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s12Rob 11-09-2006 11:25

Went Up In Smoke
right have a slight issue with my s12, was playing with a calibra, pissed all over him and then had lack of power and big cloud of smoke behind me, cam belt isnt snapped or skipped teeth, runs but sound like only on 2 cylinders. im thinkin piston rings but not certain, any advise would be apreciated

30psi 11-09-2006 11:28

Did you top speed it?

Sounds like a holed piston to me. Remove the oil cap and see if it spits lots of oil out due to the excessive crank case pressure

s12Rob 11-09-2006 11:36

i was doing about 140 when it happened, smoke comes out the oil filler cap, white smoke

30psi 11-09-2006 11:39

Sounds about right.

What spark plugs are you running?

s12Rob 11-09-2006 11:42

the colder ngk ones bcpr78es or sumthing liek that

30psi 11-09-2006 11:49

Hmm, using them should stop the problem unless there is something wrong with the timing or fueling.

This is the expected damage:

I would do a compression test to tell. I suspect you've got damage to number 3.

s12Rob 11-09-2006 11:56

the timing has been retarded from what i was told to 15deg btdc. i am running 11 psi tho

30psi 11-09-2006 12:04

Well 15 degs is standard.
Are you running an intercooler?

turbomike 11-09-2006 13:43


Originally Posted by s12Rob
right have a slight issue with my s12, was playing with a calibra, pissed all over him and then had lack of power and big cloud of smoke behind me, cam belt isnt snapped or skipped teeth, runs but sound like only on 2 cylinders. im thinkin piston rings but not certain, any advise would be apreciated

had excatly the same thing but on a toyota corolla,it happened at 5500rpm and smoke was pouring out the breather on the rocker cover,when stripped down it was a holed piston

PukkaSilvia 11-09-2006 20:16

grim sorry to hear that

s12s dont like doing 135+ with the standard fuel pump and increased boost.

i suspect you have holed a piston or at the least blown the head gasket.

chuck a 50 quid replacement engine in her.Put a wanted ad up

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