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Excite 10-11-2006 23:09

I Need Ya Help Ppl
Now...where i live seems to be hard work getting hold of parts for my s12...

one shop laughed at me and the other sold me parts which took 2 days for me to collect.

Basically i would like to know where to get hold of the right parts like plugs, leads, dizzy cap and rotary arm.

the cap i got looked pretty much the same but the rotary arm would not fit over the shaft so i used the old one, it started but did not sound right at all. i took the distributor out and had a closer look then put it back.....NOW THE CAR WONT START AT ALL. old cap was/is shagged so i cant use.

i need to buy the right parts and start again,



adzs12 11-11-2006 01:21

Theres no thumb or rule really where to source parts from really except when i and others have needed parts such as what your after other than just ringing around local motor factors or failing that at worse the dreaded expensive nissan. All i can suggest is to make note of the motor factors who do stock or can get the parts you need for the future.

As for your car not starting now if im right in reading what you have written you completely removed the distributor from the head?

If this is what youve done then it wont start coz youve put it back in wrong and now its out of time, i could be wrong here so i hope someone will correct me if im wrong as i only had to do this once and it was ages ago so my memory is dim on this but im afraid youve got to remove the rocker cover and turn the engine over by hand until cylinder one is at tdc " this can be done by removing no 1 spark plug and sticking a piece of wire or something of this type down the spark plug hole till u feel it touch the top of the piston, then turn the engine over by putting (a 14mm socket) on the cam pulley bolt until the wire or whatever you use rises up to its highest point.Tdc on the camshaft pulley should now line up at some point during the turning process with the white marking on your cambelt.

Then just on the small section before the teeth end of the distributor you will see 3 small indentations ( one is slightly different to the other 2 ) line up the the odd one out up with the small spline marking you will see on the dizzy shaft itself.Then im sure theres a small dot marking on the head where you insert the dizzy for which you need to line these up. Then turn the shaft one tooth to the right of the marking ( 5 degrees i think it is ) then slide it back in being carefull not to catch it on anything when inserting it as this will knock it out of time again.

It is a bit fiddley and you will have to wiggle it slightly to get it back in, but this is the general idea of what you need to do and im sure someone will polish this solution up or make it clearer if ive just confused the hell out of you as i feel im talking jiberish at 1:30am:)

umpkin 11-11-2006 06:09


these seem to stock a fair amount of parts for the s12, prices dont seem bad either, but i havnt got anything off them yet, but do intend to in the future.

Excite 11-11-2006 19:12

sorted...had to do pretty much what was said by adz and now car is sweet as.

it was 180 degrees out....whoops

cool..... cheers guys...nice one

adzs12 11-11-2006 19:14


Originally Posted by Excite
sorted...had to do pretty much what was said by adz and now car is sweet as.

it was 180 degrees out....whoops

cool..... cheers guys...nice one

Excellent my memory is triumphant:D

s13eater 11-11-2006 19:26

fine man adzs.;)

adzs12 11-11-2006 20:29


Originally Posted by s13eater
fine man adzs.;)

Thank you kind sir:D

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