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duncan 27-12-2005 16:49

better late than never
took a while to find everyone but i back again. only met martin since jae. how is everyone anyway? the cars have come on as i can see so i must get my finger out. turned up the boost yesterday and having fun keeping it in a straight line since. it revs a lot smoother too. i have an inter cooler waiting to be fitted along witha t25 and full ss exhaust. looking forward to seeing everyone again soon:D

Dr Silvia 27-12-2005 18:24

Hi Buddy good to see you back:) I've been keeping the neighbours under control and obliterating christmas from memory in between re-attatching boost hoses:D hope you an the missus are ok:cool:

PukkaSilvia 27-12-2005 18:26

Welcome back mate. Hope you had a good christmas.

adzs12 29-12-2005 16:23

Hi mate wondered when you would be back:D

When are you visiting again??

duncan 29-12-2005 20:25

we all great after the christmas. enjoying the break from work and finally getting a few things done. olivia has an s13 now so there's a bit of competition around. she says hello to all too. do you still have the white silvia dougal? any complaints from der furer? hope ye all surviving the snow over there at the min. must be fun on the b roads! finally got a laptop so with wireless internet so i'll be able to check in more often now. must take a trip over again sometime soon. starting to miss the roads and optimax:D :rolleyes:

PukkaSilvia 29-12-2005 23:23

optimax is getting slightly rare at the moment (well i think so :trout ) seems the oil refinery has caused a few shortages....Although there is a few garages with it.

FLEXXX 30-12-2005 15:48

hello mate hows things across the waters hope all is well good to see you back on the site

Dr Silvia 31-12-2005 15:33

Sadly the white silvia went to become a giant's paperweight, but since then Adolf seems to have kept himself amused with other matters. Perhaps he has moles he has to persecute or maybe he's moved on the goldfish? Dunno, but as long as he leaves me be i dont mind:D

As for the snow, that was a flop.. two days of 1/4" of it if that.. still made it slippery in places tho, so it wasnt all bad;)

Have you had a look in the events section?? It'd be great if you could make it :)

PS. When you do visit, bring Guinness:D its not the same over here:(

duncan 05-01-2006 22:03

good to hear from you again flexx:) you still the life and soul of the party?:D how did trax go for you by the way? i'll bring some of the black stuff for you so dougal. hopefully i will be over for the feature. if the other car is ready i might bring that too. building a mk1 silvia as a drift/trackday car. a long way to go on it yet though. i'm toying with the idea of a det swap. is it worth it? olivias s13 has a lot more torque and it only has hybrid t28 volvo 'cooler and 3" stainless system on it. open to opinions

PukkaSilvia 06-01-2006 00:44

There very similar engines. I wouldn't bother unless i was going to go for big power. (m.o)

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