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mr2sc89 21-11-2006 23:20

followers in a ca18det (help)
hello, does any body know that if the hydraulic followers under the cams should be spaced or set up? the follower seems to have no move ment?
the valves have been re ground, i have replaced the stem oil seals a recond the head and ported and polished it, but the valves dont seem to close properly when i turn the cam over, this is present on all valvs? i seems as if the all followers are seezed. the reason i did all this to the head was because in original condition at 3000 rpm plus there was a rattle from the inlet valve on the first cylinder? has anybody come across this before? any help is appreciated. thanks:)

sideways danny 22-11-2006 16:50

they are hydraulic, there isn't any adjustment. you should really get them cleaned out, there's a lot of crap gets built up inside them

JackieFan 22-11-2006 17:00

I thought we had mechanical lifters in the CA18ET? (would explain why they were solid :confused: )

Have you checked that none of the bolts that hold the rockers in have been pulled out of the head, it seems to be a common problem on the 8v?

EDIT - http://www.nissansilvia.co.uk/vbb/showthread.php?t=1032 Might help

30psi 22-11-2006 17:10

Yeah but this bloke has the DET

JackieFan 22-11-2006 17:16

I'm acctually a total moron!!! I can't seem read or write today, it about the 4th post I've shoved on a forum that's totally useless in the last 24hrs!! Sorry all :o

........does this make 5 BTW :trout

adzs12 22-11-2006 17:37


Originally Posted by JackieFan
I'm acctually a total moron!!! I can't seem read or write today, it about the 4th post I've shoved on a forum that's totally useless in the last 24hrs!! Sorry all :o

........does this make 5 BTW :trout

Lol yes no5 gets a double trout :trout :trout ;)

northerner 22-11-2006 17:54

Engine rebuilders have a tool which squeezes them to force out the old oil. They then need cleaning and filled up with new oil prior to fitting them. The tool is like a pressure piston with a handle. They are probably full of oil ATM!

mr2sc89 22-11-2006 22:41

thanks for the help, that makes alot more sense! now i can get down to it and hopfuly get her back on the road by the weekend! just fitted a half cage today aswell, looks sweet! :D :sderfd gona have me sum fun.

sideways danny 23-11-2006 13:01


Originally Posted by northerner
Engine rebuilders have a tool which squeezes them to force out the old oil. They then need cleaning and filled up with new oil prior to fitting them. The tool is like a pressure piston with a handle. They are probably full of oil ATM!

not technically right. I've used the equipment to do it. oil is pumped into the lifter to pop the piston out then the internals are cleaned and the lifter re-assembled.

I've stripped them when they've been compressed before, most of the time it breaks or bends the internal spring, it's the wrong way to do it.

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