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Help Keep A Silvia From The Big Scrap Yard In The Sky
hi guy's my 84 s12 died other day just cut out got told it was the coil got a new 1 still no go then got told it was the dizzy got a new 1 still no go! Then got told that the dizzy aint getting any power to it any clues? took it to lucus they said poss ecu or some switch by the coil. Any1 able to help me as dont want to buy anymore stuff i dont need and cant afford to take it to another garage. Any help would be gr8 cheers peeps Paul v angry s12 owner:furious
i keep reading this problem.I had it on my mk1 when i had an et and never actually solved it :(
I had an intermittent power signal to the dizzy. In the end i bodged it by putting another 12v ignition feed to it. It may not be the same cause at all so keep an open mind still |
is that easy to do? do u just run a source straight from the battery?
I also had a dodgy wire in the plug that goes to the coil that used to cause it to cut out,i just cleaned it up and tie-wrapped it on tight and it sorted it.
nice 1 cheers 4 that i will give it a go fingers crossed cos im loosing my rag wiv it now:shoot
when my mate owned my car, he had a similar prob too (after it had been sitting for a few days), he was driving and it cut out, it turned out to be a mouse nest by the coil, they had chewed through the coil wires. :furious
but could be in the right area, have you a multitester that you can chase back the wiring etc. |
I had this problem after the car had been sat round for two weeks while I was on holiday.
http://www.nissansilvia.co.uk/vbb/showthread.php?t=150 Godd luck with fixing it. |
na aint got a multitester but ive ad 3 RAC guys look at it and took it 2 lucus electric specialists and they av given me diff answers everytime!!!!!!!! may just c if i can get a ecu cheep and try get that switch that sits by the coil if that fails anyone want a silvia:(
have you tried the ecu's self diagnosis to see if you're getting any ignition error codes?
what did all the electricians say?? |
ecu's self diagnosis??????? they siad that the dizzy is not getting any power feed in to the amp in it they said could poss be ecu or thet little switch thet sits by the coil? im stumped already brought a new coil and dizzy dont av a clue when it comes to electrics:confused:
Can someone look at the s12 wiring in the manual and find out if there is an ignition live wire out the ecu that goes to the dizzy? |
according to the wiring map i have in front of me the power transistor, coil and dizzy (including CAS) take their power straight from the ignition barrel.
the way the diagram is drawn if you have one power supply problem here it could easily affect the lot. think your best bet is do as jon suggested first and make a known good supply of fresh volts for it all;) there are 2 wires from the coil/transistor to the ecu there is 1 wire from the ecu to the power transistor (to control the coil) and the other is the rpm signal for the ecu and tachometer the multi connection plug attached that leads to/from the dizzy has 4 wires... 3 of these are the cas, i assume the other is the +ve feed. There is a tab on the upper side of the dizzy with a push on spade terminal, tbh i'm not sure what that part is:o, but ive run it without it connected and nothing monumental happened:confused: and to top it off its not on this wiring diagram:D i wouldnt expect this to be the positive feed seeing as the connection isn't secure enough... theres a guide on doing ecu self diagnosis in the how to section:) |
Put an image of the respective wiring diagram up (seeing you've scanned it anyway) :p ;) |
there ya go... I cant exactly put the whole thing up, its 5 A4 pages long:cool: |
thanks 4 all your help guys gona phone lucus mora and see if this sheds any lite on da situation get back 2 ya's soon as. just wondering if u guys r still thinking bout comin down cornwall (spoke to someone on here bout it back in march) if so let me know cos i can sort out accomodation fairly cheap as i do security in a surf lodge in newquay.thanks again 4 your help
Newquey sounds so appealing at the moment.Ive got holiday booked already for next month. Im not sure if i would be able to fit in any more treats,Its all work work work and then working on the car :rolleyes:
thats cool we r open all year round got our own surf school well nice bar would be even cheaper 4 u all if it was out of season anyways,well u know where i am if you guys decide to have a meet down these ere parts hopefully i can get mine working and try and get to meet you guys at some point
sounds good:)
what are the local 'supplies' like?? *nudge* *nudge*;) ;) :D |
its newquay u want it u can get it tis all good aslong as its not silvia bits take it thats what your on about:confused: :confused:
I saw a Silvia in Newquay, it was a two tone dark blue/silver thing. Is it yours?
ja i partake of the medicine muffin;) shall i bring silvia bits to trade if i come for a holiday then?:D
na ive got a white 1 aint seen that 1 goin round av 2 keepa eye out. bring bits if u want dont know if i will still av mine as the garage's r bein tossers and wont go any further tryin to find out what the prob wiv mine is:furious only got 1 hope left but he is a hard man to track down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oooo ooo ooo oo i have another idea, i had this on mine after fiddling with the battery, there is a relay down in the inner wing between the battery and the inner wing, i think it was green (dont hold me to that) but it had corroded terminals, i had to replace the relay and rewire the terminals, deffo worth a look, that was similar to your prob, the car was running fine, i moved the battery to check something else, re seated the bat ready to go home, and all it did was constantly turn over, fixed this relay, and been fine ever since.
check it out, and let me know. i feel good when i have helped someone :D p.s there are a lot of relays there, check them all to be on the safe side, or do what i did and move them about while turning over, it may fire and you will know. |
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