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S12OC 18-06-2006 18:59

Jae Attendance List
If you are coming to this event. Please put your name down here. No spam please. Event questions can be asked in the other jae thead. :)

PukkaSilvia 18-06-2006 19:02

Im there :p

s13eater 18-06-2006 19:25

i'am going:D

rob turbo 18-06-2006 22:47

o yes, cant wait. im there. :cool:

Claire 19-06-2006 13:01

I'm going!! :D

datdrift 19-06-2006 18:20

i'll be there:D not sure if you'd want my car on the club stand tho as its a bit tatty:)

Dr Silvia 19-06-2006 20:53

Fingers an toes crossed i'll get there:D

PukkaSilvia 19-06-2006 21:52


Originally Posted by datdrift
i'll be there:D not sure if you'd want my car on the club stand tho as its a bit tatty:)

even a tatty s12 is better than any other model of car that will be there on display :D

rob turbo 19-06-2006 23:08

yep, pack em in... the more the merry'er. whats the festivitys consisting of, have to ask... i'll be donating a pack of beer to the cause.. open up the boot & blast da tha-unes out as per last year..

anyone else got owt in mind to make the already good atmos a little better.. :sderfd

Claire 20-06-2006 21:00

I am hoping there will be a tv and playstation again this year. I might buy 'Twister' or something like that to play when we are drinking:D Does anyone else have any ideas?

Anyway this is the list of people going so far, any1 else want to go?

Rob Turbo
Dr Silvia
+ me

PukkaSilvia 20-06-2006 21:17

Japster is coming(Den)

FAO Adzs12 are you coming this time?

s13eater 20-06-2006 21:23


Originally Posted by Claire
I am hoping there will be a tv and playstation again this year. I might buy 'Twister' or something like that to play when we are drinking:D Does anyone else have any ideas?

Tow richard k around the field in his sleeping bag on the back of your car... this will make for a good game as we can all av a go:D

PukkaSilvia 21-06-2006 19:43

ive just paid for a 20 car plot.

Claire 22-06-2006 12:56


Originally Posted by s13eater
Tow richard k around the field in his sleeping bag on the back of your car... this will make for a good game as we can all av a go:D

Yeah I am up for doing that... sounds like it could be a laugh. Would be more fun if you did donuts though instead of just driving around dragging him along in the sleeping bag. I think we should use your car too :D :p

Ok the list so far is.....

Rob Turbo
Dr Silvia
Rickard K
+ me

s13eater 22-06-2006 17:42

7 s12's up to yet then, we need addz for his dancin skills and nissan turbs for his drinkin skills, come on lads lets see some more of you there, what about the purple one with the kit and dragon on it,there must be a few more that can turn up, even if its just for the day, its a good laugh and its very cheap.;)oh yeah and gaz, he's addz's dancin partner.the only thing that looks good on addz's is gaz,lol.

Claire 22-06-2006 21:53

Rob Turbo
Dr Silvia
Rickard K
+ me

PukkaSilvia 22-06-2006 22:29

Yep Saw adz this evening and we thrashed the s12s about for a bit. He is coming to Jae.Just been a bit busy lately.

reece 23-06-2006 20:18

I will be there in my s12 this year

PukkaSilvia 23-06-2006 20:44

Be good to see you again. Havnt seen your s12 in ages either. You have been very quiet............women spring to mind :rolleyes:

PukkaSilvia 25-06-2006 16:46

A couple new entries........

s13eater & family
Rob Turbo
Dr Silvia
Rickard K
Ken Finn
Gaz & Abbie (friend of mine who has mr2 last year)-.(not displaying)

11 s12s displaying so far.

rob turbo 27-06-2006 23:17

add another person to that, will find company to bring with me..!


Claire 30-06-2006 23:33


s13eater & family
Rob Turbo & Friend
Dr Silvia
Rickard K
Ken Finn
Gaz & Abbie (friend of mine who has mr2 last year)-.(not displaying)
Duncan & Olivia

Duncan has just confirmed that he will be attending JAE with Olivia. :D

duncan 30-06-2006 23:33

count us in. got everythin sorted today so happy days:D . still not sure bout the second s12 though. see how things go over the next few weeks

s13eater 01-07-2006 16:27

good man, be good to see you duncan.;)

Claire 01-07-2006 20:27

I have been in contact with Claire, the JAE event organizer. And I have requested that we are as close as possible to SXOC I hope this is ok with everyone... I will find out exactly where we are on monday so I will post a picture of the map as soon as possible. :D

Does anyone have any evening entertainment ideas? I don't want anyone to get bored so if anyone has any ideas let me know. :)

Adz are you bringing your TV and Playstation?

