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PukkaSilvia 20-06-2006 21:55

S12 ca18det conversion brief pointers
This is a list of pointers for someone who is familiar with basic mechanics


When fitting the ca18det into a ca18et s12 you can use the:-
same s12 gearbox and bell housing,
same s12 engine mounts in exactly the same location.No mods needed
same s12 car loom.
You need the s13 ecu,loom and loom ancileries ie dropping resistor for the injectors and a s13 power transister for the coil packs which you also need and the 3 green top relays from the s13 engine bay to join your car harness to the ecu harness. These relays are used for the fuel pump and ecu.
s12 power steering and alternator can be used. Cut a chunk out the s12 power steering pump bracket to clear the wider det head or find a s13 bracket
The s12 exhaust is compatable. Use the s13 manifolds and turbo & downpipe. You could use the s12 turbo and downpipe but it really is too small#

When wiring in the s13 ecu loom you will see that there is a big plug spare by the ecu and another further down the loom near the air flow meter.These used to connect to the s13 car harness.You need to reconnect some of these to your s12 system.

The connections you need to make are listed below with there wire colours.

Black / Pink stripe
Fuel Pump Relay

Red / Black stripe
ECU Relay

ECU Backup Power

Black / Red & Blue / Red (Note: connect 2 wires to 1)
Main Ignition Power

Black / White stripe
ECU Power

Brown (to O2 sensor)
O2 Sensor Power
Any 12v switched source

white plug

Yellow / Red stripe
Tachometer signal

Ignition start


Blue / Black stripe
Water temp signal

The s12 and s13 have 2 looms. A engine loom and car loom. all you essentially are doing is swapping the engine loom over and then powering it up.
You can use the s12 fuel pump but its advisable to uprate it as it will probably run lean under load/boost. You need to change the wiring for the pump round so that it has the new ecu + feed via a green relay and a constant body earth rather than the old s12 wiring that was earth switched.

toytoy 24-07-2006 19:10

good job !
Thank you pukka ;)

rob turbo 24-07-2006 23:53

i still cant get the s12 tacho working in mine. my tuners tried everything.

had to use an after market rev counter.

any ideas...

toytoy 30-09-2006 00:34

use the S12 gearbox ;)

umpkin 30-09-2006 14:56

the gearbox has nothing to do with the tacho toytoy, thats the speedo :D

Dazmans12 30-09-2006 15:26

Rev counter
I assume its the Rev counter your on about, excuse my lack of tech jargon. If this is the problem then its a sensor located just by where the air intake pipe joins the air flow meter. there is a sensor attached to the loom here & it tends to get corroded. Check this or replace, I think this should cure your problem. I think Silviagod has a pick of this somewere on his web pages.

indecisive 14-10-2006 04:09

this was posted by Sam on club-s12 and we both need help.

If somebody could provide us with a pinout instead of colours, that would be very much appreciated.


ok, here is the deal. Indy pmed me today asking me about the white plug that comes off of the 18det harness near the plug for the ecu itself. I went back using the old original write ups colors of what should be coming off of the white plug, wrote down what came off of my white plug...and here is where we have an obvious problem. Now I am thinking that what isnt off of the white plug must be spliced into off of the ecu plug itself...anyways, if anyone actually knows what is supposed to be done, that would be nice....cuz i am kind of speculating at this point. Anyways, here is the original pm convo with indy and I Including the wire colors of what is on my plug, what should be on my plug, and pics of everything.

Ok, here is what I did, I went from the top row left to right and grabbed the colors off of every wire and this is what I came up with...let me know if you have the same.
note the indenture for the plug is the top...

grey/blue stripe
green wire
blue/red stripe which is the main ignition, but it doesnt combine with another wire like the original write up said it did.
black, slightly larger gauge wire
black, it maybe possible ecu power...
there is 2 silver like stirpes near my finger, and the ecu power is supposed to be black/white striped
blue/silver stripe
yellow/green stripe-ac relay
grey/red stripe
red-ecu power back up
light green
black (again possible ecu power, has the same stripes on it)
blue/black stripe
yellow/red stripe

for more reference...here is what the original write up said should be there...

Black / Pink stripe
Fuel Pump Relay
missing in action from our plugs

Green / Orange stripe
Transmission Neutral Sensor
mia from our plugs

Red / Black stripe
ECU Relay
mia from our plugs

Green / Yellow stripe
AC Relay
mia from our plugs....but who needs ac?

ECU Backup Power
mia from our plugs

Black / Red & Blue / Red (Note: connect 2 wires to 1)
Main Ignition Power
i didnt see it combine anywhere...but maybe your supposed to combine them? if so which black do you combine it with?

