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Dan 04-09-2006 17:51

what's this?
Hey, can anyone tell me what the black plug is for in this picture?

it appears here:

mucho thanko

northerner 04-09-2006 20:16

On this side L>R
Black -- retract down relay
Green-- EFi relay
Gray -- Retract control relay

on other side L>R
Horn relay 3 pin
Blue-- Illumination relay
retract relay up

Dan 04-09-2006 20:51

Thanks for the reply mate, so the fact that there's nothing plugged into the black one may possibly be why my lights are temperamental?
There's a black plug that im assuming fits in, but i cant figure out how, the inside of the socket seems very empty.

northerner 04-09-2006 21:18

wires probablt corroded through

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