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Dr Silvia 28-12-2005 18:15

Looking for reassurance
Last week i set my ingnition timing to 17.5 deg. btdc and all seemed well,
but I noticed that on acceleration it appears to advance itself wildly, having not read anythiong about this in the s12 bible im feeling paranoid...

Is this normal or is something wrong?:confused:

30psi 28-12-2005 18:33

What do you mean its advancing itself? Do you mean whilst actually giving the car a blast, or just increasing the revs.

Its normal for the timing to advance with revs to about a max of 35 degs

Dr Silvia 28-12-2005 19:11

Thank you martin :) I meant while revving it at stand still:D

Ive heard of that before but never knew s12's did it too

Cheers again

30psi 28-12-2005 19:18


Where this s12 bible anyway?

Dr Silvia 28-12-2005 23:31

In the drawer underneath my bed:D

umpkin 30-12-2005 22:06

if i remember correctly from one of martins other posts on forums, the Throttle pos switch advances the timming to 35 deg, so on tickover you have 17deg the slight touch of the throttle it goes to 35deg.

correct me if im wrong :D

im also still looking for an s12 "bible" on CD if anyone that has one wants to copy it for me :D ta

i just got one for my stepdads terrano, its fooking brill!!!!!

30psi 30-12-2005 22:11

I think the S12 bible that Dr Silvia is referring to is a wank mag lol...

I've got the service manual but you cant get it on CD.

When the TPS is opened it advances the timing by about 8 degs. As the load is increased, and so is the RPM, the timing will be advanced to around a max of 35degs

Dr Silvia 31-12-2005 00:20

lol yes a rare edition of mayfair with some girl draped over an s12:rolleyes: but dont worry, i could never take your spot as club perv:trout
was ofcourse referring to the service manual, making no mention of timing changes outside of idle speed:1la 35 deg seems about right cheers :)

RichardK 31-12-2005 12:50


Originally Posted by Dr Silvia
some girl draped over an s12

scan the pic and post it up on here dude :D

Dr Silvia 31-12-2005 13:49

U've spent too long at Heathrow Rich:rolleyes:

Besides the point i don't have a scanner

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