S12OC UK Forum

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Excite 27-11-2006 17:10

ok...im getting my car stickered up for drift days as i am advertising the team i am in. these stickers are sorted its other de-cals i cant seem to settle on

does any one have any suggestions on how as i am sort of there but need a little help.


FLEXXX 28-11-2006 14:54

well it would be rude lol not to have the s12oc mentioned on the car somewhere as it will build up some response to the site and the s12 silvia

FLEXXX 28-11-2006 14:54

well it would be rude lol not to have the s12oc mentioned on the car somewhere as it will build up some response to the site and the s12 silvia

Excite 29-11-2006 09:04

oh dont worry that WILL be on the car...trust me

JackieFan 29-11-2006 09:16

I thought you brought the two tone one from Brighton?

A Mate I used to race with took his car to a Collage, they designed the paint job, then they sprayed the car for him and charged him about £100. The only condition was that they could advertise the Collage on the car!!

Might be worth trying... the worst they could say is no!

Excite 29-11-2006 14:57

yeah i did buy the 2 tone one from brighton...i just havent got a big photo of it so i found this one on the net...lol

JackieFan 29-11-2006 16:30

Then it all became clear. You got any designs you could post up?

Excite 29-11-2006 19:06

well, im having the name of our team on it, www.s12oc.com on it, and that is as far as i have got.

i was hoping someone would photo crop it with some fancy design

come on guys help, i got until sunday

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