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keith 17-08-2006 14:56

CA18ET Max hp?
I posted this up on club s12....but not many responses, so I thought I'd post here.

How much power can the ca18et make? Whats it capabile of?
Whats the max it would make with the stock cam, and head?
Whats the max it would make with aftermarket cam, and ported head?

I'm asking because I'm debating on getting that HP Performance short block rebuilt kit from Flat Lander, and a set of their Pauter billet rods to go with it.
They told me the kit is good for 800-1000 hp, and the rods are good for 40psi.
They said the block and crank are good for around 700 hp

Scroll down to # 9 for the parts list of the kit....


I'm trying to figure out if this build up is worth the $$, or if I should scrap the whole thing and go CA-DET. Only problem is.....I won't have the $$ to buy a DET and rebuild it too......so it would be going in bone stock.

Any help would be great

TOMO200 17-08-2006 15:26

a mate of mine has got 305.6 bhp so far out of the 8 valve and there maybe some more to get from somewhere, Have a look at his profile S13EATER

30psi 17-08-2006 16:05

If you are paying $$$ for ultimate power than the DET wins hands down. Absolutely no contest.

TOMO200 17-08-2006 16:07

True much more power available from the twin cam

keith 17-08-2006 18:07


Originally Posted by 30psi
If you are paying $$$ for ultimate power than the DET wins hands down. Absolutely no contest.

Yes, yes I agree......and is not my question.......like I said in my first post......if I get a ca-det then I won't have any extra $$ to build it up....it would go in bone stock + my existing bolt-on mods I currently have for my ca-et.....fmic, t25g, s-afc2, walbro, etc, etc
Or spend the same $$ on my ca-et for a performance build-up......but if I can only get 200hp out of it, then it's worthless to go that route.

keith 17-08-2006 18:10


Originally Posted by TOMO200
a mate of mine has got 305.6 bhp so far out of the 8 valve and there maybe some more to get from somewhere, Have a look at his profile S13EATER

mmmmmm, pretty impressive. Do you have any info on it.......there is nothing in his profile:(

sideways danny 17-08-2006 18:27


Originally Posted by keith
Yes, yes I agree......and is not my question.......like I said in my first post......if I get a ca-det then I won't have any extra $$ to build it up....it would go in bone stock + my existing bolt-on mods I currently have for my ca-et.....fmic, t25g, s-afc2, walbro, etc, etc
Or spend the same $$ on my ca-et for a performance build-up......but if I can only get 200hp out of it, then it's worthless to go that route.

you can get a DET that needs building for £50

keith 17-08-2006 18:35


Originally Posted by sideways danny
you can get a DET that needs building for £50

Where? If I did my conversion right, thats like $95 USD?? I would still need the complete motor set with all the wiring goodies. All of the ca-dets I've found average around $1200 USD + shipping

PukkaSilvia 17-08-2006 20:41

what your really wanting to know is how much power the stock et head can give.

350BHP is probably the upmost maximum for the et with abosultley everything played with but Nitrous

The det can do this on the standard head and a healthy well maintained bottom end

sideways danny 18-08-2006 13:07


Originally Posted by keith
Where? If I did my conversion right, thats like $95 USD?? I would still need the complete motor set with all the wiring goodies. All of the ca-dets I've found average around $1200 USD + shipping

I've got about 12 of them that I've picked up from garage clearances/rebuild exchanges (used to run a 200sx garage) etc, I guess it's harder in the states as they were never sold there. $1200 for a non-runner is terrible!!!!!!

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