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s13eater 28-12-2005 18:42

top speed
what is the s12 geared for and will the s13 diff alter the gearing, what would mine be capable of at 6800rpm with 340bhp on 225/45/17's,come on martin this ones for you, serious answers though people.

30psi 28-12-2005 18:54

The S13 diff doesn't alter the gearing.

Providing an engine can pull to 6.8k in 5th with 225/45/17's the top speed will be:

s13eater 28-12-2005 18:58

what have you had yours to in fith martin rpm.

30psi 28-12-2005 19:23

I haven't tried taking it past 6000rpm, which is about 147mph in my car.

I let Adam have ago, and I'm sure the pisstaking bastard took it past 6, I had to tell him to let off.

s13eater 28-12-2005 20:51

i know that ken did a 137mph at elvington, not sure of his bhp at the time, he got about 2mph more than alan spensley who has a rb25 with exhaust and filter, i just wanted to give it a run before i take the engine out for good.:)

30psi 28-12-2005 20:56

To get to the top speed of a car it prob takes a minute to build up its last 10mph.

Thats quite a distance, so i imagine he didnt hit top speed

rob turbo 29-12-2005 00:30

how do you work that top end of 172 mph out...???

intresting to see what a s13 lump pushing 350bhp + 50 (75 poss) shot of nos will achive, standard gear box & diff (uprated clutch & lighten fly)...


rob turbo 29-12-2005 00:31

o, and it pull 7.2k in 5th & has 2154017's on the rear...:D

adzs12 29-12-2005 04:02


Originally Posted by 30psi
I haven't tried taking it past 6000rpm, which is about 147mph in my car.

I let Adam have ago, and I'm sure the pisstaking bastard took it past 6, I had to tell him to let off.

:confused: Did you??? i remember taking it to 5 and you said you gota take it further than that. You always said to me i have to take mine to 6 atleast:trout

30psi 29-12-2005 04:37

:confused: I'm talking about you driving it in 5th gear numpty:trout, when you drove it you took it just past 6k in 5th. In any other gear it has to be taken to 6.5k without a doubt (and you did). It leans off after 6, thats why I got ya to let off.:p

172mph was worked out using the gear ratios etc.

7.2k on 215/40/17 would be 174mph providing it could pull to that rpm in 5th.

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