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nots13 02-11-2006 14:15

you know you want it!!!!!!!!
:plug c'mon somebody must want one of my funky r/c cars. ignore the prices i was being an optomistic cretin!:rolleyes: c'mon make me an offer on them. think about it you can tell poeple your car will get to 60 in less than 2 seconds!

30psi 02-11-2006 15:09

I'll swap you for some of the stuff I have up for sale :p

nots13 02-11-2006 15:17

depends on which stuff mate? they're worth more than a 10 quid bag of spares..lol:D got any body bits ie spoiler or anything. or an intercooler maybe?:rolleyes:

30psi 02-11-2006 15:28

Just see my recent for sale threads. My comment was tongue in cheek anyway, I doubt you'll find anything matching in value.

nots13 02-11-2006 15:46

in the words of andy pipkin....YEAH I KNOW:D

nots13 02-11-2006 15:49

ill swap you the mental nitro one for that accelorometer whatsit if you still have it?:D

30psi 02-11-2006 15:50

I do still have it yeah...

nots13 02-11-2006 15:53

awsome, we should try and fit to the r'c car and see wot it does!!:D

30psi 02-11-2006 15:57

Lol thats a good idea. It could show any acceleration times, deceleration times and cornering g forces too. Which I'm sure will appear pretty amazing

nots13 03-11-2006 08:18

when i raced it last time i lapped a 167 metre go-kart track in 19 seconds and its average speed( they use timing gear that locks on to a transponder in the car) at 55.8 mph! believe it or not the electric one can corner and accelorate faster cos a, its lighter and b, it has no centrifugal clutch to engage before it can move. its instant.:D i;m gonna try and tget a video of it up so you can see just how mental it really is.!!

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