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Leos12 23-10-2006 18:34

s12 bodykits , piston and rods
hi all

does anyone know of any campanies that sell bodykits for the s12?

also is there any tuners out there that make aftermarket pistons and rods for ca18et engine!!

i may go down this road instead of doing the det conversion!!


s13eater 23-10-2006 18:44

je do forged pistons, silviagod does a few kits for them, my engine will be up for sale soon, its got forged pistons, head work, piper cam, 200sx rods, and lots more.it can be seen running first and a power graph.

Leos12 23-10-2006 20:12

let me m8!! so i can come down and have a look!! why are you using 200sx rods!! and are the je pistons based on the det ones?


30psi 23-10-2006 22:09

Yes they are the same as the S13 pistons. The S13 rods are thicker.

sideways danny 24-10-2006 01:11

you can use CA18DET pistons for an s13 from a lot of companies, JE, Wiseco ACL, CP, Arias, Tomei, all list them. S13 rods are stronger and need to be used if you use s13 pistons as the gudgeon pin is 1mm different

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