gonna give her;)

s13eater 27-05-2006 21:54

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...ter/puk131.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...ter/puk121.jpg come on bob get ya ass in gear, your a legend mate,up there with den and roscoe.

PukkaSilvia 27-05-2006 22:00

Legends........Old codgers dont you mean. ;)

Any chance of him coming to Jae this year?

s13eater 27-05-2006 22:04

naah his car is in bits, but he should come and make an appearence, hay jon there's a lot to be said about old codgers, staying power mate and experience;) but then again i'am not as old as bob:D plus i'am an hansome bastard;) :cool: :D

rob turbo 27-05-2006 22:58

whats the story with this bob, how come a 'legend', i vaguely remember this car from years ago at a show & didnt seem to impress. it had a lot of 'stick on' bits that made it look a tad 'cheap'... whats the deal....:confused:

PukkaSilvia 27-05-2006 23:03

That inlet manifold is enough to impress me.Not keen on those light covers on the front though

s13eater 27-05-2006 23:26

he's been around for 16 years, its money thats doing him at the mo, but he was in the ntoc and on the club pics and owned an s12 whilst most of us where shittin yellow:D , he's a good bloke and was also shafted many a time from SE nissan, when i first got into the s12's, thats the only names that i had heard of, ie: (mad) bob jones, den's silvia shrine (evans), paul roscoe aka the silviagod and one of the first blokes that i spoke to all those years ago was kenn finn, who pointed me in the right direction, although i'am no longer a member of the ntoc, i had numerous conversations with chairman kieth perdon, sound enough bloke, made me piss, bit or an exentric, ive seen a lot of s12's which if i compared with bob's, that i could say, well that looks shite at the side of bob's, but as time goes by, thing are looked at and improved, i'am sure when my mk2 is complete, i'll say, oh god can you remember my mk1 , was'nt that crude;) bob get your ass in gear mate and if i can help in any way give me a bell and i can put you in touch with alot of contacts, i'll even come and help for free mate.;)

PukkaSilvia 27-05-2006 23:42


Originally Posted by s13eater
he's been around for 16 years, its money thats doing him at the mo, but he was in the ntoc and on the club pics and owned an s12 whilst most of us where shittin yellow:D , he's a good bloke and was also shafted many a time from SE nissan, when i first got into the s12's, thats the only names that i had heard of, ie: (mad) bob jones, den's silvia shrine (evans), paul roscoe aka the silviagod and one of the first blokes that i spoke to all those years ago was kenn finn, who pointed me in the right direction, although i'am no longer a member of the ntoc, i had numerous conversations with chairman kieth perdon, sound enough bloke, made me piss, bit or an exentric, ive seen a lot of s12's which if i compared with bob's, that i could say, well that looks shite at the side of bob's, but as time goes by, thing are looked at and improved, i'am sure when my mk2 is complete, i'll say, oh god can you remember my mk1 , was'nt that crude;) bob get your ass in gear mate and if i can help in any way give me a bell and i can put you in touch with alot of contacts, i'll even come and help for free mate.;)

Spot on. A bit of the s12 enthuisiasts history :cool:

s13eater 27-05-2006 23:53

thanks jon, at the end of the day we can all slag SE nissan off and call peoples cars, but these people are the forefathers of s12 mods and tuning,i've had good laughs with den, ken and bob at jae billing 2002, we put about 200 bear bottles in biggus'es tent along with about 50 chicken bones and left a hose pipe running, now that was fun.:D all was done in good fun.:cool:

s13eater 27-05-2006 23:59

come on lads, anyone near north harrow that can give him some moral support.:)

30psi 28-05-2006 01:03

I can give him a hand

PukkaSilvia 28-05-2006 01:04


Originally Posted by 30psi
I can give him a hand

Wheres North Harrow? Near Essex?

30psi 28-05-2006 01:10

About 5 miles from Wembley, and I'm about 5 miles from there once a week.

s13eater 28-05-2006 01:24


Originally Posted by 30psi
I can give him a hand job

and a blow job

s13eater 28-05-2006 01:25

b4 you start i'am only messin:D avin a laugh,;)

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