Dr Silvia |
31-10-2006 23:33 |
Originally Posted by 30psi
I know police forces can be useless at times, but pushing them in a lake is a bit crap, considering it is there job.
Oh, there is a copper on this forum but I'm not going to name him...
I'm sure he'll find it hilarious.
saying 'its just their job is like saying that the german officers of wwII are innocent of their crimes because 'it was their job''
excellent! if the protagonist of this video would make himself known to me i'd buy him a pint.
i got pulled over by the filth today, all for a dirty number plate:rolleyes: the most ironic thing is the copper driving nearly ran a mother in her people carrier off the road in the process of trying to follow me as i calmly drove down an otherwise empty dual carriageway:D and these are supposed to be 'advanced drivers'
if the police would actually spend some time going after thieves and murderers,old incompetent drivers, paedo's etc rather than persecuting someone for smoking the wrong plant or enjoying music at the 'wrong' volume then i might be tempted to fight their corner. but until then they deserve everything they get.
A lot of the laws in this country were created because of intolerant fools, and with the current powers that be things arent going to change for a loong time.
another example - the loud fireworks law they passed/tried to pass, that was a sham, they're gradually phasing in the big brother society we all used to freak out about. no-one notices the changes cos they're being made slowly, and the result?? we're all going to end up in our own personal hell because someone doesnt like something about the way we each choose to live and it'll be too late to do anything about it, because the herded population will be blinkered into thinking its right, impressionable saps that they are.
ramble over, vive la revolution!!