Black / White stripe
ECU Power
2 possible wires, but i am not sure which, or if they are possibles
Blue / Green stripe
AC Relay
mia from our plugs

Black / Yellow stripe
Idle Air Control Valve Power
mia from our plugs

Brown (to O2 sensor)
O2 Sensor Power
Any 12v switched source
I didnt see a brown wire anywhere near my plug

I am prolly going to post this onto the 18det tech forum and see if we can get any response from anyone there....I am thinking tho that what isnt on the white plug has to be pulled off of the ecu plug, but i could be wrong.



it's not the ECCS connector though. It's the white plug beside it. I havne't found a pinout for that yet.



Actually, when i first started looking at my harness the colors people gave didnt match up either. I am thinkin that tho if your colors dont match use the ecu pinout and forget the colors. I am thinking its possible that nissan changed harness wire colors on some of the 18dets. That would atleast explain why yours and mine colors dont match anyone elses. The ecu pinout should be the same tho. Anyways, let me know how that works out.



hey sam, I was gonna wire up my car today but ran into some problems.

The wire colours for the white plug on my ca18det harness dont' match up to the ones everybody is using for some reason.

The main ones I'm concerned about are:
ECCS Relay
ECCS backup power
Main Ign power
ECCS power
O2 sensor power wire

The others like Tach and Temp and start signal are there though.

Anyways, you said yours matched up right? Could you do me a huge favour and tell me which wires are which on the plug? Like just let me know like...

"Looking from the back(where the wires go INTO the plug) the ECCS relay wire is on the top row, third from the left."

If you could tell me which ones they are that'd help me so much man. And also, just in case, could you confirm at least the start signal wire as well? the others that are "there" aren't as important as the start signal, and I wanna make sure that's the right one.

If you could do that for me, I'd owe you a big one.


PukkaSilvia 19-10-2006 23:22

I really cant understand all this Jiberish.

What wiring have you got left to do exactly? Thats all you need to say

indecisive 20-10-2006 01:49

no worries jon, we've got it sorted out.

basically, the wires for the ECCS relay, IG power, etc.. aren't on that white plug you were describing. They're on the two plugs that are in the engine bay.

The white plug only has the start signal, and the wires for the gauge cluster sensors.

Leos12 22-10-2006 19:03

1st place i have looked to do ca18det conversion and there is so much info here!! good job


PukkaSilvia 22-10-2006 22:53

Think you read my it wrong.It says there are plugs by the air flow meter location and on the white plug near the ecu :p

My installed Relays are in the engine bay rather than attached to the old s13 car loom socket

So is your car running now Indy>?

indecisive 23-10-2006 18:41


I only have a few more things to do. Wiring is finished, I actually cranked the engine :o Just waiting on the damn dropping resistor from the engine importer still..supposed to get here last friday..but nope...

Then just gotta do the intercooler piping, boost gauge source, blow off valve, and plug off all other intake stuff and connect some sensors (neutral switch, reverse switch, oil pressure sender unit, knock sensor) and I can start her.

I dunno if my pump is working, I'll be checking for fuel pressure today.

30psi 13-02-2007 10:48


Originally Posted by rob turbo
i still cant get the s12 tacho working in mine. my tuners tried everything.

had to use an after market rev counter.

any ideas...

Well don't use the S13 wire to try to get it to work, only aftermarket gauges are sensitive enough to pick up the signal.

I got it working on my mates bluebird. You'll need 4 thick diodes from maplins. The smaller ones allow the current to go the other way and the car won't start.

Tap a wire into each coilpack. There are 3 wires, when looking at the back of the plug, its the left one you need. From each wire put in line a diode so the current can only flow away from the coilpack. Then join all 4 wires together into one and take them to the original wire that feeds the rev counter. This could be found behind the dash (don't know the wire buts it probably blue) or if you still have the original section of loom in the car take it to the connecting plug that connects to the S12 coil earth. Its a single wire plug, the wire is blue.

s12Rob 19-02-2007 20:08

can u not just swap the loom over, will it work like that

30psi 19-02-2007 20:11

No, unless you change the gauge as well. But for the sake of buying 4 little diodes and 20 mins soldering, its no big hardship.

northerner 26-12-2007 20:10

Can anyone write this up in plain English and add some pics including wiring in the Relay's ;)

30psi 27-12-2007 14:34

Come and look how I did it, dont live far from you. Once you see the method I used to get the engine running you'll wonder what the fuss is all about.

Sharas 26-02-2008 20:00


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 5815)
same s12 engine mounts in exactly the same location.No mods needed

Now i have a little problem here.
Obviously as my s12 was fj20, the engine mounts are different and dont realy fit that well.
So i got my self a couple of s13 engine mounts, but they dont fit the travers (or whatever you call that thing that they bolt to). So now the milion dollar question: are the mounts different and do not bolt up (so i just need a couple of s12 mounts) or is the travers (or whatever it is called) different on the fj and ca cars? Anybody knows?

30psi 26-02-2008 20:05

I used S13 mounts on an S12 subframe, but I used the S13 brackets (which are required to match the mounts). Benefit of S13 brackets is they bolt to the block via 3 bolts per side (not 2 like on the S12).