s13eater 01-07-2006 21:05


Originally Posted by Claire
I have been in contact with Claire, the JAE event organizer. And I have requested that we are as close as possible to SXOC I hope this is ok with everyone... I will find out exactly where we are on monday so I will post a picture of the map as soon as possible. :D

Does anyone have any evening entertainment ideas? I don't want anyone to get bored so if anyone has any ideas let me know. :)

Adz are you bringing your TV and Playstation?

feckme jon, if adz is dancin, i don't need no entertainment:D .

rob turbo 02-07-2006 23:55

strip twister. with lots of maked ladies...!!!

err, beer. (topless serving girls)

naked ladies.

thats it realy. :1la ...!

rob turbo 03-07-2006 00:03

but seriously. we should also enter the club stand award arena this time. there were some sheds that entered last time & im sure if we entred out club it would highten our rep. we need to hike the S12 up a notch this time. realy push the boat out man.

im tyring to get a flamer kit on & other goodies to make mine stand out a bit.. im sure members can go that bit extra & make a show piece of their cars.

Claire 03-07-2006 12:37


Originally Posted by rob turbo
strip twister. with lots of maked ladies...!!!

err, beer. (topless serving girls)

naked ladies.

thats it realy. :1la ...!

Right, well I am not sure if I can get any naked ladies. But I can buy a giant sized twister that up to 30 people can play...I was also thinking about getting a big paddling pool. But then I was wondering whether that might be a bit childish. :o
I think the plot of ground we have for the stand will be quite crammed this year because we have got more s12's than last year so we will have to arrange the cars so we have a bit of space around the gazebo. Jon and I will be coming up with some ideas of how the cars could be parked, but if anyone has any suggestions or would like to post up some interesting layouts then that would be great. :D

Claire 04-07-2006 12:21

This is where all the club stands are, we are in the top left hand corner.
I am trying to find out if we can move so we are closer to 200SXOC but I don' t think we will be able to. I think the building next to our stand is toilets. :eek: Lets just hope the toilets are not like they were last year. :(


s13eater 04-07-2006 14:49

claire, can you put a marker on showing where we were last year please, just so i can get my bearings, if i'am thinking right,this years plot is near where the soarer's were last year:) .

Claire 04-07-2006 19:54

I don't have a clue where we were last year. I did go on the JAE forum to have a look at the layout from last year but the picture has been removed. The whole layout has changed this year so I dont know :confused:

Maybe we should ask Nissan Turbs where we were he seemed to get his bearings quite quickly :D

The JAE Event origanizer is trying to re-locate the club stand so I am hoping we wont be tucked away in the corner.

FLEXXX 04-07-2006 20:16

lol ah nissan turbs has officialy gone into the hall of fame of the s12oc as its been a year and we still havnt forgotten what he got upto nice one

s13eater 04-07-2006 22:12

ok claire, no worries, i think they have even alterd the camping feilds, nissan turbs is a legend in the s12 game, put a polishing cloth on him and watch how he buffs up your car :D lol.

DriftNinja 04-07-2006 22:56

wow the s12oc stand is really out of the way :( have been to that showground quite a few times bit of a treck from there to the main arena. but still cant have the best jap cars and the best spot i guess! :D

Claire 05-07-2006 11:04

I should find out today if the club stand can be moved. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Last year we were quite far away from the main arena, but this year it couldn't be any further away. :(

Claire 05-07-2006 12:18

Here's Claire's reply about the club stand :( :


Hi Claire,

Sorry honey....not good news for you. Sadly I can not move your club nearer to the SXOC. The only way I could move you is if you reduced the amount of cars attending, but that isn't going to happen not at this late stage. You've booked 20 and even if you increase the area you are currently on will take more than 20 cars.

The building next to your stand area is an admin building, which wont be in use. Toilets are near but not next door to your stand.

Sorry once again!


I am a bit gutted because people may not want to visit the stand because it is so far away :(
We will just have to make the most of the extra space we have, and make the club stand and layout as interesting as possible. :)

DriftNinja 05-07-2006 12:26

Also how much is enterance? I do have a bit of a problem my car wont be working in time for the show so if there is anyone localy(Dorset) who has a spare seat and wont mind taking me, give me a shout! Will try by best to get the car on the road but it needs quite a bit of work heh.

Claire 05-07-2006 12:38

Ticket prices for club members are £20.00 per vehicle this includes camping! This is also for a car full (4 people) not per person. This is paid on the day of your arrival at the show.

Hope you can make it to JAE :)

s13eater 05-07-2006 14:49

never mind:( , we will have to make the most noise:D get robturbo to crank up the volume, people will visit just to see the dancin if addz is commin lol;)

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