Thats all well and good, and you can mount the engine BUT I would like to point out a potential flaw.

I can not tell you if the engine will sit at a different height or not. Whilst this sounds trivial it may effect the angles on the prop shaft and therefore you could experience vibrations due to larger angles on the UJ's. It may be fine (in fact the difference is probably minimal) but I have to point this out as you could find youself with a problem.

I didn't have a problem as I was independantly setting the height of the engine, box and setting the angles up on the Datsun anyway. Only reason I used S13 mounts was coz I wanted to fit nice solid nismo mounts.

s13eater 26-02-2008 20:10

the fj20 mounts are oblong and about 47mm with the engine sat on them.

Sharas 27-02-2008 06:10

I am using the s13 brackets, because they came with the engine, so i never even checked if my fj brackets would fit (i just asumed they wouldn't).
Now the thing is that the s13 mounts dont just bolt to the subframe (thats the thing that i was refering to as "travers" :D ). Seems that i would need to drill a little hole in the subframe, for the little thing that aligns the mount (its closer to the bolt then on the fj mount).
If the left and right mounts are different in this aspect i might have to of the same side. Ill look into this today, maybe make some pic's to make it all clear.

doski 27-02-2008 07:13

When i fitted my det on the mounts i cut the little locater off my nismo mounts :)

30psi 27-02-2008 09:23

Just rotate the mount 90 deg's, the dimple is supposed to sit in the same slot that the bolt goes into. I would also recommend not tightening them up until you got the engine in place as you get a degree of flexibility from where they can move up and down in the slot

Sharas 27-02-2008 10:14

Allright, ill see what can be done, when i get back home.
Thou i would have a prob with tightening the mount, once the subframe is back in the car. Basicly theres no room to reach that bolt, i guess i would need some sort of a smart wrench, that i dont have :D

s13eater 27-02-2008 10:22

if you have the fj20 mounts, could you measure the thickness of them in mm please as i was told they where about 47mm with the engine on them, thanks.:)

30psi 27-02-2008 10:26


Originally Posted by Sharas (Post 24421)
Allright, ill see what can be done, when i get back home.
Thou i would have a prob with tightening the mount, once the subframe is back in the car. Basicly theres no room to reach that bolt, i guess i would need some sort of a smart wrench, that i dont have :D

Yeah you need to smash the spanner up a bit with a hammer.

This image shows visually how the dimple should sit


s13eater 27-02-2008 10:38

who's engine is that mart ?

30psi 27-02-2008 10:47

Nothing to do with me, its just a pic I found.

Sharas 27-02-2008 19:57

Thanks for the help 30psi. Got the mounts in today, everything looks fine for now ;)

Oscar 07-03-2008 21:44

would standard auto box take the power of a det?

zxocmars 07-03-2008 22:01


Originally Posted by Oscar (Post 24733)
would standard auto box take the power of a det?

Depends how hard you treat it,

A standard manual apparently can't withstand sustained abuse from a standard ET


Oscar 07-03-2008 22:05

good point...

zxocmars 07-03-2008 22:07

I think I read somewhere, (here or zxoc) that a standard auto should be good for upto 350hp under "normal" conditions

Not sure if that's true though

s13eater 08-03-2008 08:17

i think the silvia god says around 200bhp before it starts to slip, my auto box must be shot as it slips @ 12psi with just an airfilter mod :o

PukkaSilvia 08-03-2008 10:51


Originally Posted by zxocmars (Post 24736)
A standard manual apparently can't withstand sustained abuse from a standard ET

who ever started that rubbish off either has never checked/serviced there gearbox oil and cant change gear properly.

Also i have never read anywhere about an s12 autobox handling 350hp. I would trust silviagods experience here. sorry if this sounds rude,i dont mean it too be

Oscar 08-03-2008 13:46

i shall also then! Cheers

old-and-rusty 08-03-2008 14:14

TBH my autobox couldn`t handle 200bhp :( . The gearbox couldn`t cope with the kickdown. I had the box fully reconditioned too and it still let me down.

I would definately go the manual route, if you are looking at higher power outputs.


Oscar 08-03-2008 15:19

well im hoping 2 do the sr20, sometime in the future, but 2 save hassle felt like doing the det conversion 4 now, with auto as i can get nearly everything 4 free or very cheap. And do the manual when i do the sr,

old-and-rusty 09-03-2008 11:55

I guess if the parts aren`t going to cost much it`s not too bad if the autobox goes boom ;) ...LOL... As long as you are careful with the kickdown, you should be okay. My box used to expire when I got to eager with the right foot...LOL....


sjef200sxTurbo 11-11-2008 17:34

Power transistor?
I never hear anyone about the power transistor (DIS-4 modulle)
I found out that its not on the engine loom but on the chassis loom.
Cant figure out how to hook that up.

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